Now that we are finishing things up with the art for the Pony Pals
online game I wanted to share with you the wonderful pony I had met
while creating the images for your assignment! I had sent you an image
of an American Shetland named Wingo! I drove out to the farm he was
located at prior to the start of the concept art to get some pictures
for reference materials. He was such a sweetheart and he really opened
the doors for me in terms of what a pony’s personality truly
is like!
He became my inspiration for creating the pony art for the Pony Pals
online game assignment. I have spent my whole life working with horses
and creating a plethora of horse themed artwork but never really had
an assignment where I was asked to create ponies! I really had to
get to know my subject when doing this project and I did meet many
ponies as I searched for the perfect reference materials! I never
really noticed how different ponies can be from their larger counterparts
especially personality wise!
I wanted to show you some pictures I took of Wingo that day I met
him. Perhaps you could even put them in Wiggins Weekly if you wanted

is such a cutie with a heartwarming story! He was a rescue and his
new owner found him in West Virginia about a week before I met him.
He was grossly underweight and neglected but one look into his deep
brown eyes was all his new owner had to do to be convinced to take
him home! You can tell from the pictures still has a lot more weight
to put on but by the end of fall he is going to look great!
He really showed me his pony personality and though he was the smallest
equine member at the farm he was the boss man when it came to the
herd dynamics. All the horses respected him and obeyed him! It was
the funniest thing to watch. I think I took over 100 pictures of him.
My husband was the one who got to have all the fun with Wingo while
I was taking the pictures, he even inquired about getting his “own
little pony”!
I really want to thank you for asking me to do the pony art! I always
jump at any illustration work where I can get to work with my favorite
subject matter!
Thanks again
Lyndsey Warren
"In the
forelocks of horses are entwined success, rewards, and bounty until
the end of the world" Shadow Horse Studios