to Pam
Charlie is a bay horse. How is Lightning? Tell her I said hi.
Please write back. Love Alyssa
Dear Alyssa
So glad you got
a pony. Feed him a cookie and brush him an extra time for me. Your
thank you so much for the food it looks great.i cant wait to eat
it.i have a dog like yours lol its name is max from ponypal
Dear Amy
Glad you liked the
recipe. Max is a great name for a dog.
Is he always "at the max?" Woolie can be maxxed out sometimes
with the twins. I never know who will tire out first -- Jack, Jill
or Woolie. Thanks for writing.
Pony Pals,
Pam it's Ellie. Verena and I don't have our own ponies so we can't
ride together. She even rides at a hole different barn than I ride
at. We've watched each other ride, but we haven't rode together.
What should we do. your friend Ellie.
Dear Ellie
If there is a teacher, someone like my mom, who gives lessons at your
different barns, maybe when Verena is at your barn, your teacher can
watch Verena ride on the pony you ride. If the teacher likes the way
Verena rides, then maybe Verena can ride another pony and you ride
your usual pony while you both are there. That's if your parent or
Verena's parents can get her to where you ride, when you ride. Then
you could ride around, maybe just in a paddock or an arena but at
least together. I don't think there is anything finer than just ambling
along on ponies, talking with my friends Anna or Lulu. Let me know
if this Pony Pal plan works for you.
Pony Pals,

Yup! Guy Fawkes was great!
We dont burn a scare crow type thing,
but we do, do fire works!! They were
fantastic to watch, and they made heaps
of colours in the sky! Our cats were scared though!!
Hae, ah GREAT news!! My friend Christine and I
going to Tauranga to visit our friend Naomi!!
Its going to be heaps of fun!! We are going to go camping
on a mountain and do things like riding and swimming!!
I cant wait!!
Guess God did make it work after all?
Dear Pony Pal Jen
Wow, place names
like "Tauranga" sound real cool and exotic. Is the mountain
where you are going to camp like Mt. Morris? Is it a park? What kinds
of ponies or horses do you plan to ride? Swimming? Oh, that's right,
its summer where you are! It is starting to snow here.
Please write more
and tell us about your adventure,
I had a great party. I got a breyer horse of Rags To Riches. She
was the filly that won the Belmont Stakes last year. Did you know
it has been 102 years since a filly won the Belmont. I also got
a Ruffian breyer. The bad side to my party was Rocky had a fall
in the arena. I told you it was muddy last week, well now there's
hardly anything but mud and puddles. Rocky jumped over the jump
and then slid in some mud and fell. Luckily he didn't break anything
but I'm still a little nervous he might have hurt himself. So I'm
gonna lay off galloping him full speed for awhile. At this point
I might just put him into winter break. Our track is clear though
so maybe we can still run a little. Rocky's website is getting bigger
and more people our visiting. (http://rockytheracehorseandfriends.weebly.com/)
got a new halter. It's very bright. My mom says hunting seasons
starting soon and we don't want him mistaken for a deer. I heard
that some hunters who were illegally hunting at night saw something
and shot it. When they went to take whatever they shot it turns
out they shot somebody's horse. So they made a run for it. Hope
nothing like that happens to Rocky. I almost forgot. I am ALSO getting
a cd of the music to the fireworks over the magic kingdom at Disney
world. I told Rocky hi. He said he was hungry. Give Lightning a
hug and a cookie for me.
Ur Number 1 Fan,
Dear Pony Pal Gabby
Your party sounds
pretty cool. And Rocky sounds frisky. Sometimes boys in Wiggins brag
about how fast they can go on dirt bikes or ATV's. So, then I ask
them if they want to try a full speed gallop on a horse. No takers
so far. I think it's a great idea to keep horses and ponies close
to home during hunting season. Ranger Jack Stranton at the Mt. Morris
station is always extra alert during hunting season. He makes sure
nobody goes anywhere they are not supposed to go. He also checks that
hunters have the right permits and have taken safety training. I will
hug Lightning. Send us a photo of Rocky's bright halter!

Please tell your dad that I said thanks for the advice. Cimmaron's
feeling better. He's walking up to the gate again to greet us and
he's not limping any more. It doesn't snow where I live. We're lucky
if it does snow. It snowed a little bit in January, but the snow
didn't stick to the ground. Sorry for bugging your dad about horse
medical problems so much. Please give your parents, Jack, Jill,
Lightning, and Woolie a hug for me. Friends,
Dear Pony Pal Cayce
I'm so glad to hear Cimmaron's improved. My dad really likes to see
his patients improve. We get way more snow up here in New England.
Have you ever thought about studying to become a vet? There is a shortage
of large animal vets in America. In Denmark and Germany, most large
animal veterinarians are women! And OK, hugs all around for my family.
Woolie sez "woof."

I love reading your books. The first book I read was what's wrong
with my pony . Does Lightning get better from lyme disease. I go
to riding lessons. The horse I ride is Little Bit. Little bit looks
just like Lightning.
Dear Pony Pal Abbi
Thanks for writing. Lightning is OK now. Do you remember how that
book ends? How many Pony Pals books have you read? Little Bit sounds
like a nice horse. Have you tried the new game? Please give Little
Bit a hug for me. Let me know about your adventures!