Pony News, Views and Attitudes -- Vol.2 No.20 -- November 24-30, 2008 PAGE 3



Hi Anna my name is Jessica im from victoria B.C. i an 12 years old i love the pony pals i have a pony of my on she i a pinto welsh and she is a pure welsh and her name is princess i think im most like you out of the three pony pals i have problens in math an do spelling just like you love jess
PS i will show you a picture of princess once i get one because i just started leasing her :)
PSS Acorn is my favorite pony out of all the pony pal ponys -- dont tell lulu and pam lol

Dear Jess

My tutor and I looked up where you live. She said that you live on an island!

It looks really pretty there. Do you really have bears, moose, wolves, mountain lions and hot springs? That sounds scary.

Does it snow where you are? It gets really cold here. We had frost this week and my mom’s water hose at the diner froze. Dad had to go thaw it out with a blowtorch.

How do you get to school? Do you have to take a boat to go into town?

Write back.


Dear Anna,
Thank you for writing back. Do you think we could be e-mail pen pals? I would enjoy it if we could. My horses do shed their manes & tails. My kitten is trying to type a letter too. She is attacking the key board. You really think my horses are cool? Thank you. How are Acorn, Snow White, and Lightning? Summer & Dixe are fine.
Please write back.
P.S. Can I really be a pony pal?

Dear Serina

Wow. What do they do about flies if they don’t have a tail? That is so weird. Do you have flies there? How does a horse without a tail swat a fly? Do you tie things on where their tail should be?

When Fat Cat had kittens at Pam’s one of them kept attacking my pencil while I tried to write. It made me laugh.

Acorn is so good. He is really really really really fuzzy this year. His legs look like they are little fur tree trunks. But they are really soft.

Snow White is fuzzy too, but not as much as Acorn.

We have bells now to tell hunters we are ponies not deer. We put them on every time we ride. The bells are really old. They were from Ms. Wiggins. She gave us each one and made us promise to wear them whenever we rode until 2009.

When we ride down the trail it sounds like jingle bells.


PS Yes, you are a Pony Pal!


dear anna my best friend
thank you i like your letters to they help me read. at school we are doing swimming yay. today i made a new friend she like ponys and she likes you guys to she has like all the books lol. i love doing art too and i have to learn math and stuff at home to but that does not matter. what you up to? from your good friend amy g


Dear Amy

Swimming sounds like fun. It is very cold here. This week a pipe froze at the diner. My dad had to fix it.

What is your new friend like? Does she have a pony?

This week my tutor and I had a practice game for math. It was really good. Sometimes it seems like she makes math a game. But then when I go to take a test it is not so scary as it was before.

Send me a drawing. I will do one for you if you send me one.

We are riding. But it gets dark really early here. I can only ride after school when my tutor is not teaching me. That means Acorn only gets ridden Mondays and Wednesdays. Sometimes we ride Fridays, too if Lulu doesn’t have to help her Grandma at the Salon.

What days to you have to learn math at home? I don’t remember do you have a tutor too? Write back I like to read your letters.




Hi, Anna!
My name is Maya. I love horses! Acorn and you are my favorite characters in the Pony Pals. I ride a chocolate palamino pony named cheerio every thursday. He is a lot like Acorn. He is shaggy and soft. Do you have any riding information?
My favorite book you and Acorn starred in was "the movie star pony." The girl was mean. You made the right choice.
I'd love it if you wrote back!

Dear Maya

A chocolate palomino sounds so pretty. What kind of pony is Cheerio? Do you ride English too?

Mrs. Crandal has lots of books about riding. I can ask her if you want to know something. She is really smart about horses and ponies.

Pam, Lulu and I think Bette was a little spoiled. When people are movie stars everyone around them tells them how wonderful they are all the time. Bette just got to thinking that she was special. I was never so glad to ride Acorn as the day she gave him back to me after the movie. Every day I see him in my yard makes me happy.

Write back and tell me about what you are doing with Cheerio.

Your friend with a bell on her pony,



Dear Anna, Thanks for clearing that up for me. Our moms have something in common. My mom loves hugs to. Glad ya'll had fun at Mt. Morris. Glad your roof is fixed and that Miss Wiggins got some fire wood. How's Shadow doing? Have a good Thanksgiving.
Friends, Cayce

Dear Pony Pal Cayce

Ms. Wiggins needed that fire wood this week. It has been COLD here.

Shadow is fine. When it is cold sometimes he sleeps in his house and sometimes he curls up on Acorn’s back where it is warm.

We are going to a sleepover at Crandal’s on Friday. I am going to help my mom at the diner on Thursday, she has a big Thanksgiving dinner planned. A lot of people come to eat there instead of cooking at home.

What are you doing for Thanksgiving?


Dear Anna,
How are you and Acorn? Is Acorn geting his winter coat yet?
Can you draw me a picture of you and Acorn jumping?
Do you like Chistmas? I do.
Your Friend
P.S. My brother said hi to Acorn.
P.P.S. Can you give Acorn a hug for me?

Dear Hope

Acorn is so fuzzy he looks like a little bear. When I brush him I get static from all his hair and it all stands on end. I drew this picture for you.

It’s from a photo Mrs. Crandal took last month.
Hope you like it.

Now it’s your turn ;-)

PS Tell your brother Acorn said “Where’s my carrot?”

PPS Acorn said he liked the hug a lot and wanted to know if there was a horse cookie too.


Dear Anna,
My school is OK. Every kid has there own schedule and there is a swimming pool in it. We have a lot of home-work. I don't have a tutor.
Your pony pal

Dear Ellie

You have swimming in your schedule at school? Wow that is really great. Can you ride horses there too?

What do you have for home work? I have to study study study math and writing. I am lucky that I am in the same grade with Pam and Lulu. We sometimes study together. It is easier for me when I can talk about what I read than studying a book alone.

Who do you study with if you don’t have a tutor? Write back and let me know.
