
Volume 3 Number 37
March 22-28, 2010

Club Pony Pals News
Crandals Barn Sleepover Celebrates Spring

Dear Pony Pals  

This Friday night March 26, Mrs. Crandal, Pam, Anna and Lulu will all gather at Crandal's barn to host a virtual sleepover from 6 pm to 10 pm, eastern daylight savings time, USA.  For our members who are outside the USA, look at a world time chart to see when that will be in your local time. 


Pam will be in one room holding her famous "20 Questions" game.  JC will hold virtual riding lessons every hour in another room.


Anna and Lulu will be in a third room to chat with members and answer questions and chat about whatever topic anyone chooses.


Just go to your home page or our Forum main page and find our green link "live moderated chat." Click on it and you'll be at our sleepover.


In other news, our CPP horse and pony alphabet coloring book is almost done, but it still needs some entries. We are missing drawings for these breeds

  • Belgian
  • Choctaw
  • Gideon Arabian
  • Hanoverian
  • Halflinger
  • Keiger Mustang
  • Missouri Fox Trotter
  • Xilingol

For these breeds only the deadline is extended until April 3rd.

When it is ready as CPP's first e-book, our "Pony Pals ABC's of Horses" will be a great way to help kids worldwide learn their English ABC's while they find out about horse and pony breeds.


You can still vote for entries inColoring Contest # 11, download blank art for Coloring Contest 12 color it and send it in -- email attachments are fastest.


 Coloring Contest 12 art


Our February Story Contest is still open for voting until the 27th, we have some great stories for your reading enjoyment. Choose your favorite and encourage a young author at the same time.


Feeling lost? Look at a map of Wiggins here.

While we had hoped that our programmers would have Olson's Pony Farm ready, it still is not. As soon as we know it is finished enough, our testers will hear from us first to try out all its new features.

Our new virtual riding lessons are each Tuesday, from 6:30 to 7:30 Eastern Time. Lessons are held in the live moderated chat. This is a great way to work on mentally visualizing your riding -- and they are lots of fun.

Every day hundreds of new members sign up and ask for Pal requests. Take a moment and see who's just signed on recently with our "Pals, Please Page." Our world has some great ways to meet other pals. Click here to learn more. Please help new members feel welcome - send a card to someone who is new!

Our game changes all the time, if you log in and weird things seem to happen, please clear your computer's cache.  See the instructions here to learn how.

Members ask me all the time "how do I earn more bucks?" Anybody who wants more Wiggins bucks is missing out if they don't enter one of our contests! Details are below. We need funny cartoons, they should be in black and white.

And if a member creates a Youtube video about our site, let us know! We will award a thousand Wiggins Bucks for a good video about us.


Jane Crandal

Pony Pal Contest Calendar

contest name
deadline for entries
voting starts
winners announced
prize amount (in Wiggins bucks)
Drawing of the week contest
every Friday
in Wiggins Weekly
500 to each winner

Cartoon contest

every Friday
in Wiggins Weekly
500 to artist, 500 to caption winner, 100 to caption runner-up

Vote for Coloring Contest #11

March 15
March 26
1000 1st place, 500 runners up
February 28
March 8
March 27
3000 1st place, 500 runners up

New CPP "The ABC book of horse breeds" Needs Illustrations

extended until April 3 for missing breeds
500 for every drawing used
March 27
March 29
April 10
3000 1st place, 500 runners up

March Story and Poem Contest

March 31
April 5

3000 1st place, 500 to runners up


Drawing of the Week Contest

alliefunny drawing

by Alliefunny

cherry10123 art

by Cherry101123

Winners each get 500 Wiggins bucks. If you want to enter, send your art to the or mail it to:

Club Pony Pals
16654 Soledad Canyon Road #382
Country, CA 91387

If you want a sticker and bookmark make sure and include a mailing address where we can send it!

Cartoon Caption Contest -- This week's caption winner

Chiggergirl cartoon

horse Uh, what ith thith? It doethn't tathte like carrotths! cat "MRAAAAOW!!!" (stop biting my ear!) by Snowy2351 & Starlit Snowflake

This winning caption's writer got 500 Wiggins bucks.
The runner-up captions gets 100 bucks.

Horse: What is that. What ever it is it want to hug.
Cat; Does that horse relay think I want a hug.
Horse: So soft
Cat: Run away.
Horse Where did the soft animal go?
Justin804 and Snowy


Vote for your favorite caption for this cartoon --

Britinie cartoon



Write a caption for this --

beth 9 card

Can you write the winning funny caption for this cartoon? Deadline is Friday of this week. Email it to

Look for the entries in the next week's e-newsletter and vote for your favorite.

Winning caption gets 500 bucks, runners-up get 100 W bucks each. Captions should be short.

or draw a cartoon --

We are looking for cartoon artists, too. Draw one and email it to us by Friday.

If it is selected, you can earn 500 Wiggins bucks! Hint -- for this contest, draw your cartoon in black and white. If you want to enter, send your art to the or mail it to:

Club Pony Pals
16654 Soledad Canyon Road #382
Country, CA 91387

Member Photo Gallery

lisa11 photo

This is my one eyed horse :) Star is 19 and is a Bay. She had a sensitivity to gnats and she kept itching it and we had to take it out. But she is the best horse and the gentlest horse you'll ever meet. I love her. I try to ride her every other day but sometimes school gets in the way. Cate11 & Towaco


Member Art Gallery

I am sending a drawings for our contests. My user TheAngelOrEmoGirl & Blackii!

theangeloremogirl drawing

theangeloremogirl drawing

theangeloremogirl drawing

theangeloremogirl drawing

theangeloremogirl drawing

theangeloremogirl drawing

theangeloremogirl drawing

theangeloremogirl drawing

theangeloremogirl drawing

theangeloremogirl drawing

theangeloremogirl drawing

theangeloremogirl drawing

theangeloremogirl drawing

by TheAngelOrEmoGirl & Blackii!

spellcheck art

by spellcheck & midnight


horse grl art

by Horse grl & Swagger of a Champion


New Postcards


cartoongirl easter card

Hi Webmaster, This is the Easter Pony helping out her good friend the Easter Bunny. Hope you like my drawing, Debbie. by Cartoongirl & Belle

thoroughbred breeder card

by ThoroughbredBreeder2 & Conch

magical day card

Equus16 & Starlight

Each postcard entry wins 200 Wiggins bucks. All art must be original, it cannot include clip art or copyrighted images.

If you want to enter, send your original art to or mail it to:

Club Pony Pals
16654 Soledad Canyon Road #382
Country, CA 91387

Member clubs!

Hang Club Plaques in your cabin show that you belong. Check Member clubs on our new Club Plaque page. You can hang Club Plaques in your cabin and all new clubs must submit a club plaque drawing to be listed. If you cannot make a plaque write to and we can have Mrs. Crandal or Admin3 our new staff artist help you out.



Dear Pony Pals

Send in your photos, stories and drawings for our contests.

e-mail them to or mail it to:

Club Pony Pals
16654 Soledad Canyon Road #382
Country, CA 91387

If you want a sticker and bookmark make sure and include a mailing address where we can send it!

Please include your user name and pony name in your letter, too.






Play These Games to Earn Wiggins Bucks


Scavenger Hunt
Winner gets 3000 Wiggins bucks,
next nine members scores below that get 500 bucks each.


"Scavenger Hunt "

Maid Mairain
Horse grl

Math Games
High scoring players in addition,
subtraction or multiplication earn 500 Wiggins bucks,
next nine players who have high scores earn 100 bucks each.


"Add Like Mad"




"Subtraction Action"

swimmer juli



"Multiplication Station"

swimmer juli
Emily Paige




Pony Pal Thoughts for the Day

Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of Solitaire. It is a grand passion. ~ RalphWaldo Emerson, 1803-82


Gypsy gold does not clink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark. ~ Saying of the Gladdagh Gypsies of Galway


We have almost forgotten how strange a thing it is that so huge and powerful and intelligent an animal as a horse should allow another, and far more feeble, animal to ride upon its back. ~ Peter Gray

admin's orchard

Think spring! Admin sent this picture of her orchard.

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