Dear Asha
Acorn is
cute. But he can be a pain when he wants. He ran away twice
this week when I went to catch him. I got an apple. Then he
came to me and I caught him.
I gave him
a kiss from you. He was glad. Then he asked for another apple.

Dear Samantha
Here's one.

I made this
rider about to fall off.
Acorn is
good. Except when he runs away when I want to catch him. Then
I need an apple to make him come to me.
We are fixing
things for the Fall Festival. All our saddles and bridles
are clean.
I gave Acorn
some extra oats from you. He liked that. When I hugged and
kissed him he was fuzzy and soft. He smells good. It was nice.
Anna! How's Acorn? I found a animation that looks like
the Dun Shetland.

How are you doing in school? How is your family? How's
Snow White? What are you thinking about dressing up for
Halloween? Have a good week! Summer
Dear Summer
Your drawing
looks like Acorn. I like it.
is ok. My tutor helps. My mom is good. The diner is not
too busy. My dad is cutting wood for winter.
Snow White
is good. Lulu helps.
This Halloween
I want to be a Shetland Island Princess. My mom and I are
going to make a costume. There are lots of sheep there.
I will have lots of knitted things. I will be warm riding
Acorn, my Shetland Island pony. 8-)
Your friend,

Using Apple slices for Fractions is a good idea. Glad
Fractions went better. Once my teacher let us make S'Morse
as a visual aid for Fractions. Right now we're in Chapter
8 in English and we have to write our next paper soon.
Our first paper was about an event that changed our lives,
and I wrote about Dad's death.
The abscess in Cimmaron's hoof sealed over. He was feeling
better, but now his hoof's hurting again. Will you please
ask Pam if she'll ask her dad how an abscess can seal
over if it's in a horse's hoof?
Friends, Cayce
Dear Cayce
S'Morse sound good. I will ask my tutor.
I asked
Pam. She said she would ask her dad.
What is
your next paper about?

qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
Dear Joseph
My tutor
looked up the saying. It means "Therefore he who desires
peace, let him prepare for war."
Are you
getting ready for a fight?
Maybe a
Pony Pal Plan would work better.
Pony Pals,