Hi! Me and Samson are doing great! I've been doing ground
work with him. I taught him to weave in and out of buckets!
I'm going to teach him how to lunge. Can you help me?
Everytime I try he thinks I'm just leading him. LOL (lot's
of love)
Pony Pal Sarah
Ground work with Samson sounds really good. The more you
can do with him on the ground, the better he will eventually
be under saddle. Samson is so lucky to have you to care
for him and help train him. I told Mrs. Crandal about
your letter and she asked if you found a trainer yet?
They could help you learn to lunge Samson. And how is
your Mom doing?
Pony Pals,

I have a white pony too. My name is Delaney. My pony's
name is Blondie I have short hair too. How is your dad
how is Anna and Pam? I wish I had a barn my pony stays
at my trainers barn. what are you doing on Wednesday?
give snow white a kiss for me. Does snow White like hay
cubes? Blondie loves to eat them! it’s a favorite
treat after we are done riding.
Please write back!
Love, Delaney
Dear Pony
Pal Delaney
Blondie is so cute. She does look a little like Snow White.
Snow White eats hay and oats mostly. Here we don't feed
hay cubes as much.
Having your pony at your house is fun, but it is work,
too. We have to clean up the paddock and feed our ponies
twice a day, every day, even in winter or when its raining
On Wednesday Pam, Anna and I all went for a long trail
ride to our secret hideout. We tied up our ponies, then
we took a leafy branch and swept out all the leaves and
Then we took out a waterproof tarp, spread it out and
sat down and ate sandwiches, drank juice and talked about
what we want to do before the end of the summer. It was
really fun.
I kissed Snow White right behind her left ear, and told
her it was from you. Thanks for writing,

I know you hate having your grandma do your hair, but
one good thing about having your grandmother as a barber
you don't have to pay to get your hair cut.
Sincerely, Cayce
Dear Pony
Pal Cayce,
Having a grandma who does hair means that I don't have
to pay but also I have to wait until she has time. My
hair is pretty long right now, I want to have it cut shorter
so it gets out of my eyes and off my shoulders. Grandma
promises she will give me a new haircut before school
starts. She is still really busy from the Florida story.
I guess her customers want her to stay here so they are
all making sure she has lots of work!
Pony Pals,
How's Snow White doing? She sounds like such a smart pony
and she must be a joy to ride! You're soooo lucky to have
a pony!!! I wish I had a pony.
How do you like it in Wiggins? It must be very interesting
to live around so many horses and ponys.
Dear Pony Pal Jeanne
Thanks for writing! Yes it is really fun to have Snow
White and she is very smart. Lately when I want to clean
her feet I just have to say the word "foot"
and she picks it up for me.
Wiggins is fun mostly. I don't like the mall much, it’s
a long drive and then there's too many people there. I
like being outside and most stuff we want for ponies is
sold right here in town at Kline's, Green Market or Folgers
It is great to be able to ride around town and visit all
of our friends. Everyone is happy to see us and most people
want to know what we're up to and how we're doing. Riding
is a great way to meet your neighbors.
Mrs. Crandal says to sign up as a tester for the game
and pretty soon you'll be able to have your own online
pony. Then we can ride together in the game.
Your Pony Pal,
