
August Story Contest

August Story this goes in non-fiction
by Flashie1 & Flash Girl  age 11

    I was going to write Pony Pal Adventures 2 but let's hold that off for a while. Horses are my life's passion, when I ride Dazzler out in the outdoor arena, and he jumps and kicks at the chickens 75 yards away, it feels... Natural. I tell him that he is ok and the chickens won't get him he calms down and feels safe like before we walked passed them. I think to myself, "Wow, what would I do with out horses," it says to people that I am a freak. But if you love football or volleyball and I don't like any of those, I have the right to call you a freak, cause. I'm not and you aren't.  They do not feel what we feel when we ride are hunter jumper, dressage, western, and in my case American Saddlebreds. So don't judge us right, we feel the same way about this like you do to your sport, let that be math, reading, or a physical sport like baseball. If someone you know is what they call me a horse freak geek, then don't tell them they are a Football freak idiot. walk away. And if you are like me, a high-strung person who will take it personally, it is going to be hard. I have tried hard, and I can do it every now and then. Do not give up, and if someone tells you are bad keep trying. Never give up, cause we are a rare breed of people who love and would die for a horse.