Chelsea2's Service

w-mail Chelsea2 for more information |
I will write you any poem, just tell me what you want it about and a little info about it. Poems make a great gift for a friend- or a great heart warmer for yourself! Any topic appropraite of course. My prices are generally low!
"If you have that bond-The inseparable. The one that holds you to the ground instead of gravity. Always remember-Though that special one isnt still here, your heart holds some of their spirit, wherever you may go."
Dedicated to Pippy, but truly serves to anyone who shares the bond I did. ~Misspippy
Rules About Ordering:
- For a basic 4-5 line poem-10 W-bucks
- For a 5-8 line poem with a particular font-20 W-bucks
- For a poem as many lines as you prefer with a personalized font(color and type)-50 W-bucks
I think these are reasonable prices:)
Please wmail me if your interested or have any questions! *Do not enter these poems in the poem contest if I make you one!! That is taking credit for my idea and would be a rule vioalator for sure!*
Click to view my Poem Page
w-Mail Misspippy for more information
Famoushorse101 Art Service |
w-mail Famoushorse101 for more information |
Nyx's Drawing Service |
Do you want your beloved horse, dog, cat, or pet to be on your cabin wall? Well, that's what I can draw! Pretty pictures for low prices. |
My Services:
Pencil/Color Horse Head: 65 W-bucks
Pencil/Color Horse Body: 85 W-bucks
Pencil/Color Horse Herd: 120 W-bucks
Pencil/Color Foal: 30 W-bucks
(Foal automatically comes with its mother. If you do not want the mother then please tell me that if you order a Pencil/Color Foal.)
Pencil/Color Dog: 25 W-bucks each (if you want multiple dogs in picture)
Pencil/Color Cat: 20 W-bucks each (if you want multiple cats in picture)
Buildings: 50 W-bucks each
Name (normal font): 5 W-bucks per name
Extras: 5 W-bucks each
I also can draw deer, rabbits, mice, gerbils, snakes, lizards, and almost any house pet you can think of. Example of extras are trees, flowers, fences, birds, animals, etc. Flowers come by the dozen so for 12 flowers you only have to pay 5 W-bucks |
Example of my Drawing |
- If you purchase more than 3 extras in an order you get 1 free Pencil/Color Horse Head or Pencil/Color Dog (or cat)!
- If I have the supplies I might be able to draw a plaque for you depending on what you want for the picture. If you order a plaque (and I have the supplies) you will be charged 100 Wb for the making of it.
My Sevice Rules:
1. If you order a picture for your friend YOU pay.
2. If I have already started to color the picture and you back out of the deal you will still be charged.
3. You must have the Wb at the time you order.
4. No more than 5 cats or dogs in a picture.
5. A Pencil/Color Horse Herd has only about 10 or less horses. No more than 10.
6. Please tell me if you want any background colors or extras when you order.
7. If you wanted a name for your picture but forgot to tell me then I suggest that you w-mail Shinabella about her name plates. She is really good.
8. I will -NOT- draw your animal from a picture you've sent into the Wiggins Bi-Weekly. |
w-mail Nyx for more information
Kell27's Saddle Pad Design Service

w-mail Kell27 for more information |
Warhorse's Drawing Service |
Do you want a beautiful drawing of your favorite horse but don't have the time or can't draw it yourself? I can! I will draw any picture of any horse, even if you give me just a breed and color! My prices are small and my services are great! I have been drawing horses for the last 6 years. I prefer to draw from a photo but I can draw from still life, website pics and any other. Please put your photo that you would like me to draw in the Wiggins bi-Weekly. |

Example of my Drawing Service |
My Prices:
- Pencil/Color horse head: 50 W bucks
- Pencil/Color horse body: 75 W bucks
- Pencil/Color horse head & Person: 75 W bucks
- Pencil/Color horse body & person: 100 W bucks
- Trees, bushes, & flowers: 15 W bucks
- Buildings: 20 W bucks each
- Fence: no charge
- Horse's name: 5 W Bucks (In bubbles or Fancy)
- Animals: 5 W Bucks each (Dogs, other horses & other)
- Horse all tack up: No charge (Any tack but western cost 5 bucks)
If you give me a photo I will draw it for around 200 W bucks (No charge for trees & etc.)
If you want I will put your horse's name on the computer for 5 W bucks (Tell me what font)
For buildings I can put the name of it or anything else for no charge
All working horses (jumping,dressage& ect.) will be drawn for body & person prices, any extras same cost.
Please W-mail me for more info & Please tell me if you have a magazine pic you want me to draw, I might have it!
Kaitlin2010's Drawing Service |
Do you want a drawing of a horse, dog or bird and don't have the talent to draw one? Well I can! I can draw your fav. breed of horse or dog, or your own animal. And I can also draw your fav. species of bird or your pet bird, from Blue Jay's to Macow's. I have pretty low prices, and you get 20% off, if after you order your drawing it is not sent in 3 weeks!
My Prices:
Pencil Horse Head: 50 w-bucks
Color Horse Head: 65 w-bucks
Pencil Horse Body: 100 w-bucks
Color Horse Body: 150 w-bucks
clothes, hats, etc.: 10 w-bucks
patch of grass, flowers, tree, etc.: 20 w-bucks
Horse Name: 8 w-bucks
Full Background: 95 w-bucks |
Example of my Art |
w-Mail Kaitlin2010 for more information
Shinabella's Nameplates |
Do you want a name plate?
Keep reading! Shinabella is now offering name plates for a simple price!
My Prices:
- No-Color Nameplate - 100 W-Bucks
- Colored Namplate (your choice of colors) – 200 W-Bucks
- Extras are 50 W-Bucks per extra: flowers, background (sky, barn, anything you want)
- You can choose and even make up an extra you want!
Example of my Nameplate |
Rules About Ordering:
1. These nameplates to not go on your stall door, but in your cabin.
2. If you back out of the order when I am done or already making it you still get charged.
3. Order before Christmas and you only have to pay 75 wbucks!
4. I really recommend talking to Britnie about her drawings, She is really good!
5. If you want another nameplate for a friend, YOU pay. Not the friend. Just tell me his/her name you want and I will get it made!
6. These will take a while to make but I will try to hurry up.
7. I have these shapes: Square, circle, and a heart. (you do not have to pay for these). Enjoy!
w-Mail Shinabella for more information |
To Order Your Own Ad:
Pay CPP 200 Wiggins Bucks for your Ad space each Wiggins Bi-Weekly issue. You will decide if you would like to run your ad for each issue.
Make a price chart and description for your art business. If you make drawings, saddle pads, plaques, you should price them in Wiggins Bucks.
Make an art example to show pals your business!
Check out our existing ads for size, shape, text size, layout, etc. for guidelines.
Thank you! We look forward to making your ad!
Club Pony Pals Professional Design Services
Email your art to Prices are below.
Note --
Designs submitted without having enough Wiggins Bucks
will be saved until paid. |
For 100 Wiggins Bucks
Custom nameplates and plaques
design your own or use a member designer |
For 3000 Wiggins Bucks
personal saddle pad

Bay Pony Western Pad
designed by Livanne
Kings of the Wind
designed by Ingreenpastures
To download the template and make your own saddle pad, click on the pad above. Then email your design to (Designs submitted without 3000 WB will be saved and put on hold.) |
For 200 Wiggins Bucks
Custom Painting 
You can send in a picture to be turned into a cabin painting for yourself! You can also create a cabin painting for a pal!
Free to Create!
We Need Sleepover Award Ideas!
send your small pictures to

previous sleepover awards designed by members like you!