Dear Antonella
Riding a
pony makes you strong. Even if you ride a pretend pony. Or
a pony in Mrs. Crandal's game.
My tutor
told me a Spanish word for my pony. Acorn is my "querencia."
She said
that in Spanish that means a place of safety. When you have
a querencia, you are really strong. It helps you give up fear
when you have problems.
That's why
I love Acorn. He makes me feel like I can do anything. Even
when I have a hard time in school. Or when Tommy or Mike do
something mean. Or call me a pony pest.
Hug your
pretend pony for me. Hold on to him. Every pony, even a pretend
one, is special.

Dear Cayce
Sally had
Acorn for eight years. She gave Acorn back to Mr. Olson when
she got too big to ride him. She has a big horse now.
Your Friend,
i asked you to draw a picture of sugar, and this is the
best photo i could get!

you could still draw her. if you could draw the pony pals
with her and me to, that would be great (you don't have
how is acorn? i tried to teach sugar how to nod her head
yes like you taught acorn, but she get so distracted (with
food) it's really hard! oh well!
thank you! give acorn and the snow white a big hug for
Dear Haley
I used
your picture to draw Sugar. She is beautiful. I had fun
drawing her.

To teach
a pony to nod is easy. They think about food if they see
your treats. Put them in your pocket. Make sure you can
get one out quick. Little carrots are good.
Pet Sugar
and give her a hug.
got a hug with an apple slice from you. He said thanks.
Snow White got a hug and asked about where her apple slice
was. ;-)
Your Pony

thanks for the letter. I will ask timara if she wants
to be a pony pal but we had fight and know we don't really
talk to each other she is on camp know well all the year
6 are I would of gone but I'm sick. my sisters really
funny she's only 1 years old lol. ok see ya. your friend
amy.. in NZ
Dear Amy
Sorry you
fought with Timara. Sometimes us Pony Pals get angry. But
we never stay mad for long.
When Acorn
got mad at Snow White they had a fight. Then Lulu got mad
at me and said it was my fault.
Pam talked
to Acorn and she told he was sad. That was why our ponies
were biting each other. When we figured it out, then Lulu
and I weren't mad any more.
Hug your
sister for me.

My name is Gabrielle I am a big fan of the pony pals!
I just wanted to say that Acorn is beautiful!!! I love
Shetland ponies!
I have always wanted a pony of my own just like Acorn
Lighting or Snow White!
I have lived in an apartment for a long time but I have
always dreamed of being a real pony pal with you Pam
and Lulu!
My friend and Riley and I ride our bikes on a trail
that goes through the woods we like to call pony pal
We know so much about ponies but we have never owned
our own pony.
I have one question... Do you Lulu and Pam still ride
ponies are the best! They are very smart.
with Riley sounds fun. Is your trail between your houses?
Our Pony Pal trail goes from my house to Pam's.
We all
ride together every time we can. I have a tutor Tuesday
and Thursday. Pam helps her mom with lessons on weekends.
We ride the other days. Even when it rains or snows sometimes.
I will
give Acorn a big hug. It is from you.

How's Acorn? I want a pony so badly, but we have no
place to put and it would be too expensive. I love highland
ponies and haflingers. Acorn is so handsome. If there
was a pony like him for sale i would find a way to buy
Sophie D.
is happy since it is cooler. He wants to prance. I let
him a little.
may have a pony. Or maybe Mrs. Crandal. I will ask. Write
new friend.