by YouWish and Kiss & Tell Age: 11
It was another lazy day at Greenbrier Stables. Sorraya was exercising thoroughbreds. She was an exercise rider at a huge thoroughbred farm. She was riding a promising young colt named Silver Sunshine Indian, Sorraya like to call him "Indy." How she wished she could become one of the jockeys on this farm! Then she could really ride. She was just responsible for warming up the horses. And it would likely never happen, for being a jockey was usually for men only.
"Come on Indy..." Sorraya whispered in his ear. "There's only a quarter-mile left!" Today Sorraya and Indy were breezing the track seeing how fast he could make it. Their trainer, Mr. Lutz, told them they would have to go a little faster to beat some of the other colts if they were to win the claiming race. Sorraya was worried, she did not want Indy to be claimed in his first race! For if he won this race, he would be eligible for another, bigger race. Mr. Lutz suggested that they work him at night when they got to the track, so he would not be recognized in the race.
The race was only three days away now. Sorraya was preparing to exercise Indy. She buckled her helmet and zipped up her boots. Alright Sorraya you can do this. She told herself. When she arrived at Indy's stall, she was astonished to she him not there! To her despair, she ran out to the track only to see another rider on him! She walked up to Mr. Lutz and asked him why she wasn't riding today. Mr. Lutz simply replied, "You are not the exercise rider anymore." "Do I not have a mount then?" Sorraya inquired. "No, your are his jockey. Our jockey for Indy just quit, and we had a stable hand who showed some skill, so we flip-flopped." "You will wait till race day to ride him." Mr. Lutz said.
Sorraya was now a jockey.
Race day was tomorrow. Sorraya and Indy had just arrived at the track. She had put him in his stall to rest for a while. She would work him at midnight with her friend, Cindy. Cindy was a trainer and was going to ride with Sorraya in hopes that she could cover Indy with her horse.
Midnight came as dark as ever. Cindy asked "Are you ready?" "Ready." Sorraya replied.
The horses bolted onto the track going very fast, Cindy's plan was working! They galloped faster and faster, legs like lighting and hooves of thunder. Indy was flying around the track, "Oh I wish I timed this!" Cindy said. Then they were at the finish. "Think he is ready for tomorrow?" Sorraya asked. "Yes." Cindy said. She was out of breath.
Race day came. "SORRAYA!" Mr. Lutz called. "What, What?" Sorraya asked? They were standing in the jockey's room. There were 15 minutes until the race. "Hurry get your silks on and mount up!" Mr. Lutz yelled. He handed her a thin, long box. She opened it to reveal, the Greenbrier coulors, a green jersey with a gold horse head on the back. The breeches were pure white with black polished boots. Then she saw the whip, a very nice one at that. "Well, front and center and hurry up!" Mr. Lutz said. Sorraya zipped, buttoned and slipped everything on faster than you could say thunder-hooves.
"Riders Up!" Someone called. Sorraya mounted onto Indy. They were being lead through the tunnel, and then they met up with the ponies. "Now coming into gate number 7, is Miss Sorraya Olsen, on Silver Sunshine Indian." The announcer said. "And they're all in." RRRIIINNNGGG! The starting bell blared! "Silver Sunshine Indian breaks fast, but Curling Away comes to challenge, But Silver Sunshine Indian hold onto first!" The announcer called. Sorraya couldn't hear any of it, the only thought running through her mind was Don't be claimed please, don't be claimed... "And Silver Sunshine Indian goes on to win it!" The announcer yelled. Cheers erupted from the stands. Sorraya slowed Indy to a trot and walked up to the owner and trainer. The lady in the claiming office walked onto the track. She had one red tag in her hand. One horse had been claimed.
She walked past the grey, the bay and the black colt, up to Indy. But she walked right past to another Chestnut colt. He had been claimed. "YES! Indy wasn't claimed!" Sorraya cheered! Now he was eligible for the bigger race, where he couldn't be claimed. The chestnut next to them was the second place finisher. With that, Sorraya rode Indy to the winners circle, Fire in her Eyes.