pine tree snow
Volume 3 Number 29
January 25 - 31, 2010

Club Pony Pals News
Help Save Wild Horses with 2 Mouse Clicks

Dear Pony Pals

Club Pony Pals' members can help save America's free roaming horses and burros. All it takes is a couple of clicks. Click on this link

Scroll down and vote for the Club Pony Pals video (#23) made by member horsez4mylyfe. If every member does this one thing, our video may win two tickets to the Superbowl.

Fortunately for wild horses, we do not much care about football. If our club wins those tickets, we will auction both tickets on ebay and donate the money to a group that works to keep wild horses on their land and not in holding camps. So what are you waiting for? Vote now!

In other news....

Olson's barn in our game is being built right now. New colors of ponies are wondering who their owners will be. More news soon, but here's a sneak peak--

Olsons barn

This is the last week to enter Club Pony Pals QWERTY keyboard creativity contest. Open to any Club Pony Pals member, it gives you a chance to show off what you can do with a computer keyboard. Sometimes CPP members put little drawings into their w-mails, emails or stories.

Deadline for entries is January 29th, so fingers need to start flying. Send entries to as text of an email or an attached MSWord document or other type of text file. No graphic programs (i.e. paint or photoshop) can be used. Winners will be chosen by popluar vote, So get typing!

This week you need to vote for your favorite entry in the CPP Forum Contest. Member voting will decide which entry will win 1000 Wiggins bucks.

Vote for your favorite for Coloring Contest # 9 where the voting ends January 29th.

Click here for an entry form to Coloring Contest #10, deadline is January 29th.

There are only two weeks to finish your entries for the January Story and Poem contest. Please email them to

Our new virtual riding lessons are each Tuesday, from 6:30 to 7:30 Eastern Time. Lessons are held in the live moderated chat. This is a great way to work on mentally visualizing your riding -- and they are lots of fun, too!

Every day hundreds of new members sign up and ask for Pal requests. Take a moment and see who's just signed on recently with our "Pals, Please Page." Our world has some great ways to meet other pals. Click here to learn more. Please send a card to someone who is new!

Our game changes all the time, if you log in and weird things seem to happen, please clear your computer's cache.  See the instructions here to learn how.

Members ask me all the time "how do I earn more bucks?" Anybody who wants more Wiggins bucks is missing out if they don't enter one of our contests! Details are below. We need funny cartoons, they should be in black and white.


Jane Crandal


Pony Pal Contest Calendar

contest name
deadline for entries
voting starts
winners announced
prize amount (in Wiggins bucks)
Drawing of the week contest
every Friday
in Wiggins Weekly
500 to each winner

Cartoon contest

every Friday
in Wiggins Weekly
500 to artist, 500 to caption winner, 100 to caption runner-up

Vote for Coloring Contest # 9

January 15
January 18
January 29
1000 1st place, 500 runners up

Vote for Forum Entry Contest

January 22
January 25
January 29
1000 to the most popular posting

qwerty keyboard creativity contest

January 29
January 31
February 6
2000 to first place, 1000 to top five runners up
January 29
February 4
February 12
1000 1st place, 500 runners up

January Story Contest

January 31
February 8
February 21
3000 1st place, 500 runners up


Drawings of the Week Contest

cartoongirl art

cartoongirl art

Hi Webmaster, Here is a drawing Jumping Fly for the contest. Debbie cartoongirl & Belle

Winners each get 500 Wiggins bucks. If you want to enter, send your art to the or mail it to:

Club Pony Pals
16654 Soledad Canyon Road #382
Country, CA 91387

If you want a sticker and bookmark make sure and include a mailing address where we can send it!

Cartoon Caption Contest -- This week's caption winner

spellchecks cartoon

I believe I could fly! by wildhorseherd and DreamCatcher

This winning caption's writer got 500 Wiggins bucks.
The runner-up caption below gets 100 bucks.

Hey its nice up here --horse looks down-- AAAAH! by mugushiver & snow white

Vote for your favorite caption for this cartoon --

skippers cartoon



Write a caption for this cartoon --

cherry cartoon

What's your suggestion for a funny caption for this cartoon? Deadline is Friday of this week. Email it to

Look for the entries in the next week's e-newsletter and vote for your favorite.

Winning caption gets 500 bucks, runners-up get 100 W bucks each. Captions should be short.

or draw a cartoon --

We are looking for cartoon artists, too. Draw one and email it to us by Friday.

If it is selected, you can earn 500 Wiggins bucks! Hint -- for this contest, draw your cartoon in black and white. If you want to enter, send your art to the or mail it to:

Club Pony Pals
16654 Soledad Canyon Road #382
Country, CA 91387

Forum Post of the Week - a member wants w-mails!

HorseCrazyMGirl & Cha Cha writes

Hi Ms. C, As you know, I'm in Ireland for the school year, in a boarding school. I went home for x-mas, and now I'm back again. But I'm getting really homesick. I have tons of friends here, and school isen't bad, but I just want to go home. It's kinda hard to take in that it's only January, and I won't be home until June. Do you have any advice for me on what to do to help me get over my homesickness? Even though I have fun with my friends in the dorm, the days, and even the weeks drag by like no other. I don't know what to do any more.
Please w-mail back, HCMGirl and Cha Cha

Dear HorseCrazyMGirl
Would it be OK if I put your letter and username in the Wiggins Weekly? I think you'd get a bunch of w-mails... It is a real challenge to be away from your family and friends. You are so lucky to have that chance and believe me six months is not very long. I really like the last quote from this weeks Wiggins Weekly -- "The ultimate measure of a woman is not where she stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where she stands at times of challenge and controversy." What have you learned that's different about where you are? What is the same? I think maybe keeping a diary about what is going on might help, too. And then you will have that diary when you get home. Let me know about the newsletter--- JC

HorseCrazyMGirl & Cha Cha responds

Ya, that's fine for the WW!!! Ok, thanks for your help. I know that almost nobody gets this chance, and I'm really glad I did it, because I didn't have to come if I didn't want to. The diarys a good idea. I'll try that... One thing that's different is that I don't have any really GOOD friends that I can talk to like I do at home. My big sisters here, in her last year of collage, so I can talk 2 her, but I only c her 1, maybe 2 a month. All the girls in my dorm are really nice, and they're all my friends, just none of them are really good friends yet, If you get what I mean. Also, the whole school system is different. There are 2 really big tests during 9th and 12th grade. The scores of those 2 tests make up your final grade before collage. The whole tests are on EVERYTHING you have ever done in school. Like, the first question on the test could be '1+1=?' It's really high pressure, so I'm glad I'm not staying for them. But all the teachers are flipping out about it, and starting projects that won't be fineshed until next year. So I'm not really that comfortable. Also, the things that I'm doing on a weekend are not the same. At home I rode Western, but I had to learn English when I came here, and I really miss barrel racing, and all those speed events, even thought I really like English as well. I wish I could do both. I do Irish dancing as well, which I have been doing since before I came here. But My teacher wants me to do a state competition, and I don't want to do it. But moms pushing me to do it, and so is my teacher, but I'll have to train for it differently than I'm used to, and that doesn't help, cause I like my old way of training better, and my dance teacher back home better. I just seems like everywhere I look, something that I like is different here. Thanks for your help again,
HorsecrazyMGirl & Cha Cha


Member Photo Gallery

esrellene photos

I has pictures of my former lesson horsie, Cajun.  I was showing with her in walk/trot stuff, although I could lope at the time. We almost earned high-point, had I entered another show. She's awesome, western pleasure headset one minute and crazy gamer (with her other rider) the next!   Esrellene & Eloquence



  hopes kitten

here is  pic. of my kitten Flower this is her fav. spot in the summer thats why we named her Flower.   love Hope & Gold Dust


Member Art Gallery

rae305 card

Hope you like! by Raven305 & Raven


chedder cartoon suggestion

can this be a caption picture? by Chedder & Black Mint

admin note -- this caption was too good to lose...



sorris art




New Postcards

keely card

keely card

well one is a thank you card and the other is just something I made... Well, Bye!
by Keely & Bicentenial

raven305 card

by Raven305 & Raven

Each postcard entry wins 200 Wiggins bucks. All art must be original, it cannot include clip art or copyrighted images.

If you want to enter, send your original art to or mail it to:

Club Pony Pals
16654 Soledad Canyon Road #382
Country, CA 91387

Member clubs!

Hang Club Plaques in a cabin show that you belong. Check Member clubs on our new Club Plaque page. All new clubs must submit a club plaque drawing to be listed. If you cannot make a plaque write to and we can have Mrs. Crandal or Admin3 our new staff artist help you out.



Dear Pony Pals

Send in your photos, stories and drawings for our contests.

e-mail them to or mail it to:

Club Pony Pals
16654 Soledad Canyon Road #382
Country, CA 91387

If you want a sticker and bookmark make sure and include a mailing address where we can send it!

Please include your user name and pony name in your letter, too.





Top High Scores from last week

"Crandal's Cross Country Course going North"



"Crandal's Cross Country Course going South"

the silver horse
The Saddle Club Girl



"Main Street Matchup"

swimmer juli


Play these to earn bucks! Each week, that week's highest scoring

Scavenger Hunt
Winner gets 3000 Wiggins bucks,
next nine members scores below that get 500 bucks each.


"Scavenger Hunt "


Math Games
High scoring players in addition,
subtraction or multiplication earn 500 Wiggins bucks,
next nine players who have high scores earn 100 bucks each.


"Add Like Mad"

Roxanne S



"Subtraction Action"

lexi pie



"Multiplication Station"

Roxanne S



Pony Pal Thoughts for the Day

January is the quietest month in the garden. ... But just because it looks quiet doesn't mean that nothing is happening. The soil, open to the sky, absorbs the pure rainfall while microorganisms convert tilled-under fodder into usable nutrients for the next crop of plants. The feasting earthworms tunnel along, aerating the soil and preparing it to welcome the seeds and bare roots to come.
Rosalie Muller Wright, Editor of Sunset Magazine, 1/99


There is a privacy about it which no other season gives you ..... In spring, summer and fall people sort of have an open season on each other; only in the winter, in the country, can you have longer, quiet stretches when you can savor belonging to yourself. - Ruth Stout


Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle ... a seed waiting to sprout, a bulb opening to the light, a bud straining to unfurl. And the anticipation nurtures our dream. - Barbara Winkler


I frequently tramped eight or ten miles through the deepest snow to keep an appointment with a beech-tree, or a yellow birch, or an old acquaintance among the pines. - Henry David Thoreau