
November Story Contest

Hollow Tree Stables #3- Training Sky  (read part one here) (read part two here)
by lululauren2000 &  Snowdrop
Age 9

Hailey walked up the path to her riding stables, Hollow Tree Stables. Megan, her riding teacher, walked by her leading a blue roan gelding.

"Who's this?" asked Hailey as she walked up to the horse.

"Sky" replied Megan. Sky looked at Hailey. His blue roan coat shimmered in the sunshine.

"Where are you going to put him? Barn B is full." Hailey asked Megan.

"We just retired Milk Dud, remember? Megan told Hailey. Milk Dud was a old riding horse who had been sold to a horse retirement stables."

"I'll help you settle him." said Hailey.

"Okay" Megan replied. They led Sky in to Barn A. Megan led him into a stall in between Crystal and Doc.

"Go get ready for the lesson now." Megan said smiling. Hailey checked the riding assignments. She was riding Coco . After she tacked Coco up Hailey walked him over to Sky's stall.

"Hi Hailey" said a voice. Hailey turned around and saw Lizzy!

"Hi Lizzy" answered Hailey. Lizzy was holding Starlit's reins. Vanessa walked by leading Mitsy.

"Hurry up." smirked Vanessa. When Hailey got to the ring, Vanessa and Lizzy were already there. Ella rode into the ring on Nutmeg. Megan followed close behind.

"Today we got a new horse." Megan announced. "And I have selected a student from this class to help me with him." she added. The girls stopped what they were doing.

"Who is it?" asked Vanessa.

"Hailey" answered Megan. Lizzy gave Hailey a high five. Ella said congratulations to Hailey. And Vanessa just sat there with a surprised look on her face.

"Okay everyone, drop your stirrups and walk in a line. " yelled Megan.

 After the lesson Hailey untacked Coco and went to the ring. At the ring Megan had Sky on a lead rope. "Do some ground work with him, Hailey." Megan ordered. Soon Hailey and Sky could walk, trot, and canter in step.

"He has great gaits." commented Hailey. "Put him in the pasture." Megan said before she turned around to help a young girl make her pony take the bit.

The next day Hailey didn't have a lesson but she had to work with Sky. "Today trot him over some poles." said Megan while she handed Hailey the lead line. Sky trotted over the poles nicely. They did ground work the rest of the time.

Day after day Hailey worked and took care of Sky. Pretty soon Hailey could ride him over a jumping course. Hailey began to feel that trust that she had once had with Prancer. Finally, Megan said she could ride him in a riding lesson. The day of Sky's first riding lesson came. When Hailey led him into the ring she felt nervous. A few minutes later the lesson started. First they trotted over some poles. Sky bumped into Hannah but besides that he was great. Next they had to do a sitting trot in a line. This time Sky shied at Starlit's hindquarters and took off at a canter. But Hailey quickly got him under control. The last thing they had to do was jump some gymnastics. Luckily Sky did that perfectly. At the end of the lesson, Megan had the girls ride to the center of the ring.

"I want to say that Hailey did a great job with Sky today. So I decided that Sky can now do lessons!" Megan told the class. Everyone cheered. And with all the noise Sky danced on his toes. Maybe because he was a lesson pony!