Hi my name is Alyssa. I am 8 years old. I live in British
Columbia. I would love to own a pony of my own, and would
like to be a pony pal.
I have one brother and have one dog named Tiny.
How is life in Wiggins?
What is it like to be a pony pal?
My talents are art, acting, and singing.
How is Acorn?
I like every animal there is.
What adventure did you do this month?
I would like to have a bunny too.
Please write back.
Sincerely, Alyssa
Dear Alyssa
Where is British Columbia? Are you English? Do you ride English?
Is Tiny tiny?
It is getting cold here. We had fun trick-or treating on our
ponies. I was a Shetland Island princess. I was warm in lots
of knitted stuff. I even had a fuzzy knit cap on over my helmet.
I made Acorn really fuzzy with a blow drier. He was really
Being a Pony Pal means riding and having adventures. It is
fun. I like taking care of Acorn. It is more fun than studying
for school.
This month we got ready for the Fall Festival. We held a pony
ride. We raised lots of money for the Animal Shelter. Then
we made our costumes to go trick-or-treating.
Bunnies are really soft and nice. I wish I could have one.
My mom says a pony is enough.
You right back too.

dear anna
thats good how you and lulu are friends. i hope me and timara
became best friends again. what you been up to? ok see ya
from pony pal amy
Dear Pony
Pen Pal Amy
Pam and I and Lulu are all best friends. That's what being
Pony Pals is about. What did you and Timara fight about? Maybe
we can help you become Pony Pals again.
I have to study a lot for school. Sometimes my dad and I go
to the Off-Main Diner for dinner and to visit my mom.
We helped with the Festival. We went trickrtreating on our
ponies. I was a Shetland Island princess on a Shetland pony.
It was fun seeing all our friends. We got lots of apples for
our ponies. I brought them home and we are only feeding a
few every day. Too many apples can make a pony sick.
What you been up to?
Thanks for letting me know. Why was Acorn sad when he
Snow White got into that fight? Friends,
Dear Cayce
That story is in "Pony Pals Super Special #5 Pony Problem."
Acorn was sad. He saw Snow White got all the attention.
Pam is really smart. She helped us figure it out. Sometimes
when a pony is mad, the owner gets mad too. You can buy
that book at
or at the Reading
Your friend,

Anna, I'm Ellie.I love Shetland ponies and I love girls
like you!!!!!!! I was wondering if we could be pen pals,
right back!
P.S. Anna,I'm from Colorado.
Dear Ellie
I like being pen pals. What is Colorado like? Do you have
birch trees and moose and coyotes like here? Do you have
a Shetland pony?
Pony Pen Pals,
