Volume 6 Issue 12
December 2 - 8, 2012
e-News about clubs, contests, quests and new stuff! |
Live Moderated Chats Sheduled Save the Dates

Fireland Academy Sponsored Live Moderated Chat One hour only -- Saturday, December 15th • 11 pm - midnight London time
• Midnight - 1 am Continental time
• 6 - 7 pm Eastern USA time
• 5 - 6 pm Central USA time
• 4 - 5 pm Mountain USA time
• 3 - 4 pm Pacific USA Time
• 7 - 8 am in Perth, Australia (Sunday)
• 10 am - 11 am in Sydney Australia(Sunday)
• Noon to 1pm in New Zealand (Sunday)
Thursday, December 20th
Lulu's Birthday Party
Chat with the Pony Pals and play games in this special two-hour chat. Stop by and say hi from
• 11 pm - 1 am London time
• Midnight - 2 am Continental time
• 6 - 8 pm Eastern USA time
• 5 - 7 pm Central USA time
• 4 - 6 pm Mountain USA time
• 3 - 5 pm Pacific USA Time
• 7 - 9 am in Perth, Australia (Friday)
• 10 am - noon in Sydney Australia (Friday)
• Noon to 2pm in New Zealand (Friday) |

Stop by for a special Sleepover Award!

Winter Wonderland Horse Drawing Contest
The Rules:
1. The drawing must include a horse or pony.
2. You do not need to be a part of a club to enter this contest.
3. The drawing can be color or black and white.
4. Send entries to contests@clubponypals.com
5. Deadline for entry is December 29th.
Every entry earns 100 Wbucks. Winner in each category gets 1000 Wbucks, runner up gets 500.
That's about it. All entries will be published in the December Pony Pals Magazine. If we get enough entries, we will have both a black and white and a color category, so enter twice for two chances to win.
October Story Contest Winners
3000 WB to each winner, 500 WB to runner up
• Halloween Pony by Sharron 10
Runner Up:
• Max the Pony by eventer151 |
• Pumpkins of love by pizza freak
Runner Up:
• Story Entry by Horsesforever12
• NOT AGAIN! by Dragon Girl
Runners Up:
• Rebel Rider pt. 1: Why can't I? by IotaNine
• Going for a ride by sharron10
Runner Up:
• Storm of Horses by pizza freak
Winner receives 3000 WBucks
and Gold Quill Trophy
Runners up receive 500 WB
and the Silver Quill Trophy
All entries get a
Green quill writer award

Black & White Winner: Sheindel |
Runner Up: ChloeChristine |
Color Winner:
Sheindel |
Runner Up: TSHorses |