I'll give Mom another hug for you. When Tommy called you
a pony pest that was rude. Tommy, Mike, and Rema are just
jealous because ya'll are better riders than them. If Tommy,
Mike, and Rema insult ya'll again just say, "Sticks
and Stones may break my bones, but words will never harm
me." I wish Dad could E-Mail me to. When your dad comes
home for Christmas please give him a hug for me and please
give Pam and Anna a hug for me.
Friends, Cayce
Dear Cayce
My dad sends
you a BIG HUG from his email. I told him you miss your dad.
He sent me a hug too. It's hard when your dad isn't around.
You are
right about words. They only sting, they don't hurt.
Pam and Anna
and I did a group hug. Then we did high five's.

I would like to sign up for the game, I love your ponies,
Especially your pony, Anyway I have all of your books and
I am about to buy more from my book order email me back
with the rest of your pony pals,
From: Horse Girl
Dear Horse
Snow White
says thanks. She's my favorite, too. Mrs.
Crandal said
she would sign you up for the game, I asked her.
See you
in Wiggins,

its amy g i emailed pam and anna to i really like your ponies
i don't have a pony but really want one i love the books you want to be like my best friend and maybe me
you lulu and anna and pam might be pony pals that would
be so cool...ok talk to you later...
Dear Amy
give up on getting a pony! Sometimes I think that I didn't
just find Snow White. She found me, too.
for telling us you like the books. Next time I talk to our
friend Jeanne I'll tell her what you said.
back and tell me about your adventures.

Hi! How are you? Is snow white doing good? I just read the
book "the lonely pony" where snow white gets sick
and anna is busy with a girl that owns a pony that kept
running away. Anna brought acorn with her so your pony was
very lonely and she got sick. (Pam was away at jumping camp
I think) I was glad when snow white got better and you and
anna wasnt mad anymore and you teamed up when Pam came home
to solve the problem with the pony that ran away. Then acorn
came back and snow white wasn't sad anymore.
I can relate to that book because we got rid of our cow
and my pony samson is lonely. ;( but we cant afford to get
another animal. We still have my dog and our chickens though,
so they keep him company too, when I'm gone. Someday I think
we're getting another cow. Sarah
Dear Sarah
being lonely sounds so sad! Did you get milk from your cow?
Up by lake Appamapog there is a dairy, they sometimes sell
cows that don't give enough milk for their dairy any more
but give plenty of milk for a family. Maybe you can get
a cow from a dairy like that.
One time
we went to a big racing stable with Mrs. Crandal and one
of the big thoroughbreds there had a pet goat. That goat
is like Billy in the book you wrote about. It made that
big thoroghbred horse less lonely.
I do know
ponies hate to live alone. Maybe you want to get a goat
that gives milk to be a friend for Samson. Goats are smaller
and don't eat as much as a cow. Their milk is good, too.
I want to get a goat but Grandma says a pony is enough.
for writing. Give Samson a big hug for me and a piece of
Your friend,
