My name is Mary. I am 9 years old and live in Minnesota.
I love horses and ponies too! We are looking at either leasing
or buying one real soon.
I have been taking english lessons for 2 years, every other
weekend when I go to my dad's house. Most of the time I
ride Mona, a white speckled arabian who is very old and
has a funny big hay belly. She can be quite lazy and needs
to be reminded to pay attention.

I am sending a picture of Mona and me along to you from
one of our horse shows. The picture of Mona and I at the
show was taken in summer, around June. We got 3rd place
in Jumping Class. The other two riders were adults and harder
to compete against. Lazy Mona did try to get out of it but
I kept at her which made my trainer Mary really happy.
also ride my step mom's horse, Jojo sometimes. He nips at
Mona sometimes but listens better and has more energy then
Mona. I love them both. I don't own Mona, she's a school
says she is too old and lazy to buy since I am getting more
experienced then Mona is...she evades jumps by running around
them or tries to stay at the barn during a trail ride-Lazy
My Mom has had horses her whole life but doesn't have any
right now. But she is the one who is looking for a horse
for her and I. I live with my Mom during the week and every
other weekend so I'd really get a lot more time to ride
if we got one. I'd love that!!! Mom says I'd really get
my balance and seat put once I ride more often.
Mom rides horses for work sometimes, on her Mounted Patrol
for her police department. She says she is spoiled by how
well trained those horses are and is comparing every horse
she looks at to buy to them....she says she can't do that
anymore. I am excited to get a horse of our own and ride
with my Mom-it will be our special time.
It is hard because not any girls at school really know much
about horses or "horse talk". Mom says once we
get a horse and board at a stable I'll be happier cuz I'll
be able to talk horse with the other kids at the stable.
talking to you and hope you send a letter back. I know you
must get a lot of emails so if you don't to this one, maybe
another time when I write.