Volume 6 Issue 36
May 19 - 25, 2013
e-News about contests and new stuff!
May Mustang Horse Drawing Contest -- enter now!
Entry deadline May 30-- Enter more than once if you like!
The Rules:
1. The drawing must include a Mustang.
2. You do not need to be a part of a club to enter this contest.
3. The drawing can be color or black and white.
4. Send entries to contests@clubponypals.com
Winner in each category gets 1000 Wbucks, runner up gets 500.
That's about it. All entries will be published in the Pony Pals Magazine.
If we get enough entries, we will have both a black and white and a color category, so enter twice for two chances to win.

drawing of a Mustang by Ruby9 |
Click here to vote for your favorite in the
April Horse Drawing Contest
Thunder Storm's Herd Roleplay
Dapple River Farm |
Mini Games Earn Wiggins Bucks -- high scores for the week of
May 12-18, 2013
Highest scoring player for Scavenger Hunt or Pony Pal Derby each week gets 1000 Wbucks.
300 Wbucks goes to each of the next nine highest scores.
Scavenger Hunt
Pony Pal Derby
winner: Potato8 |
winner: lopkophop |
CaroleApollo123 |
kathy12 |
JoeG |
sheindel |
cutter466 |
pielover |
shubhu |
kissmekate |
Minstrel4eva |
AnnaROUaT |
delaynerr |
showjumpingluver |
oasis |
PhantomFreak321 |
emokitty |
shubhu |
PhantomFreak321 |
Kaylah973 |
poohbear1999 |
Ekaterina |
Math High Scores
Earn the Most Wiggins Bucks
Highest scoring player each week gets 1000 Wbucks. If there is a math scores sweep, that member gets 3000 Wbucks
and 300 Wbucks goes to each of the next fifteen highest scores.
Add Like Mad
Multiplication Station
Subtraction Action
winner: kathy12 |
winner: Shapira |
winner: kathy12 |
lilly2530 |
kathy12 |
flut yossi |
lopkophop |
flut yossi |
lopkophop |
Shapira |
lopkophop |
sheindel |
sheindel |
lilly2530 |
Shapira |
Ekaterina |
Lizzy1 |
lilly2530 |
kissmekate |
sheindel |
AnnaROUaT |
NathanAlan |
MemaMacMabel |
Annamaria |
MyBrokenHeart |
horseshoofbeat |
Lady Katie |
Annamaria |
AnnaROUaT |
broncobabes |
Lillianne |
showjumpingluver |
You could have earned |
Libby horse lover |
PegasGirl |
Wbucks if you played |
shubhu |
Lady Katie |
this game! |
MemaMacMabel |
acon |
Everyone who played |
Thetis |
maggs28 |
got 300 Wbucks or more! |
Ride the Cross Country Trail
Five fastest times win a trophy. |
Cross Country Course South
Cross Country Course North
copperpuppy54 |
shubhu |
nina1016 |
phlever |
JoeG |
showjumpingluver |
shubhu |
limedime |
phlever |
SuperWhoMLPlockainLiz |
Pony Pal Thoughts for the Day:
"The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.” ~ Dorothy Nevill
“To stand at the edge of the sea, to sense the ebb and flow of the tides, to feelthe breath of a mist moving over a great salt marsh, to watch the flight of shore birds that have swept up and down the surf lines of the continents for untold thousands of year, to see the running of the old eels and the young shad to the sea, is to have knowledge of things that are as nearly eternal as any earthly life can be.” ~ Rachel Carson
©2013 clubponypals.com
Publisher welcomes comments, letters, photos and drawings. Send entries to contests@clubponypals.com Club Pony Pals is the official web site, virtual world and online games based on Jeanne Betancourt’s ‘Pony Pals’ books.