
December Story Contest

Lotts' Letter to Anna

by: Lotts & Acorn     age 10


hi Anna!
I have read ALL of the pony pal series, apart from 'Ponies on Parade' and the super special number  4, 5 and 6, ohh, wait! I read 'the last trail ride' wasn't that the last book?  Right now i am at my nans house in England, she lives about 5 minutes away from H** Abbey, and old ruin that the dead monks lived in, the place is a lot like Morris town, if you go into the old church,you can here the monks singing, you can also here the drums nice and clear, but the ghosts,or spirits,are very friendly, but very naughty! the lady there told us about a boy who was walking on top of the wall, and she told him to get down but he didn't, incited he(or she) just kept walking, then she realized that it had no leg so she showed me the photo she took of it before it had disappeared.
Also my granddad died nearly 2 years go, and the house seems spooky, my nan was telling me that when ever she was lying in bed a she felt scared,frightened or worried the touch lamp on his side of the bed would turn on,almost as if he wanted to reassure her or something. spooky huh?
What was it like when you found the old house in Morris town?you know-the one with the hot horse shoe- Warner's Barn I think it was called?.

The other day I was cantering over a 30cm high and 20cm wide jump in a show jumping contest at my riding club-no, I don't have my own horse,I borrow one from the riding center- and I came 4th place out of 8 people! not only that but I was the youngest, but my friend 2 months older then me was in it too and everyone else was 2-3 years older, anyway, also I was only jumping 13-18cm high and the pole width wide- what an improvement that was! but I left to England at the end of the next day, so I don't get to continue jumping in till next year! but my nan did say there was a place not far from here she will take be to to go trail riding,I've only ever been on 1 trail ride before, that was in Australia(I live in New Zealand) and we passed through a shallow lake on the way there and back, and on the way back we got to canter through it! I was soaked but it was sooooooooo much fun! do you like cantering through rivers? and do you enjoy show jumping? I do hands down! thanks for your time,

