w-mail Kell27 for more information

w-mail Keely for more information

w-mail Gunprize for more information

w-mail Shinabella for more information
Britnie's Drawing Service |
Want a drawing of your horse, favorite horse, or maybe, dog? And can't get exactly
what you want from your own skills? I can! I am especially good at horses. I have
just started dogs, and can only draw some. I can only draw their head. I can draw
pencil or with color; I cannot promise that the color will match your horse's/dog's. |
My Prices:
- Pencil Horse head: 250 W-Bucks
- Pencil Horse Body: 350 W-bucks
- Color Horse Head: 400 W-Bucks
- Color Horse Body: 500 W-Bucks
- Pencil Dog Head: 300 W-Bucks
- Color Dog Head: 350 W-Bucks
- Extras:
Full Background: 700 W-Bucks
- Small Detail(Flower, Tree, Patch of Grass, etc.): 50 W-Bucks
Horse's Name, Your Name, etc. 20 W-bucks

Example of my Drawing Service
If you order a drawing costing 600 and over, you get one (1)free Small Detail
Note: If the following events happen, this is what will happen:
1. You back out of the deal right when I started/am halfway through with/am finished with the drawing,
I will still charge you what you were required to pay, because you should have thought about that before you
ordered a drawing.
2. You are not satisfied with the drawing; I will only charge you fifty(50) to two hundred(200) W-Bucks. I have to buy the supplies to make
these drawings, I want some sort of a reward. If the drawing honestly did not come out well at all, and I think so too, I will not charge you.
Also, you MUST have the W-Bucks before I start, so you are not W-Buck-tied when I finish.
Depending on how many people ask for my services, I will try to send all drawings once a month to CPP. But it may be sooner; sometimes,
I can finish a drawing in one day. Other times, it takes me several months.
But for your drawing, I will hurry as much as possible.

w-mail Maid Mairain for more information
Warhorse's Drawing Service |
Do you want a beautiful drawing of your favorite horse but don't have the time or can't draw it yourself? I can! I will draw any picture of any horse, even if you give me just a breed and color! My prices are small and my services are great! I have been drawing horses for the last 6 years. I prefer to draw from a photo but I can draw from still life, website pics and any other. Please put your photo that you would like me to draw in the Wiggins bi-Weekly. |

Example of my Drawing Service |
My Prices:
- Pencil/Color horse head: 50 W bucks
- Pencil/Color horse body: 75 W bucks
- Pencil/Color horse head & Person: 75 W bucks
- Pencil/Color horse body & person: 100 W bucks
- Trees, bushes, & flowers: 15 W bucks
- Buildings: 20 W bucks each
- Fence: no charge
- Horse's name: 5 W Bucks (In bubbles or Fancy)
Animals: 5 W Bucks each (Dogs, other horses & other)
Horse all tack up: No charge (Any tack but western cost 5 bucks)
If you give me a photo I will draw it for around 200 W bucks (No charge for trees & etc.)
If you want I will put your horse's name on the computer for 5 W bucks (Tell me what font)
For buildings I can put the name of it or anything else for no charge
All working horses (jumping,dressage& ect.) will be drawn for body & person prices, any extras same cost.
Please W-mail me for more info & Please tell me if you have a magazine pic you want me to draw, I might have it!
Alex's Fun Blankets
with the company brand A12

w-mail Alex12 for more information |
Ellie Renneberg2's Photo Business |
Have you ever wanted a picture of your pet, or fav animal hanging in your cabin mantel? Well, now you can! Just send in a picture to the wiggins weekly newsletter with a description that that is your picture, and tell me what kind of background you would like it on, then you have a picture! Just check out my prices: |
My Prices:
- Straight picture, no background:
20 W-bucks
- Picture with background:
55 W-bucks
- Two pictures no background:
100 W-bucks
- Two pictures with background:
120 W-bucks
- More than two pictures, no background: 150 W-bucks
- More than two pictures, with background: 200 W-bucks
- Name: 50 W-bucks
- Extra detail: flower, heart etc:
30 W-bucks
Example: For Britnie
- 300 W-bucks for Saddle Pad Design
Example of my Photo Business

Example of Saddle Pad |
For offers that are more than 600, you will get a free 4 pictures.
Best offer ever! W-Mail Ellie Renneberg2 today! |

w-mail Gunprize for more information
Shinabella's Nameplates |
Do you want a name plate?
Keep reading! Shinabella is now offering name plates for a simple price!
My Prices:
- No-Color Nameplate - 100 W-Bucks
- Colored Namplate (your choice of colors) – 200 W-Bucks
- Extras are 50 W-Bucks per extra: flowers, background (sky, barn, anything you want)
- You can choose and even make up an extra you want!
Example of my Nameplate |
Rules About Ordering:
1. These nameplates to not go on your stall door, but in your cabin.
2. If you back out of the order when I am done or already making it you still get charged.
3. Order before Christmas and you only have to pay 75 wbucks!
4. I really recommend talking to Britnie about her drawings, She is really good!
5. If you want another nameplate for a friend, YOU pay. Not the friend. Just tell me his/her name you want and I will get it made!
6. These will take a while to make but I will try to hurry up.
7. I have these shapes: Square, circle, and a heart. (you do not have to pay for these). Enjoy!
w-Mail Shinabella for more information |
Or do it yourself --
Saddle Pad Designs
You Can Draw Yours Today!
To download the template and make your own saddle pad, click on the pad above. Then email your design to contests@clubponypals.com (Designs submitted without 3000 WB will be saved and put on hold.)