Francis Animal Shelter News
Pet Adoption Event Announced for Fall Fest

dog was adopted from last year's Fall Festival.
Next weekend's Wiggins Fall Festival will offer a pet adoption
fair, contests and dog shows, including agility and costume categories.
From Best Dog and Best Cat to Cutest and Best Costume, all entry
fees are five dollars per animal.
"All year we try to find homes for pets," Fred Jones
of the St. Francis Animal Shelter said. "We have almost twenty
dogs and cats that need homes now. We hope that people will support
our shelter by entering contests, and consider adopting a pet."
All funds raised will go to support the St. Francis Animal Shelter
animal rescue programs.
The Pony Pals, a local girls riding club, will also offer pony
rides for kids during the event. There will be pumpkins for sale
and Nelson's Farm will offer horse drawn wagon rides.
This annual festival will run from 10 to 4 on the Wiggins Town
Green. Admission is free.

from Nelson's Farm will be available
at this year's Wiggins Fall