Do I Send in My Picture?
my friend ksparky asked me to get her a club pony pal acct. i
am still a pony pal lover so i told her that i had an acct an
she said she wanted one so now. i wanted to know how do i send
in a picture... please let me know pony pal steph
please add me to your list of pony pals.
I hope that I have a lot of fun on here. I was wondering how I
send in the pictures and letter cause I am new and I do not know
how to do anything so can you please help me out a little bit
please and thank you very much. thank you. Kalyn
This is Hannah.
I just wanted to ask how do you send your pictures and drawings
in? Because i have loads of horse pictures I want to be put
on the
Wiggins Weekly. Thanks for creating this site! It's the best!!!!!
Dear Webmaster,
I hope you like my picture of the Pony Pals on their horses. I
love to draw all sorts of things, but fairies and ponies are my
Daddy isn't sure how to scan and send you my drawing ( I'm trying
tho !!! ) so he will send it in a pic format. ( I hope )
Hope it comes out OK !! I will be sending more, real soon.
Best wishes from Isabella
Albury, Australia
Dear Pony Pal Stephanie, Hannah and Isabella
If your computer has a scanner, you can use the scanner. Or you
can hold your drawing up and have someone take your picture with
a digital camera, so it’s a picture of you holding your
picture. ;-) Take a look at Isabella doing just that below.

Doing either of the above makes a digital file called a jpg (say
it jay-peg). Either way, then you attach your jpg to your email
with the attachments box or line, and email it back to us here.
An attachment is like a little package that’s part of the
Or you can mail it to us in regular US Postal Mail to
Club Pony Pals
16654 Soledad Canyon Road
Canyon Country, CA 91387
And we will scan the drawing in here. We look forward to seeing
your art and photos! That would be like the drawing below.
arrived in the mail yesterday.
Acorn by Isabelle, age 7 almost 8

Thanks so much to Isabelle who mailed this drawing
in an envelope to Club Pony Pals .