Dear Samantha
Your swimming game sounds fun! I like swimming too!
I played
soccer before, you have to not touch the ball with your hands.
Is that how your swimming game is?
We are getting
ready for next week's Fall Festival. I bought some blue yarn
that matches our vests, we are going to start braiding manes
and tails on Friday night. Mrs. Crandal said we can keep our
ponies in her barn overnight so they stay clean. Then we will
take Pony Pal trail down to the park on Saturday morning to
set up the pony ride.
Wish you
were here, this past weekend we spent all day cleaning saddles
and bridles and by the time we got done it was late and we
almost didn't get to ride.
Snow White
is great. She sometimes gets a little sore on her leg that
got hurt in the wire. That only happens when it is cold. If
I walk her or ride her she gets better.

Dear Summer
Anna is
good. She is really studying this year. Acorn misses long
rides with her. We get to ride Wednesdays when Anna's tutor
isn't there.
is great. Dad is good, he emailed me a picture of his new
camp. It is really buggy, he said. He promises to take care
until he comes visit at Christmas.
Next time
your mom gets mad, give her a big hug. Even an angry mom is
better than no mom. You can tell her I said that after you
hug her. Maybe then she won't be angry.
I want to
be an Indian Princess for Halloween. Grandma said she has
a costume that is a real old Indian dress from when she was
a young girl. She showed it to me and it is leather and has
beads. It is really pretty. She promised to braid my hair
into long braids with hair extensions.
What are
you going to be for Halloween?
