Sounds like Woolie was being a pain when he wanted to
come with you on a trail ride!!!!
But Pam is lucky that she has a dog.
My horse keeps Nipping me when i try to fix his rug
of a morning!
What can i do to make him stop?
Samantha in Australia
We all like Woolie and he's a great dog. Even when he's
being a pain.
About your horse -- I bet you mean your horse's blanket
when you wrote rug. I remember when I lived in England
horse blankets are called horse rugs there too.
Nipping is a big Pony Pal Problem! That means your horse
does not see you as the boss. Your horse is not happy
with what you are doing to his blanket. He is trying to
boss you around and tell you to stop doing whatever you
are doing.
Biting can be very dangerous. This is something you need
a grown up or trainer to help you with. It takes a long
time to teach a horse not to bite. Mrs. Crandal's friend
trainer Keith Hosman says "McDonalds doesn't have
a drive up fix for horses for a reason. It takes time."
To read his whole article about teaching horses not to
bite, go to http://www.horsemanship101.com/John-Lyons-Training-Newsletter/Issues/Biting-Horses.html
His theory is whenever a horse disrespects you, pet it
kind of like giving it a noogie. Eventually the horse
will learn that when it tries to bite you, the herd leader
(you) are going to make him uncomfortable by rubbing him
too long and too hard. You might ask your trainer or parent
to read his article with you and talk about it.
Let me know what you think.
Your Pony Pal,
You're right your grandma's friends would be ticked if
she sed her salon and moved to Florida. It's cool that
you and your dad are E-Mailing each other back and forth.
Glad your dad made it home safe and sound.
Dear Cayce
Grandma's friends all read what I wrote last week in the
Weekly about her moving. They all started calling last
week and telling Grandma how mad they would be if she
But Grandma laughed about it and said good thing was they
all made appointments with her so she wouldn't move!
So Grandma was really busy all week giving people highlights
and permanents and doing haircuts. I made myself a sandwich
for a picnic lunch every day and took some apples and
carrots and water and rode out with Anna and Pam.
We went up to Ms. Wiggins house and jumped in her field
over the stone walls, we rode to Mt. Morris and looked
at the Monument which is pretty much done except for the
little brass plaque. We rode up to our Pony Pals secret
hideout and cleaned it up and made it nicer.
One day we all rode off around Lake Appamapog all the
way past the organic dairy. It was really pretty seeing
all the cows there and we had a picnic.
I wrote all this in an email to my Dad but he hasn't written
back yet. He said he would be out in the bush for a while
and would write when he got back.
Your Pony Pen Pal,

Hi Lulu!
I just wanted to say I'm a huge fan!!
You are my favourite pony pal, and Snow White and
Lighting are my favourite ponies! You are SO lucky
to have a pony like Snow White!
Actually, you are so lucky to have a pony at all!
I wish I was
allowed a horse, but I'm not. It must cost a lot of
money, hey? And a lot of time, but it would all be
worth it! I love horses and ponies, they are the absolute
best! Whats it like having a pony? It must be so great!
And to have friends like Pam and Anna, that would
be great too! Me and my besties are a bit like the
Pony Pals. We are three girls, who LOVE horses and
ponies!! But of course, you guys get to have ponies
and we don't!!
l live in NSW, Australia. Where do you live? Oh, and
how is your
dad?? How is he going researching about animals and
studying animals?
That would be so cool! i would love to be your dad!!
I absolutely love Snow White! She is the most gorgeous
pony ever!! Lighting is great too. And so is Acorn.
And i would love to be the Pony Pals!
Coz' I would love to hang out at Off Main Diner!!
That place must be SO cool! You and Pam and Anna must
go trail riding a lot. That would be the funnest thing!!
What is your favourite part of being a Pony Pal?
Please say hello to Snow White and give her a kiss
for me. Thanks so much for reading this email!!
Look forward in hearing your reply,
From Hannah
Dear Hannah
Thanks for writing. Mrs. Crandal thinks everyone should
be able to have a pony. She can't give everyone a
real pony but you will be able to have one online
at Club Pony Pals.
I live in Wiggins, CT. Our town is very small, so
it isn't on most maps. If we need to go to the mall
we go down to Bennington.
My dad is good. He emails a lot, but right now he
his out in the bush. He promised to email right when
he got back.
The Off Main Diner is really a great place. This week
they have a special of peaches, blueberries and vanilla
ice cream from the Wiggins Organic Dairy. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmm.
My favorite thing about being a Pony Pal is riding
Snow White on adventures with Pam and Anna. Or maybe
its getting letters from other Club Pony Pals like
you. Nobody from Australia would write me if I wasn't
a Pony Pal, I think.
Snow White will get one kiss from you, right behind
her ear.
Your Pony Pen Pal