Hi Anna,
It's Ellie! I like it here in Colorado, but there is no snow this year! I love snow. Do you? Do you like dogs? Write back,
Dear Pony Pal Ellie
Thanks for writing. Snow is fun when it first arrives. Christmas is really special when there is lots of snow. We rode to the Quinn's on Friday. The ground was hard and it looked like rain. Saturday there was sleet. It changed to snow. We got to visit the Quinn's before the freezing rain came. Ginger and Pal have a good stable now. Mrs. Clark was there. She brings the Quinns their meals on wheels. She told us makes sure all the families she sees have heat now. Yes, I like dogs. But we do not have one. I play with Woolie at Crandal's.
Pony Pals,

Dear Anna,
What did you do today? I had store today in school. Store is when we buy candy with play money. At my school we also have a book fair. It is almost my friend Shazia's birthday. Her birthday is on December eleventh. My friend Felicia has a gray bunny named Smokie. Tell Acorn I said hi. Please write back soon. Love
Dear Pony Pal Alyssa
Candy in school? That sounds like fun. Book fairs are cool. Our school library has one every year. I hope Shazia has a happy birthday. Smokie sounds like a good pet. I gave Acorn a carrot. He chomped it. Do you like to read? Words look the same to me backwards or forwards.
Pony Pals,

Hi Anna
I'm Regan and I Love your books. What is it like to be dyslexic? You are so lucky to have a pony. Acorn sounds like a great friend. How's school? My dad says that if I save up 5000 dollars I can get a horse or pony. It's pretty hard because I like to buy things like, toy horses/ponies, pokemon, and other toys. Anyway please write back. From your #1 fan,
Dear Regan
Acorn is a really good friend. He listens well. School is OK. I have a tutor. She helps me read and write. Wow, that's a lot of money. Can you take lessons for less? Could you lease a pony or horse? That might cost less to start. Dyslexia is good and bad. Reading is hard. Drawing is easy. I see patterns fast. Writing is slow. Thanks for writing,
Pony Pals

Is Acorn really Cute? I want you to send me a picture of him. We raise puppies!! They are Vizslas. Here is a picture of one. I think it is cute!!!

Someday I will get my own horse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am dyslexic too!!! I hate reading and writing!!
P.S. I have read all of your books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Pony Pal Taylor
Where are Vizslas from? Do you have a tutor? Does your school work with kids with dyslexia? Do you take pony or horse lessons? I hope you can get a horse. They are great.
Pony Pals,

Hey anna
you’re my favorite character i'm not good in school either. I have a pony name flirtatious and she has a foal named savannah. They are both chestnut i don't live on a farm but i board my horses my favorite book is: Good-bye pony. I got to go nice meeting you.
Dear Pony Pal Annie
A pony mare and foal? Way cool. Chestnut is a beautiful color. Can you visit Flirtatious and Savannah often? I don't live on a farm either. In Wiggins we can have ponies in big yards. It is a small town. It was sad when Winston died. He was old. Mrs. Wiggins loved him a lot. My dad says each day is a gift. I am glad Acorn is in each day with me. Thanks for writing.
Pony Pals,

Dear Anna
we love your horse Acorn and you sound like a really nice girl do you like horses? Because we love horses and we are a fan of you and all your friends that are in the pony pals we wish we could meet you girls we should introduce ourselves. Sarah/Anna, Libby/Lulu and Kayleigh/Pam. where do you live? do you have a pony and if you do can we ride it or if you have more than one pony how many do you have? if you have four horses can we all ride one each? and do you think you could take us on a trail ride please?
Dear Pony Pals Sarah, Libby and Kayleigh
I love ponies and horses. I live in Wiggins. Acorn is my only pony. If you want, you can have a lot of virtual ponies on ClubPonyPals.com Each pony needs a different account. But they are free. The webmaster wants to make it so visitors can see Pam, Lulu and me. I think that will happen next year. Is it snowing where you are? We had rain that turned to snow. Acorn is in his shelter. This site's trail ride should be done soon. I hope real soon. Riding on trail is fun. It's the best with friends. Are there ponies where you are? Thank you for writing.
Pony Pals,

Dear Anna,
Have fun at the Sleepover and on Thanksgiving. Aw that's so cute. Glad Shadow's doing fine. You did the right thing by not giving Acorn to Betta. Everyone would have been sad especially Shadow. I'm going to Grandmama's house for Thanksgiving. Mom's working on Thanksgiving. The Saturday after Thanksgiving we're going to Malynda's Oyster Roast. I can't see my tutor for a week because she's going to Disney World for a week. She's going there to celebrate her youngest son's 7th Birthday. Please respond PDQ the second after you get this E-Mail. Friends,
Dear Pony Pal Cayce
Thanks for writing. I am glad I have Acorn. What's an oyster roast? My tutor had this week off. We have cold rain. My dad has sold lots of firewood. He is splitting more. He said he won't have to work out now. Mom's diner has a turkey hash special. It is good.
Pony Pals,

dear anna
It’s not that cold here. no i don’t have a tutor but dad helps me just when ever like after school and stuff. my new friends called peytin she has 2 ponys called jess and jack. i love reading your letters they make me happy. from your new friend,
amy g...
p.s i don’t know how to get a picture so can you please just draw a picture of anything thank you so much...
Dear Pony Pal Amy
I like letters too. My dad helps me sometimes. He is here a lot now. I like seeing him. He splits wood from Mrs. Wiggins' forest. Jess and Jack sound cool. I will make a drawing. I am at mom's diner now. It is raining cold rain.
Pony Pals,

PS. This is Acorn pulling me sitting on a sled.

Dear Anna,
How are u and your horse? what is his name again? my name is Anna also.
Dear Other Pony Pal Anna
I am good. Acorn is my Shetland pony. He is good too. I like my name. It reads the same forward or backward. For me that is good. I have Dyslexia. A tutor helps me. She says letters are good for me to get and write.
Pony Pals,