My name is Emily and I am 11 years old. I have never had
a horse to call my own until now. About a year ago my mom
and dad gave me and my sister a rocky mountain horse (well
really she is small enough to be a pony under 14.2 hands
high). A few weeks before my mom decided she would spend
$500 on an animal we went to try her out. My dad said he
would ride her first (not a good idea). He saddled he and
then, disaster. She went 4 or 5 feet into the air and then
bucked like a bronco out of a rodeo. My dad’s hat
flew off and then he got mad. In the end my dad won. Then
I mounted her. She obeyed me like she had been trained and
worked her whole life. It was a wonder my mom still bought
her, that my dad did not shoot her. Did I mention my dad
is 6 feet tall and weighs just under 200 pounds. Strong
willed, strong back, and a big heart. That defines my rocky
mountain PONY.
Winnies and nickers,
Emily N.
Dear Emily
Your Rocky Mountain pony story is really good! It made me
laugh and laugh. I can imagine if your dad tried to ride Snow
White she’d be unhappy too. Maybe even Snow White might
try to buck!
Do you have your pony at your house? That’s so fun like
with Snow White because I can go visit her anytime.
Your dad must ride really well if he didn’t get bucked
off. Is he a cowboy? Where did he learn to ride?
I’m really glad your mom bought her. I’m really
really really glad your dad did not shoot her!
What’s your pony’s name? What color is she? Write
back and tell me about your pony adventures!
Your friend,
I love playing your new game, it's so much fun! My name
is Alyssa and I am 8 years old. How is Snow White? I don't
have a pony yet, but I wish I could. Please write back.
Love, Alyssa
Dear Alyssa
Its so great you like the new game! I told Mrs. Crandal and
she said to say THANK YOU!
What is your game pony’s name? Can you make her canter
in the paddock yet?
Snow White is great! This week I called her Snow Brown. It
rained a lot and she rolled in the mud. Anna and I wanted
to ride and I had to brush and brush and brush her until she
was clean enough to saddle. It was pretty silly but she liked
being brushed.
We rode out on trail and it was pretty. The leaves are falling
fast now and when we were riding the pony’s hoofs went
swish swish swish through the leaves.
It gets dark really early now so we can’t ride much
after school. Anna has her tutor and so the only time we went
for a ride this week was Saturday. We rode up to Mt. Morris
and looked at the new monument for the old ski resort. It
is pretty up on the mountain.
Did you get snow where you are yet? We got some but it melted
right away.
Your friend,

PS What kind of food do you eat in Colorado? Do you grow a
garden with vegetables there too? Here my grandma makes sure
I eat vegetables every day and in summer we freeze some to
eat in winter. Do you do that?
I live in Canada British Columbia its really nice there
with all the mountains. My favourite country is Scotland.
I have a big brother and I have a mom and a dad I am in
4th grade. I have two dogs yorkie terriers and a mother
and a father and a brother.
I made lots of stories in my life when I was in grade
one I made my first story about a dog and I finally finished
it and it was 101 pages long. I still make lots of stories
my mom said that I need to make more stories so she can
publish them. I am so excited if they will be published.
When I grown up I want to be a horse back rider I think
that will be fun.
Lots of people say I am very creative. My mom thinks that
I am going to be a doctor but I changed my mind and I
can't think of a time to tell her. What are you going
to be?
If I can have a horse or pony it will be a black thoroughbred
or a black fell. I love the black horses.

Inglegarth Fell Ponies - 2008 Foals courtesy of
is a riding pony and is really nice she is a little brown
pony … with a star on her forehead. Crystal is a
very sweet pony and this Saturday Crystal went to a canter
I was so scared it felt like I was jumping.

A boy where I take horse back lessons is so mean to the
horses you whips them so hard for no reason I am so mad
at that boy he even pulls on the reins so hard.
My dad and my Mom have decided to change schools because
right now I go to an private school which you have to
pay and my mom does not like that so now I have to leave
my best friend Amanda and we need to go to an public school.
I am really sad to leave my best friend Amanda we have
been friends since grade one I really do not want to leave
her!!!!!! Me and her played lots of animal games which
I made them up we play lots of horse games too.
Are you at a public school how is it there?!!!
If you want to send me anything Email me
Your friend Emily!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS Hi lulu its me again if this was the day I will pick
my very own horse I will chose a nice Black throughbred
or pony.
Wanna be my friend? Emily W
Dear Emily
Your long letter made me happy to read it. You really are
creative! You are lucky that you live with your mom and
dad. I live with my grandma and my dad is in Africa working.
Crystal is a pretty pony. Congrats on your first canter!
Some horses do feel like they are jumping when they gallop.
Ginger in England was a “hopper” when she cantered.
It felt like being on a trampoline going up and down. It
was fun and she was good to ride. She had the smoothest
trot. My trainer said she was a “daisy clipper.”
Sometimes I still miss Ginger. She was a sweet pony.
I changed schools a lot before I came here. I was in England
before this. Before that I traveled with my dad and went
to school wherever we were. I was a little scared about
coming to Wiggins and I missed Ginger the pony I rode before.
But then I met Snow White and then Pam and Anna and found
out there are pony pals everywhere.
Wiggins Elementary is a public school. It is kind of small.
There are not a lot of classes and I am really lucky because
me, Anna and Pam all have the same teacher.
Please write back and I would love to read one of your stories.
Your friend,

so what u been doing lately?
I didn’t go trick or treating but that doesn’t
matter. you must of looked so pretty.
i wish i live in Wiggins. do u think u will live there
forever? if u do i will came see u when i'm older lol.
are u going to have a barn sleep over in the weekend?
if u are can u please amazing i'm there because i wish
I was. can u please sent me a picture of u and your pony
pals and your ponys. Here’s a picture of me...

i wish i had a pony.
amy g.
Dear Amy
How come
you didn’t go trick or treating? Don’t they
do that where you live? I hope you weren’t too sick
to go, I remember you had a cold.
is fun. Everybody knows everybody. And a lot of people like
to tell stories about who’s doing what.
has lived here a long time and she hears all the stories.
She says ladies like to tell tales when they get their hair
done, her job is “one part hair three parts head.”
I think she means people like to tell her about their problems.
We are
having a barn sleepover at Pam’s on Thanksgiving Friday.
Grandma said it was ok and Anna said her mom said she could
go on Friday night. We all have to be at our houses for
turkey day.
Anna drew
a picture of all of us. Hope that’s ok.

Your friend,

Cimmaron's limping, but he feels better after he soaks
hoof. Cimmaron's not off of his feed. Glad ya'll had
Trick-or-Treating. Please tell Dr. Crandal that I
said thanks for the
info. Friends,
for letting me know about Cimmaron. I’m glad he’s
getting better. Give him a big hug for me. Pam’s
dad said your welcome.
