to Pam
Hi Pam,
We had a frost and it killed the bugs. Now I've only seen 2 or 3.
I found out jumping isn't hard. I had to take down the jump in my
yard because Rocky was misbehaving so after he jumped the jump he
would uncontrollably go through my grandma's garden. My mom build
me a new jump in my arena. Rocky knocks it down when I let him loose.
We have the wood for his new paddock so it shouldn't be long before
Rocky gets his new paddock.
School has been kind of tough. I am failing 2 of my classes. Social
Studies and Math. I can't explain the Math grade but I'm failing
S.S because I never handed in a project. 7th grade is harder than
I thought. Now I'm on the ineligibility list because I'm failing
two classes which means I'm not allowed to go to the Halloween Dance.
That's ok though because I can just ride Rocky. His cough has gotten
worse. He is still ride able. He keeps Rolling in the mud and getting
all dirty. I have to clean his stall soon. I procrastinated a little
so now his stall looks more like a pig pen than a horse stall. Give
Lightning a hug and 2 cookies for me. I say 2 cookies because my
band teacher gave me 2 cookies today so Lightning should have 2
cookies. Speaking of cookies I have to tell you about Myrtle the
bus driver. I'll tell you next week.
Ur number 1 fan,
Gabby and Rocky
Dear Gabby
Yikes! I'm sure
glad you weren't hurt when Rocky the racehorse ran off! Lightning
sometimes likes to move up to the canter after I jump with her.
One training thing
my mom does is set up four poles laying on the ground about four feet
apart. Put them two strides past the jump. Like this
l l l |
pony <<<<<<< |
That way the pony
has to rate back down to the trot to go over those poles.
Maybe your teacher
will let you make up the assignment in Social Studies. For math, maybe
you need a tutor to help you. Anna's math and reading tutor really
helped her. Maybe she could help you, too. Do you want me to ask Anna
to ask her?
Hug Rocky for me.
I hope he gets better soon. I gave two cookies to Lightning and told
her they were from you.She said thanks.

thank you for the letter..please say hi to your mum for me.
this week i have been sick so i didnt really get to do much but
your weekend sounded great.. I cant wait to adopt a pony but when
do we get to?and yes i do really love ponys..gotta go see ya. your
new friend
amy g
Dear Amy G
Sorry you are sick.
Colds are no fun. My mom says in a few days.

My name is Gabrielle and I am a BIG fan of the pony pals!
I think your pony Lighting is ADORABLE!! especially the upside down
heart on her forehead.
I have always wanted a pony of my own!
My friend Riley and I ride our bikes on a trail running through
the woods we like to call pony pal trail.
We know so much about ponies but we have never owned a pony or horse
of our own.
But when my grandpa couldn't feed Blaze anymore (my Grandparents
horse) they decided to give him to me!
The only thing is Blaze is a really old horse but he's gentle. Blaze
stays in Alberta but I still call him mine.
I have lived in an apartment for a long time and always dreamed
of being a REAL pony pal with you Lulu and Anna.
Dear Pony Pal Gabrielle,
After I read your
letter I went out and rubbed Lightning's heart. She closed her eyes
and looked happy.
You and Riley sound
like great Pony Pals! My mom says that you can have your own ponies
and ride out on our Pony Pal trail real soon. It would be great to
see a picture of your PP Trail.
Blaze sounds great.
Do you ever get to ride him?
Let me know. Glad you joined our Club!
Pony Pals,
Setting off metal detectors is weird. Fortunately when we went to
the State Fair on Friday I didn't set of the metal detector. I was
grumpy when I was in the hospital after having my hip surgeries
and when I first got the abscess. Cimmaron's abscess is fine. Cimmaron
seems to be feeling better. Hopefully he won't have another relapse.
The only problem is Cimmaron refuses to leave his hoof in the bucket
when we soak his hoof. He'll literally take his hoof out of the
bucket and knock it over. Then we have to start all over again.
Did ya'll have fun at the Fall Festival?
Dear Cayce,
When I asked my
dad about abscesses and told him what you asked he just said to take
care of you and Cimmaron, without looking at the foot he just can't
Would a low feed
tub work better than a bucket? Just a thought.
The Fall Festival
was really fun, we gave pony rides on all of our ponies. One little
girl just came back over and over and over until the end of the day.
Her mom came up and wanted to know if we gave lessons! I told her
to talk to my mom.
We were really tired
by the end of the day but we made over $300 for St. Francis Animal
Shelter! Fred Jones was really happy and he promised to send us a
letter saying "Thank you!"
How was your weekend?
What was the fair like?