I wish I was like you and the pony pals going on adventures
and trail rides but I can't because I don't have a horse
or pony I wish I did have one more then anything but I am
a city girl I love ponies so much and I take riding lessons
every Saturday with a horse named Crystal she is a brown
pony I like her a lot. My mom said that she is going to
get me a horse only if I am expert at horseback I try really
hard. I can't wait to get my very own horse I really want
a black thoroughbred. My mom said I was really good with
the animals and they follow me everywhere and once a squirrel
went to me and I got to touch it. I feel sorry for the people
who don't know how to treat an animal nicely like pulling
on a horses halter or bridle really hard. I am also trying
to make people stop eating horses but they will not stop.
Dear Emily
I wish I was like you and could get a squirrel to come to
me! That is really special. You sound like Pam. She reads
animals minds sometimes.
Thoroughbred horses are really big! When we ride with Mrs.
Crandal and JB she is way up in the air above us. Thoroughbreds
are really good athletes. They can jump high jumps and run
really fast. They are a little scary to me.
What kind of pony is Crystal? Do you like her? What kind of
pony do you want for your first horse?
Write back,
PS How are you trying to make people stop eating horses?
Lulu, you are so awesome! Maybe we can be pen pals so I
can learn more about you! Your friend Ellie!
PS I'm from Colorado.
Dear Ellie
Colorado is definitely cowboy country. Do you ride Western?
Do you have a ranch? Do you have cows?
I live in Wiggins, CT. My pony Snow White won lots of ribbons
before I got her from the Baxters. Now I mostly ride trails
with Pam and Anna. We have adventures and our friend Jeanne
writes about them sometimes.
What else do you want to know?

PS What kind of food do you eat in Colorado? Do you grow a
garden with vegetables there too? Here my grandma makes sure
I eat vegetables every day and in summer we freeze some to
eat in winter. Do you do that?
I am such a big fan but, what’s a coupon code? Is
it on the bookmark? I just saw your website and did not
buy the book with the bookmark. Is that why I can’t
sign in?
Yours truly,
(tell Snow White I said”hi”)
Dear Pearl
You do not need a coupon code to sign in to the game. Mrs.
Crandal says if you send an email asking to be a tester,
she will send you a coupon code. That is some letters and
numbers that you can use when you log in to the game. There
is a special space to enter your free coupon code, that
code can be used to pony treats that you will be able to
have once you are in the game.
If you buy something at Club Pony Pals you get a coupon
code. So if you want to buy your friend a present in the
game, you can do that. You just give them a code, they can
use it to redeem their present.
This is pretty complicated; it's best to write to Mrs. Crandal.
You can reach her through the WebMaster@ClubPonyPals.com
if you have more questions.
Snow White was really glad to hear someone wrote and said
hi. I gave her an apple that we got from Quinn's but I told
her it was from you. She really liked it.
Your friend,

dear lulu
yeah i really do miss elvis but i might be able to still
see him. i wish i had a horse that i can talk to and tell
it my problems. i might be going to school tomorrow. what
you been have you up to? see ya
from pony pal amy
Dear Amy
Hurray that you are feeling better! Most pets are great
to talk to. Dogs, cats and hamsters are good too. Even snakes
work. (If you like snakes.)
But ponies are the only pet you can ride out on trail. ;-)
We went trick-or-treating with our ponies. It was really
fun. We started before dark. My grandma helped me dress.
She had me come in right after school for my "makeover."
First she put a temporary rinse on my hair to make it darker.
Then she braided it and added hair extensions. They were
only temporary, so it didn't take too long. When she got
done my hair was in two braids that went all the way down
to my waist!
Then she got out my costume. I had on black riding jeans,
black boots and a black sweater. Over that she helped me
slip on a really old Indian princess dress made out of leather.
It had long slits up the sides. When I put it on, it covered
everything I was wearing.
Over that she helped me put on a beaded vest. The beads
were made out of porcupine spines! They make kind of a shield
over my chest and held the dress together.
Grandma told me it was a very old costume. I was really
careful when I went out to get on Snow White.
Then Anna and I rode to Crandal's. From there we rode down
Riddle Road, visiting everyone we knew and stopping to show
off our costumes. By the time it was dark we were tired.
Grandma really liked Pam's Cleopatra costume. We had apple
cider and grilled cheese sandwiches and then Pam had to
ride home.
It was really fun.
How was your Halloween?

how bad was it when snow white got a broken leg ?and
sorry that you fell and had something wrong are you
and snow white ok??
regards Olivia
Wow, thanks for remembering I got hurt practicing pole
bending. That was really scary. I'm fine, and Snow White
is fine too. We were both just stiff and sore for a
few days.
It was more being really scared. Sometimes being scared
is harder to get over than being hurt. Hurt stuff heals.
I didn't want to ever ride again. I thought it would
never be safe. Pam and Anna helped me to feel better
about it.
Your friend,

PS Did
you ever get that scared by something that happened? Write
back and let me know what happened to you.
Lulu, Please tell your dad that I said thanks for the complement.
Your dad sounds like a nice guy. Thanks for the hug. Hope
you, Pam, Anna, and your ponies have a safe and Happy Halloween.
When horses get abscesses in their hoofs how long does it
take them to go away? The reason I'm asking is because it's
taking a while for Cimmaron to get
better. He's had his abscess for almost a month.
Friends, Cayce
Dear Cayce
We had a lot of fun on Halloween. By the time we got done
riding around visiting our friends it was dark. We just
went to Mrs. Sanders house with Lulu and then Anna and I
just put our ponies away. Sometimes we ride on a moonlight
ride but not on Halloween.
When I rode over to Crandal's I asked Dr. Crandal how long
a hoof abscess lasts. He said with good care 4 to 6 weeks.
If there are problems it can be longer.
I hope Cimmaron gets better soon.
Let me know how he is.
Pony Pals,

Hello Lulu,
I love your new game that you made! I was surprised that
I had to log out so soon. Can you tell me if there is
a trail that I can go on to ride my pony?
Lulu, did you ever go on another adventure with your ponypals?
I really like your books.
Dear Chelsea
The game you played is just a small part of what Mrs. Crandal
has planned. When I asked her she said it was like the first
chapter in a really long book.
The next part will be the first piece of Pony Pal trail. You
will be able to ride all over Wiggins eventually.
We go on adventures all the time. This week we went on a Halloween
adventure. My dad always says that adventures are wherever
you are, all it takes is being ready to have them.
I'll tell Jeanne you like her books.
