Sky, Luke, Roger and Me! Part 2 part 1
By: Taylor
Age: 11
I walked down the dusty path to the barn and my dogs Luke and Roger following closely behind. I went up to Sky, my black Arabian/welsh pony. He whinnied and I let myself in. I gave him 2 flakes of hay and a cup of grain. But I put him in the paddock so I could clean his stall. Then I fed Luke and Roger. After I did that, I cleaned Sky's stall and got my tack. I brought Sky in and brushed him down. Then it started to rain so I put him in his stall and went to the store.
Then I saw it. In big bold letters it said DOXEN DRESSUP! BE THERE 12:00 MONDAY!
Hmm I thought that was today! It was 10:00 so I went to the pet store and bought a outfit.
At the contest
Luke was wiggling in my arms. I kissed him and he wagged his tail. It was our turn. We went up and sowed of his tricks and all. We went back to our place and I let Luke get a drink and a treat.
“Everybody please let me tell you our winners! 3rd place goes to Lea Link and her dog Cookie! 2 place goes to Jack Plank and his dog Buck! And finally our 1 place winner or should I say winner is Taylor Love and her dog Luke!”

Everyone cheered as I went back up I got his ribbon and life time bags of dog treats then I went to the barn and put it on Sky's stall it had cleared up so I brushed sky and tacked up and went out on a trail ride.
When I got back I un-tacked sky fed him and put him out to his paddock. That night before I went to bed I fed the dogs and the curled up and went to bed.
Note: In the next one, Roger is getting old then one day something happens the will change Taylor's life forever.