by Jane Crandal
Pony Pals
over a year I've been working to put together an online pony riding
I teach horseback riding, so I know about that part and I did
go to college. College is good because it teaches students how
to learn about new things. That has helped me to find out all
the things that I need to do to build this interactive online
riding experience.
All of you who answered the Wiggins Weekly surveys and all the
game testers have really helped. Learning what Club Pony Pals
members want is important.
Just like building a house, there are a lot of parts to a game.
Each piece gets put together and then those pieces get connected
to make a game work.
This week Jenkat, the game company that is building the game for
me started doing programming of the pony chooser, where players
can name and choose what their pony will look like.
riding part of the game is also partly built. Players will be
able to pick what color pony they want to ride. This is the white
pony, I think it looks a lot like Snow White.
of the other ponies are really cute, too.
When you ride up to my online barn Lightning is looking out the

Warren of Shadowhorse studios
did this portrait of Lightning for the barn's window.
Please - everyone should sign up to be a tester for the game,
you will be able to try it out first and help us make it better.
Thanks for reading!