Volume 8 Issue 31
January 25 - February 1, 2015
Saturday, January 31st Live Moderated Chat
Chat with other Pony Pals and play games from
• 6 - 8 pm Eastern USA time
• 5 - 7 pm Central USA time
• 4 - 6 pm Mountain USA time
• 3 - 5 pm Pacific USA Time
• 7 - 9 am in Perth, Australia (Sunday)
• 10 am - noon in Sydney Australia (Sunday)
• Noon to 2pm in New Zealand (Sunday)
Deadline January 29
Enter more than once if you like!
The Rules:
1. The drawing must include a horse.
2. You do not need to be a part of a club to enter this contest.
3. The drawing can be color or black and white.
4. Send entries to contests@clubponypals.com
Winner in each category gets 1000 Wbucks, runner up gets 500.
That's about it. All entries will be published in the Pony Pals Magazine.If we get enough entries, we will have both a black and white and a color category, so enter twice for two chances to win.

drawing by lightblue1012 |
Winners will be announced in the Wiggins Weekly. All art will be published in Pony Pals Magazine.
To Enter this Month's Blanket Contest, click here
To Enter this Month's Drawing Contest, click here
Can't Draw? No Problem, enter the Coloring Contest
Write an Article for the Pony Pals Magazine
Our Pony Pals Magazine features members' stories. Winning stories and poems will be published in Pony Pals Magazine. All entries must be original, meaning that the member who enters them must have written the text. To be eligible the story or poem must have a horse or pony in it someplace. All entries published in the Magazine will earn 500 Wiggins Bucks, the best stories and poems will earn 3000 Wiggins bucks and trophy for the writer. Articles must be at least 500 words long.
Enter the story and poem contest here
We also want cartoons, book reviews, letters and photos. If a kids face is shown in the photos, we must have a written note from their parent saying it is OK. As always, the cover photo earns 3000 Wbucks and a pink English saddle. Get yours in now! Email photos and cartoons to contests@clubponypals.com
To get an idea of what kind of material we want, read Pony Pals magazine

Winner receives 3000 WBucks
and Gold Quill Trophy
Runners up receive 500 WB
and the Silver Quill Trophy
All entries get a
Green quill writer award

Winners will be announced in the Wiggins Weekly. All art will be published in Pony Pals Magazine.
To Enter this Month's Blanket Contest, click here
To Enter this Month's Drawing Contest, click here
Can't Draw? No Problem, enter the Coloring Contest
Newest Clubs and Roleplays

Cowgirls N' Angels Roleplay Club

Just for Clubs Interest Club

Divergent Fan Interest Club

Moccasin Lake Ranch Roleplay Club

Meredith Manor Competition Club

Party Time Interest Club
Begin a Club
Pay the Club Fee
500 Wiggins Bucks |
Maintain your Club
After you buy Wiggins bucks, W-mail Jane Crandal with the club name, club description and what you want the plaque to look like. You must have a 500 Wbucks, a cabin and a paid board bill to make a club. |
New club thread and a custom plaque on Clubs page and also sold in Kline's.
Clubs with no activity for two weeks will be deleted. If you find an inactive club, post
I found an inactive club
as a message in that club to earn 20 Wbucks. Club founders who create a club, then close their CPP accounts may find their clubs will be deleted.
Mini Games Earn Wiggins Bucks -- high scores for the week of
January 18 - 24, 2014
Highest scoring player for Scavenger Hunt or Pony Pal Derby each week gets 1000 Wbucks.
300 Wbucks goes to each of the next nine highest scores.
NOTE : Any member who wins the math scores sweep (high score in any week on addition, subtraction and multiplication) gets a math trophy and a special mention in this newsletter!
Those members become ineligible for math high score awards from that date on.
HorseyGal167 |
iloveelliot671 |
didina234 |
rrpals |
Midnightrider17 |
Sugar1Loaf2 |
Giggi22 |
Hotdog |
GreenTurtle |
nicol |
molls14 |
Arion Rider |
jjpals |
SweetFaithDolly |
Arion Rider |
Giggi22 |
rrpals |
lightblue1012 |
Californialover123 |
slingshot |
This Week There is a
Math High Score Sweep! |
Practicing math skills on Club Pony Pals
Earns you Wbucks!
the highest scores in Add Like Mad, Subtraction Action, & Multiplication Station for the past week. That member won 3,000 Wbucks and a special trophy. That acccount also becomes ineligible to earn Wbucks for playing math games in the future.
Math High Scores
Earn the Most Wiggins Bucks!
Every day the top five players in each math game earn 100 Wbucks.
Highest scoring player each week gets 1000 Wbucks. If there is a math scores sweep, that member gets 3000 Wbucks, becomes ineligible to earn Wbucks in the math games in the future, and 300 Wbucks goes to each of the next fifteen highest scores.
Starlitluna |
Starlitluna |
Starlitluna |
Hotdog |
racehorsesrock |
racehorsesrock |
racehorsesrock |
Hotdog |
HorseyGal167 |
9433651 |
Rabbit08 |
Rabbit08 |
Sugar1Loaf2 |
maeve2007 |
lucky22gh |
Breyer Horses 45 |
jose123 |
gabrielita8 |
belhew |
Chay Bug |
jose123 |
jose123 |
if you played this week you would have won!
9433651 |
Midnightrider17 |
if you played this week you would have won! |
Breyer Horses 45 |
maeve2007 |
if you played this week you would have won!
rrpals |
Ride the Cross Country Trail
Five fastest times win a trophy. |
Cross Country Course South |
Cross Country
Course North |
Hotdog |
iloveelliot671 |
TJG22 |
racehorsesrock |
Appaloosalover101 |
flut yossi |
lightblue1012 |
belhew |
SweetFaithDolly |
niko14578 |
Pony Pal Poem for the Week
Phantom Horses
By Lightblue1012
Hooofbeats pound a dusty road
upon a misty night drowning out the hooting owl
and the croaking toad
Nine black horses bathed in sweat run faster then the wind nostrils spouting plumes of smoke there destiny is set are these horses really there or spirits of days gone by? when they wandered wild and free and breathed the crisp cool air
©2015 clubponypals.com
Publisher welcomes comments, letters, photos and drawings. Send entries to contests@clubponypals.com Club Pony Pals is the official web site, virtual world and online games based on Jeanne Betancourt’s ‘Pony Pals’ books.