The Top Show
By Chico3838 & Snow White Age 12
Sarah had just got her very own pony named Blues and she was really excited because she had always wanted one. Up until than she had just ridden at a local riding center. She had heard that there was a show so she decided to practice.
"Sarah keep your heels down! Bend your elbows! Keep posting!" Her instructor yelled. She was doing combined lessons with a group of girls.
She wasn't ready but she knew that this would be her only shot. She was scared.
The Day of the show
Sarah knew that Blues wasn't ready but her instructor had already signed her up so there was no way she was going to back out now. Before she entered the arena she felt butterflies in her stomach. Somehow she knew all wouldn't go well.
Than she saw the carnival. Than they announced for her class to go in. They had asked to start at a walk but Blues wanted to trot. So Sarah pulled back sharply. "No Blues walk." Than they had asked them to trot and Sarah was over by the carnival.
She gave him a little bit of rein she started to canter and Sarah couldn't stop her. The judge stopped the class but still she couldn't stop him and she was going at a very fast canter. She saw her instructor run into the arena. The fifth time she almost ran over the judge. She still couldn't stop her. Finally her instructor grabbed Blues. But Blues freaked out a bit and reared up. Sarah grabbed around Blues neck. Her instructor led her out of the arena. She ended up getting a white. But she was fine with that.
If you want to find about her next show wait and see.
(it is based on what really happened at my last show. But i sadly don't own her!)