Dear Ms. Betancourt,
I really like your books. They are great. I live in Germany and
it is difficult to buy them there but I still love your books.
Best regards,
Dear Isabella,
It must be interesting to live in Germany. Do you see many ponies
and horses there? I am sorry that you are having trouble finding
Pony Pal books in English. The Pony Pal books are published in Germany.
They have been translated into German and have new art. I love the
art they have done for the books. Let me know if you have seen these
German editions. If you don't know German, do you have friends who
do? I am curious about your life in Germany,
Happy reading,

Dear Pony
Pal Isabella,
I think your mail program does not like getting emails from;
I got a notice back that your email provider filtered out our email
as spam. I hope this one will get through to you.
When you log in and create a game account, you get an email back
right away. If you don't get an email back within a minute or two
of when you sign up on the game, you may need to contact your email
service provider and ask them to add as an accepted
email source for you. Sometimes just adding
to your email list will work.
PS Hier ist der Mann des Webmaster, Ich spreche Deutsch, alle meine
Verwandten wohnen in Deutschland! Als Ich ein kleines Kind war,
Hause gab alles immer auf Deutsch zwischen meine Mutti u. meine
Grossmutti, so habe Ich da sehr fruh Deutsch gelernt. Jetzt gib's
Uns nicht so viel tschanzen Deutsch zu horen.
Alle Besten aus
i'm amy g i live in NZ i have read most of your books they are
the best...i have always wished to she anna and lulu and pam i
really like there ponies...are they real people and were do they
live if they are are a great writer..ok talk to you
again so see you...
Dear Pony Pal Amy G.
Thanks for your letter! New Zealand looks beautiful, it is a long
ways away from Wiggins. Does it get cold where you are? Do you get
snow? It looks like you are close to Antarctica. Here at Club Pony
Pals it would be great to hear about your adventures. Write back!
WebMaster for
Jeanne Betancourt