We want to be
Pony Pals! We have been riding
for two years!
We want to learn how to be pony pals.
please write back.
Ali& CC.
Dear Ali
& CC
Wow, riding
for two years? That's a long time. By writing to the Wiggins
Weekly and reading the Pony Pal books, you are now Pony Pals.
Welcome to
our virtual barn! You can try Mrs. Crandal’s new game.
It is online at
She says it is the very, very first little part. Mrs. Crandal
plans to open the first part of Pony Pal trail very soon.
What’s the pony you ride's name? Write back and tell
me about your pony adventures!
Your friend,
game is so cool.What's it like to be a pony pal?I love the
books that you and your pony pal friends wrote.I'm glad
that the game is partly ready to play. Good night! From,
Chelsea G
Dear Pony
Pal Chelsea
Being a Pony Pal is really fun! When Anna, Pam and I are together
with our ponies, life just seems perfect. Not everyone can
have a real pony where they live right now. I am really lucky
that I can.
At Club Pony Pals online game you can adopt a free online
ponies, and then groom, feed and ride them. The online ponies
are as life-like as the webmaster and her developers can make
them. They need to be groomed, they get tired and they get
hungry. The players get hungry too. Soon the game developers
will make a way for players to earn Wiggins Bucks by grooming
Mrs. Crandal's lesson horses, Daisy and Splash. The lady who
is writing that code is really good at it. What do you want
to do when you grow up?

Lulu, its me again, what are you doing for Cristmas? What
state are you in? The snow melted here to. Lets write
each other letters from now on. please write back. Love
Dear Pony
Pal Alyssa
Thanks for writing. I love to get letters. I like to write
them, too. When I lived in England, I learned that knowing
how to write well was a very important part of everyone's
education. I am in Connecticut. That is also the state where
author Jeanne Betancourt was living when she got the idea
for the Pony Pals books. Christmas seems far away and just
around the corner at the same time. We usually decorate
our ponies' shelters for the holidays. Sometimes we sing
carols to them on Christmas eve! They are usually glad to
see us. Specially if we bring carrots and horse cookies.

Ellie.Colorado is a western state,but I ride english.I
don't have a ranch and I don't have cows. I don't even
have a pony. What's Wiggins like? Where were you born?
What's your favorite
color?Your friend Ellie
Dear Pony
Pal Ellie
I was born in Australia where my dad and mom were both working
on animal research. After my mom died, I traveled with my
dad for a while. Then I was at a boarding school in England
where I got to ride a pony! That's where I learned to ride
English. When I moved to Wiggins to stay with my grandma,
I didn't have a pony either. Not everybody can keep a real
pony where they live. It sounds like you get to ride, though.
Wiggins is a small town that has been here a long time.
My favorite color is periwinkle blue. That is the official
Pony Pal color. Is it snowing in Colorado yet? We have gotten
some snow flurries here already.
Your friend,

Dear Lulu, You're welcome. Glad he's feeling better
too. I will. How come your grandmother's not into
riding? When your dad comes home please give him a
hug for me. Please give your grandmother a hug for
me and please give Snow White a kiss for me. Please
answer my question. Please respond PDQ the second
after you get this E-Mail. Friends,
Pony Pal Cayce
says that when she was my age horses were too old fashioned.
Now she says her life is complicated enough without
adding any more new things to learn.
learned something pretty cool at the Wiggins library.
The librarian helped me do a "safe search"
on their computer. She helped me find a study that was
done in Germany and Sweden. It researched why it seems
that girls like horses more than boys do.
turns out that about half of all girls really, really
like horses. That means the other half doesn't as much.
Maybe my gandma is in the half that doesn't. At school,
some of the girls are way into clothes and how they
look. Think about Rema, who had Snow White before me.
She think it's a super big deal that she goes to a private
school and that her parents have a lot of money. I'd
rather have good friends and a good pony. Sometimes
we get pretty dusty or muddy but we always have a good
