to Pam
Your Halloween and costumes sounded so cool!
Halloween isn’t a big thing where I
live so we didn’t go trick or treating.
We did get lollies though from Mum and Dad!
It’s Guy Fawkes tonight! Me and my best friend
Christine are going to a church to watch fire works,
I love to watch them!!.
My other best friend, Naomi lives in the North Island,
Christine and I live in the South. She moved there at
the start of the year. We miss her very much and
could be going to visit her in January.
Pray that we can!
Dear Jen
Fireworks shows are so fun! I never heard of Guy Fawkes Day but Lulu
remembered it from when she lived in England. She even told me a nursery
rhyme about it.
remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I can think of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent
To blow up the King and Parli'ment.
Three-score barrels of powder below
To prove old England's overthrow;
By God's providence he was catch'd
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!
It was so funny to hear Lulu. The way she said the poem was with an
English accent!
Anna wanted to know
what that poem meant.
Lulu said that on
November 5th, 1605 a bunch of people who did not want their government
to survive in London tried to blow up the House of Parliament with
a two tons of gunpowder. A man named Guy Fawkes was caught.
To celebrate, in
1606 November 5th became a public holiday. 402 years later, British
people all over the world still celebrate Guy Fawkes with bonfires
and fireworks.
Did you burn a “guy”
on a bonfire?
Pony Pals,
yea being sick is no fun. Wiggins sounds like a cool place to live
in i wish i lived there. do you think that you will stay in Wiggins
your whole life? And at school we are doing this thing and ii need
to found stuff about USA so i thought i could ask you and your pony
1.can you please tell me how to make some food from USA.
um i don’t know more sorry. on Thursday i'm going to go to
Invercargill to sing yay. wat u been doing? from pony pal
amy g
Dear Amy
Wiggins is fun. I like it here.
I don’t cook that much yet. I asked my mom. She gave me her
chili recipe. Chili came from the southwest of the United States.
Mom says this is how she makes it for us at home. It’s not too
spicy, Jack and Jill don’t like hot stuff.
style 4-bean chili
2 cans light red kidney beans
2 cans dark red kidney beans
2 cans lima beans or pinto beans
2 cans black beans (drained and rinsed)
1 jar spaghetti sauce
1 lb ground beef (or pork, or turkey, or whatever)
1 chopped onion (optional)
chili powder (that’s ground cumin mixed with ground cayenne
pepper, and ground oregano)
Brown the meat,
drain off any extra fat, add chopped onion, season with chili powder
(1 Tbsp / lb). Mix all 8 cans of beans and the jar of spaghetti
sauce in a crock pot slow cooker, or other container stout enough
for the job. Add browned meat/onions, add
more chili powder, leave on low heat for a few hours to burble.
This is usually better refrigerated overnight after cooking and
reheated the second day. Serve topped with grated cheese and chopped
green onions, with saltine crackers on the side.
My mom says this is pretty traditional American food. We eat it all
the time.

I have been riding Rocky lots lately. I found a field perfect for
a Racetrack. It's a turf track. I will try to get a picture for
you. The best part about it is it's right next to the creek so Rocky
can get a drink and cool down. My birthday is on Friday. Nov. 7.
On Saturday some of my friends are coming to sleep over. Did you
have a good Halloween? I got a cold and so I didn't get to go to
a lot of houses. Now that I'm getting older I look silly dressing
… Anyways, Rocky has been galloping on his track. We had some
snow which melted and flooded his paddock so we've been on the track
lately. I saw a shadow of us galloping the other day. Rocky needs
to lengthen his stride up. He has speed but it looks like he's cantering
really fast. I gave him a hug for you. He said he wants to meet
you and Lightning. I would too. I'm gonna go ride Rocky now. Give
Lighting a hug and a cookie now. Also if you have any questions
about horse racing just ask. I think I know ALMOST everything.
Ur number 1 fan,
P.S. I live in S. Valley so when it floods the water gets really
high sometimes.
Dear Gabby
Your sleepover sounds
really fun! I hope you have a great time!
We didn’t
go to a lot of houses when we rode around in our costumes on Halloween.
It was more just visiting friends and having fun.
Riding in your track
sounds great. Rocky must be doing better if he can run and canter
for you.
I wish we could
ride together, too. Tell Rocky that Lightning said “hi”
and give him a hug for me.
Dear Pam,
Me too. I've been taking Day medicine, Night medicine, and Cherry
Cough Drops. I also had Chicken Noodle Soup. Your mom gives well
advice. Thanks for the info about low feed buckets. Mom agreed that
we should try a low feed bucket. Do you know how to get rid of an
abscess in 24 hours? Aunt Loretta really loves Cimmaron, and she'd
be crushed if anything happened to him. Friends, Cayce
Dear Cayce
My dad says that most times draining the abscess makes the horse sound
and the foot not sore right away. Then the hole that drained needs
to be kept open so the abscess can heal. Soaking the foot in Epsom
salts helps to draw out the infection.
If Cimmaron is still
lame, you might want to ask your local veterinarian to take a look
at him again. Without looking at the horse, there’s not much
more my dad can do to help.
Pony Pals,