to Pam
Hi Pam, it's Ellie! I get my riding clothes at a store called boulder horse and rider. I ride in jeans and boots too. On my birthday I get jodhpur. I love horses! Today I got back from Vail and my dog came with us to our hotel! I love dogs, my friend and I have the same kind a dog and they look exactly a like, exempt my dog has blue eyes and her dog has brown! We made up a cub called the sheltie club [that is what kind of do we have] Do you love dogs?
Dear Ellie
Jodphurs? Way cool. Where did they get their name? Where did Sheltie dogs come from originally? Yes, I do love dogs. Woolie is a sheepdog. He keeps an eye on the twins, whether or not they want him to. He loves to play catch. Right now there are some dogs at the St. Francis animal shelter that are there because their owners cannot afford to keep them. My mom says that the economy has slowed down. The Wiggins Fall Festival helps to support our animal shelter. I think there are lots of pets everywhere in shelters who would like to be adopted. Does your friend Verena have a dog? Are you both still riding?
Pony Pals,

Hi there Pam.
Yes it is a very pretty place. Plans have changed
now though, we wont be camping on a mountain,
instead we will be camping on her Dads friends farm
land, he has horses there we can ride!! It will be
so great to camp on a farm! And, Snow!! how exciting!!
Do go sledding in the snow? Do you still go riding?
What have you been up to?
Dear Pony Pal Jen
Camping on a farm and riding horses? Sounds like a great time. Does the farmer use horses for any farm work? Instead of sledding, we sometimes try ski-joring. We had a clinic here in Wiggins last year. Ski joring is when a rider tows a skier or snowboarder behind them. It really gets exciting! Lightning gets all snorty and excited at the chance to really get a gallop going in the cold weather. Even Tommy Rand lightened up and had a good time. He’s OK on a snowboard. I have to remember that he once owned Acorn, so part of him is probably kind. With ski-joring we get to ride, too! Otherwise, Friday night we had a barn sleepover. It was fun. We love to hear the horses quietly moving around in the barn in the night. Soon you can open my “Game Chest” up in our barn’s loft. Anna’s tutor has gotten us a bunch of word puzzles (all about ponies, of course) and some really, really fun math games. When these are ready, you will be able to play them for points that change over to Wiggins Bucks in your account. Then you can use your earned Wiggins Bucks to buy treats to feed to ponies. And my mom is going to arrange it so visitors can help groom Daisy and Splash to earn Wiggins Bucks, too. My mom and dad and I had a talk after dinner about how we could help people now that the economy is slowing down.
Pony Pals,

Hi, i'm Taylor. I love English. What is your opinion on Western? I joined Club pony today. I have to say I am not a fan of western. It is boring. Can you draw very good? I wish I could see pictures of Acorn, Lighting, and Snow White!! Tango too !!!!!
You guys ROCK
And I have read all of your books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Pony Pal Taylor
I ride English too. But I sometimes use a western saddle if I want to lead another pony behind me on a lead rope and halter. My mom has me do that if she has a pony that is unsure and needs to get used to walking with other ponies. Then I can use the western saddle horn as a pivot if I need some extra leverage. But I would never “tie off” or tie a led pony’s lead rope “hard and fast” around the saddle horn. That might lead to a wreck! If a led pony gets scared and pulls back, I am holding their lead rope in my right hand in an open loop that I hold so that it just falls away if they pull away. It’s safer that way. Even if a led pony pulls free, they almost always stay right with their buddy –whom I’m riding. Horses and ponies are herd animals and they want to stay together. I am not too good an artist. Anna can really draw! There are paintings of Acorn, Lightning and Snow White on the covers of Pony Pals books.
Pony Pals,

dear pam
max goes crazy when cars go past and when we run around. my little brother is 8 so he’s not that younger then me. my new friends called peytin she has 2 ponies called jess and jack her mum said i am allowed to do riding lessons with her cool aye. its really cold her in winter and sometimes summer. peytins allowed to come out this weekend so i can ask her if she wants to be a pony pal and we can make a pony pal trail like you. i think she will want to play this game to that would be cool i cant play the game because its to slow and i don’t think i have the right computer but oh well. i haven't been doing much. our holidays start on the 17th of December i think.ok got to go bye your new friend amy g..
Dear Pony Pal Amy
Thanks for writing. How cool is getting to ride a friend's pony? That is so great! Do you know if you are going to ride Jess or Jack? Or both? I know the ClubPonyPals Webmaster is working as fast as possible to get a new trail riding game posted. Don't give up, more new games are coming to this site. Our sheepdog Woolie likes to run around sometimes. He loves to fetch sticks or a ball. What kind of dog is Max? Does he like to fetch?
Pony Pals,

Dear Pam, Right now I'm taking English. My favorite. My best subjects in school are English, Science, History, Spelling, PE, and Lunch. Back in elementary school another one of my best subjects was Recess. Thanks for the Math tips. I'm glad I have tutor to. That's pretty cool. Until now I've never heard of Linda Tellington-Jones. Another Equine Massage Therapist is Mike Scott. For more information you can go to http://www.equinemmt.com/home.html. As soon as we can we're going to get Mike to come out and take a look at my saddle. My saddle used to belong to Mom, but then she gave it to Malynda. Once we got Annie Malynda gave the saddle to me. So I got a free saddle. My saddle is English. I rode Western for a little while, but now I'm riding English again so I gave the Western saddle to Mom. I felt guilty that she didn't have a saddle any more. Mom also has joint custody of Beauty as of this summer. Could you please ask your dad if there are any treats that will help cats ages 7 and older gain weight? It's for my 15 year old cat Spicey. Mom took her to the vet on Thursday, and had everything double-checked. Spicey's healthy, but the vet said that at her age a cat's kidneys can start to slow down. As long as we give Spicey plenty of water and treats her kidneys will be fine. You can show your dad the picture of Spicey that I E-Mailed you a while back. I've got the water covered and Mom's taking care of the treats. Hopefully our other cats won't get jealous. Please answer my question. Please respond PDQ the second after you get this E-Mail.
Dear Pony Pal Cayce
My dad says that 15 is pretty old for a cat. Your vet is right, at that age a cat's kidneys are, well, 15 years old. Fat Cat is not 15 yet -- we think. We don't really know how old she is. She was a stray who "adopted" us. There are lots of pets available for adoption at the St. Francis animal shelter here in Wiggins. My dad said that some folks here in Wiggins are having a hard making ends meet. I guess that's true almost everywhere. Anna says that not as many people are eating at her diner as usual. Her dad is cutting and selling firewood but that will get harder once the snow gets deep here. Lulu's grandma isn't doing as many permanents and colorings, mostly just cuts. My dad is letting some of his clients take longer to pay for treating their pets. On Friday afternoon before our sleepover, Anna, Lulu and I rode our ponies over to see the Quinn's. Their story is in book #18,"The Saddest Pony." We took Mr. and Mrs. Quinn some extra turkey, garlic bread and cranberry sauce from Thanksgiving. Pal the cat is doing fine. Ginger the pony likes Pal as a friend in her stable. While we were visiting, we saw Mrs. Clark. She takes the Quinns their meals on wheels. She says that she sees a lot more families than she did even a year ago. Then she had to leave to take meals to more homes. We said goodbye to the Quinns and rode back to our barn. We unsaddled our ponies and gave them some hay. Then we went in for a turkey chili dinner. It was good.
Pony Pals,

Dear Pam we are BIG fans of you and your pony pals. Oh and we should introduce ourselves I am
Kayleigh/Pam this is Sarah/Anna and is Libby/Lulu we love horses even know we don’t have one. Is your pony as beautiful as she sounds like? Did you know if we had any ponies we would name them Lightning, Acorn and Snow White but sadly we do not have any ponies. Do you like sheep because if you do click on the thing that says click here! Then look at the panda that says HELLO! By-By Pam I cannot wait to read your e-mail !
Dear Pony Pals Kayleigh, Sarah and Libby
Welcome to the barn! Wow, you three really like ponies. Until you get a real pony, you can adopt virtual ponies at ClubPonyPals. There you can groom them, feed them and ride around – right now just in our paddock. Soon there will be a trail riding experience. Sheep are OK. In “Pony Keep Out” one of our neighbors was worried that Lulu, Anna and I would leave open gates and let their sheep wander away. But we came up with a Pony Pal Plan that let us keep using Pony Pal trail. Our plan still gave our neighbor peace of mind about her sheep. And if you like ponies, I am going to put a game chest in our barn loft. In it will be lots of games about ponies and math games. If you score points by getting right answers to pony quizzes, you will earn Wiggins Bucks. Then you can buy treats for your pony and you! My mom says that we need to find ways that do not cost a lot and help people enjoy ponies. I think so too. Thanks for writing, please write again whenever you would like.
Pony Pals

Dear Pam,
I like to get letters from you. Today I rearranged my room. I also set up my Christmas tree. How is lightning? I have a dog named Tiny. I have to best friends like you, their names are Shazia and Felicia. Today I have to go to a piano recital and sing in a choir. What did you get Lightning for Christmas? Please write back soon. Love
Dear Pony Pal Alyssa
Thanks for writing. Lightning is fine. I think he liked going out with Acorn and Snow White over to Quinn's when Anna, Lulu and I rode there on Friday. Do you play piano? And sing? It sounds like you are very musical. Usually for Christmas I get Lightning some carrots. I will talk to my mom and see if Lightning needs a new blanket. I think this year a lot of presents are going to be useful things. Do your friends Shazia and Felicia like ponies? I keep my room pretty tidy. I'm always busy working with ponies to help my mom. I don't have much time to arrange things. Soon we will decorate our barn for Christmas.
Pony Pals,

Hey pam,
Who knew that snow could solve everything. The bulldozer left the track because it started snowing, The ticks left Scout (my Dog) alone. It's awesome. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. I did. Rocky is doing pretty good. He is still coughing. This is just random but I'm hungry. I never ate breakfast. Oh well, Can you believe they are thinking about closing Space Mountain in Disney World for 14 months. 14s a lot of months. That's like a whole year. IT IS A WHOLE YEAR. The ride is just fine how it is. It doesn't need any refurbishment. Give Lightning a hug and a cookie for me.
Ur number 1 fan,
Dear Pony Pal Gabby
That’s great news about Rocky and Scout. Ticks are a problem. Here in New England, we have to watch for something called Lyme disease. If an infected tick bites you, it can make you sick and tired for a long, long time. We had a great Thanksgiving. Friday we rode to see the Quinns. We visited with Ginger and Pal. Mrs. Clark came with food and we took some food too. The Quinns are OK. They told us about when they used Ginger to pull a cart into town with their farm’s milk. I wish it was still like that. Our ponies seem happiest when we all ride somewhere. I think both people and ponies want to feel like they are useful.
Pony Pals