First Anniversary Edition

Pony News, Views and Attitudes -- Vol. 2 Number 1 -- July 14-20, 2008

First Anniversary Issue

At the Wiggins Weekly Offices this week publishers held a small party to celebrate this e-newsletter's first year of publication. Carrot cake and apple cider were served. Then the staff adjourned to go and ride their ponies.

"From the first issue until today. our e-newsletter has changed a lot" Allison, the publisher, said. "We now have many readers writing in with their own stories and ideas for the paper."


Wish you could
Ride to School or Work?
This Dentist & Staff Did It

Dr. Leonard and his staff riding in to work.
Photo courtesy of Shelli.

ARLINGTON, Wash. (AP) -- When gas prices hit $4 a gallon, the staff at Dr. Keith Leonard’s dental office figured it was time to pony up.

Since more than half of the dental assistants and office staff own horses, on Wednesday the crew saddled up and rode in to work.

“We decided that when gas got to $4 a gallon, we would all ride in,” Leonard said.

Ten riders and two bicyclists met up at Leonard’s home about four miles north of his office for the commute. City officials in Arlington, located about 50 miles north of Seattle, granted them a special permit to ride as a group.

“We can’t dictate how much oil companies charge, but today we’re not buying,” Leonard said. “We’re using one-horse power.”

Leonard said the ride was a way to encourage his patients to use alternative forms of transportation.


Did you ever imagine riding in to school or work? Where would you put your pony if you did? What would everyone else think? How would it work out for you and for your pony? Tell us what your imaginary (or real) riding adventure is like! Write in and let everyone know about your ride to school or work on your pony!


Pony Pals Local Chapter Question and Letter from Jeanne Betancourt

Dear Jeanne Betancourt

I’ve got one question for you… WHY DID YOU STOP WRITING BOOKS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?  I cried when I read Super Special #6.   Can you please keep on writing books about the pony pals? PLEASE!!!??? You inspired all of my friends and I  to make this club.  And what’s weird is that I’m most like Pam and I live farthest from my other two friends.  One of my friends is like Lulu and the other is like Anna and, they live diagonal from each other. Thank You for listening!
From: A horse maniac  Carolyn
Horses E A C (our club name)

Dear Horses EAC and Carolyn

Thank you for telling me about you and your club, Horses E.A.C.   Since your name is Carolyn, I'm guessing your friends names begin with the letters E and A.   Is that right?
To answer your question, I stopped writing Pony Pal books because my publisher decided that 44 books was a good place to stop.  There aren't too many series with that many books, so I feel lucky to have written that many.  But if Scholastic should ever want me to continue the series I certainly have some more ideas for Pony Pal adventures.  By the way, I cried a little myself when I wrote the last one.   In my imagination I had lived in Wiggins with Pam, Anna, and Lulu and their wonderful ponies for ten years.  It felt like I was saying goodbye to good friends.  To my surprise, the Pony Pals and their world has stayed alive for me.  Thanks to e-mails and letters like yours and the world of ClubPonyPals and the Wiggins Weekly.  I am very excited about the game, too.  It will be fun when every Pony Pal can have a Pony and ride with Pam, Anna, and Lulu.  
Happy reading and gaming,
Jeanne Betancourt


We want your drawings or letters! Send them in to the Wiggins Weekly.


or mail them to

Club Pony Pals
16654 Soledad Canyon Rd. #382
Canyon Country, CA 91387


This Week's Survey

Which bookmark do you like best?

Last Week's Survey Results

Which bookmark do you like best?








Club Pony Pals

Bookmark D is the BEST!!!!!
I voted on the site :) Bethany

Hey Webmaster,
It's Samantha!
i have a idea! you could make pony pal mags
and sell them 4 $5.00 each. you could put reviews of some of the pony pal books in the mags and pictures of pony pal trail.
And could you pleade sell them in Australia, because thats where i live. And you could write on the front of the mag that the idea came from Samantha W, thats me!
Can you think about it, and if you say yes you can email me,
and ask 4 more ideas!!!!
how do you play the pony pal game?
and can i be a game tester too?
I love the pony Pals and there my
favourite books in the whole world. Jeanne Betancourt is my Favourite Author and she is so creative
thanks, please say yes to my idea.
Samantha :)
From Australia


signing up for newsletter. thanks

Game Tester Emails

I would absolutely LOVE to be a game tester! I LOVE Pony Pals books. They rock! I have played SO many other horse PC games, and it would be my absolute pleasure to play the pony pals game. Please sign me up for the trial.
Thank you very much,

i would like to be a game tester plz jodie thz


Dear Pony Pal Grace - -

The Pony Pals game is really moving ahead now. Every suggestion testers made is being put into the game, including all the ones above. Wiggins is a great town and soon anyone will be able to visit there.

Within the next few months Club Pony Pals game testers will be the first to visit virtual Wiggins and ride with the Pony Pals. If you want to see our game write in to the Weekly and let us know"I want to be a game tester." We'll put you on the list and tell you how to become a tester for us.



Australian Pony Power

Nyah the pony.

Dear WebMaster,
    Firstly, thank you for posting up my photos of Nyah and me, in the Wiggins Weekly. Was a great thrill for me and my family.
    Thank you also, for remembering that my friends call me Bella, and I'm happy that you called me by that .  :-)
    I would like very much to be a game tester ( with Daddy helping ) and I also would very much like to receive the " Wiggins Weekly " too.
     A big Hello from Australia to all the other Pony Pals around the world. Regards,

    Isabella " Bella



New Members Letters

I would like to sign up for the Wiggins Weekly,please.
Also, I would like to join the Pony Pals virtual game.
Thank you, Grace

Hi, please add us to your weekly newsletter....thanks a lot, Ariel

Please join me up for your weekly newsletter and whatever else I can access at your site. I love horses and ponies. One day I hope we move to a farm because my dad said if we have enough room I can get a horse. He wants to name it Mighty To Save - after the Christian song by Hillsong United.
Thank you very much.
Your friend,

Dear Pony Pals Jodie, Grace, Ariel and Abby- -

Welcome to the Club! It's great that you've joined us. Here is the place to find out more about Pony Pals and the new game and adventure that's coming this fall to our Club website. Stay tuned here for more information. We all look forward to reading more letters from you and hearing about your adventures, with or without a pony.




Members Adventures

I gave up riding at 21 because I frankly couldn't afford my own horse. I had always ridden other folks horses with a strong emphasis on competing, competing, competing. Sadly the local scene was poisonous!!! I could NOT tolerate the
poison any longer. If I wanted to ride I HAD to compete.
I threw in the towel at 21 with the WORST taste in my mouth for the horse world (though never for the animals themselves).

20+ years later I found myself with an opportunity to ride again (non-competively). I simply cannot do justice with words how riding again made me feel. It was like discovering a limb I didn't know I had lost. A part of me that I didn't know I was missing.

In the last five years I managed to stumble across Sox. This is going to sound VERY hokey but for the first time in my life I"fell in love" with a horse. Very likely because there was no pressure involved. And yes I'll admit freely, no financial pressure either. Sox has become a "free lease" deal for me. I realize not EVERYONE is as fortunate as I have been. But in my own defense I worked at it. I rode the Barn Owner's horse for two years, I volunteered for hours of free manual labour. I was just soooo happy to be breathing horse sweat and leather again. When the barn owner purchased Sox it became abundantly clear he did not "fit" their working barn program. The obvious choice would have been to resell him. In the interim I fell in love. I worked and worked and worked at making Sox a "solid citizen". In part it has worked. He is completely trustworthy on the ground around a lesson barn. But he will never be a lesson horse.

They have given him over to me completely (bless them, THANK YOU!!!) I suspect in EVERY sport there are cut-throat folk. PUHLEASE don't let them ruin horses for you! So yeah, I concur, enjoy lessons, volunteer to help with therapy programs, reclaim the JOY!!!! In time things have a way of working out.

I wish you only the best (and in my mind that's a supportive environment and good horses that will help rebuild what those bad experiences have broken for you).

P.S. It's just a schooling show, it's just a schooling show........Why is it I grew up on competing but in my old age I've become a "nervous nellie"?

By the time my division started I was reasonably relaxed. We placed two 4th's in a field of 8. A sixth in a field of 11 and FINALLY a first in a field of 11 riders! It seems both Sox and I needed the previous three rides to pull ourselves together, LOL. We won in Open Road Hack. Sox and I finally settled down and quit arguing and he didn't put a foot out of place. I was still shocked to have placed first. It is hard in a field that large to judge how well the others are doing. I was just attending to my own business and trying to keep
Sox well placed on the rail.

I'm very pleased for both of us. Sox got multiple scratches and hugs and treats. We need to work on consistency and I didn't warm him up long enough or appropriately. Is it just me but are all warm up rings that chaotic!!!???
Thanks everyone for your support!



Picture It

The story so far....

Ponigirl writes:
In the picture it looks like the horse is saying, "What's that? Is it edible?"

Pam Crandal writes:
Meredith tells her horse, "You silly, I'm learning to drive…."

NB Elementary writes:
"You'll hurt my feelings. Why are you riding that funny little machine instead of me?" whinnies Squirrel.

Pam Crandal writes:
Meredith laughs. Then she says, "You are too big for me, Squirrel. I want a pony. Then I would ride with the Pony Pals, and...."

Summer F. writes:
"I'm not too big!" neighs Squirrel. "I'm just the right size!"

Lulu Sanders writes:
Meredith thought Squirrel was funny. She looked very serious. Really she was trying not to laugh. Then she said, "Some little ponies want to be big horses. You're lucky to be so big. "

Summer F. writes:
"I am not too big!" yelled Squirrel. "See, I can lay down and you can just hop on!"

Anna Harley writes:
Squirrel sniffed the ground with his nose. He pawed the dirt and bent his front legs. Then he bent his back legs. Whump. He was on the ground. "Its nice down here," Squirrel thought. "While I'm down here I'll ...."

Isabelle M. writes:
"... just eat some of this clover. Hey when are you getting on?????!"

Anna Harley writes:
Meredith looked at Squirrel decided maybe jumping on without a saddle or bridle could mean problems.

Isabelle M. writes:
"Ok Squirrel I will go home and see if I can find someone to ride you."

Anna Harley writes:
Meredith drove off to the barn. When she got there she was really surprised because she found...

Summer F. writes:
...A girl sitting in a stool. She had dark blonde hair, and was petting a dapple gray pony with a black mane and tail. "Who are you?" Meredith asked.

Lulu Sanders writes:
She quiet and seemed to be thinking, but....

Summer F. continues:
The girl didn't stop petting the pony. "Wait a minute," said  Meredith to herself, "she isn't petting, she is writing a note."

When the girl was done, she clipped on her helmet, and tacked up her pony. "He ya!" shouted the girl. The gray pony galloped. Meredith saw when the girl was away from the light, her hair was brown. When she was in the light, her hair was very dark blond.
When the girl and the pony left,  Meredith read the note. It said;

DEAR ALL PONY PALS: Pongo, the Appaloosa foal is missing. He's in the Darkwood Forest, (I found tracks). If you want to help, grab a pony and go. P.S. Sorry if I'm scared about Darkwood Forest; I had nightmares about it. SUMMER

Meredith was scared. "I have to help," she said.

She ran to find Squirrel. He was hiding behind a bush. "Squirrel! shouted Meredith.

Squirrel came out from hiding. "A foal has gone missing," Meredith said, we have to help them find it."

Meredith tacked up Squirrel.

"But, I thought I was too big for you," said Squirrel. "Your size isn't what matters," said Meredith, "the foal is what matters now."  

Meredith swung herself on the saddle and chipped her helmet on. "Hy-ho, Squirrel! Away"

With an angry blow, Squirrel galloped. "To Darkwood Forest!" Squirrel slowed to a canter, then back to a gallop. No matter how scared they were, they had to help the girl find the foal. "This could be he greatest adventure in all of Pony Pals History," Meredith said to herself, "We could be heroes. Just wait till the Pony Pals read this!"

Ginny S. writes:
Meredith and Squirrel rode carefully through Darkwood Forest so that they could hear any sounds that would help them find Pongo. Meredith had tracked deer with her father so she knew the signs to look for, that would tell her if an animal had come this way.

Rider and trusted pony moved slowly along the leaf-covered trail. When he came to a tree that had fallen across the trail, Squirrel refused to go any further.

Photo by Jeanne Betancourt

In this strange situation, Meredith thought about what her parents had said about horse behavior: "Mer-Mer, your pony has a special sense that tells it when something is wrong. Trust your pony when it stops and find out why it won't listen when you tell it to go on." Using caution, Mer-Mer slid off of Squirrel and approached the ground that was hidden under the fallen tree. Something was trapped...

 Summer F. writes:

Meredith looked at the fallen tree. She was about to, till a sound if hoof beats made Meredith look up.

She saw two girls on ponyback. One was the girl she saw in the barn riding her dapple gray pony, the other was a blond haired girl on a Piebald pony. Meredith rode to them. The girl slowed their ponies to stop.

"Are you Summer?" Meredith asked to dark haired girl. The girl looked at her in surprise.

"yes," she said, "yes I'm Summer."

"And my name is Sunshine," said the blond girl, "and my pony is Piddles."

More girls came on ponyback. One was a dark skinned girl with short, curly, black hair. Her pony was a sleek chestnut with a upside-down heart for a star.

Another was a pale skinned girl with thick, blond, wavy hair. Her pony was a dark colored, cute looking, dun Shetland pony.

The last girl was a pale skin colored girl with short, smooth, black hair. Her pony was a pure white one.

"We're here," said the white pony's rider.

"Are you the Pony Pals?!" Meredith asked is amazement.

"Yes," said the dark skinned girl, "I'm Pam, this is Anna, and Lulu."

"And our ponies are Lightning, Acorn, and Snow White," said Lulu.

"Wow!" said Meredith in amazement, "may I have you autograph?"

"I promise we'll give you our autograph when we find Pongo," said Anna. Meredith put the paper in her saddlebag. Meredith looked under the tree. Nothing. So the gang galloped on.

"Meredith!"Summer shouted, "look out!" Meredith halted Squirrel just in time before his hoof sunk into a puddle of quick-sand.

"That was close!" he said.

"Tell me about it!" said Hugo. He tossed his flowing black mane.

"Let's keep looking," said Pam.

"Let's go!" said all the ponies at the same time. As the gang of girls and ponies went deeper into the forest, a screeching sound came from the canopy. Lightning gulped.

"I don't like the sounds of this," said Snow White.

Suddenly, frightened whinnying came from deeper in the forest. The sound frightened everybody.

Hugo reared and neighed loudly. Piddles pranced in place. Squirrel jogged in circles. Lightning tried to run away. Acorn tried to buck Anna off. Snow White blew her nostrils.

"Wait!" said Lightning. She pricked up her ears. "I'd know that cry anywhere!'

"Pongo!" everybody said at once. They galloped farther. The sound was so loud, the girls felt like they were deaf.

"Look!" said Sunshine, pointing her finger to a Appaloosa foal. "It's Pongo!"

Yes it was Pongo, but he was stuck in a big puddle of quick-sand. The girls dismounted. They had to think of something, and fast!

Kayla writes:
Take a bunch of Wooden Boards and put then on top of the quicksand. Walk slowly and carefully across to Pongo. Then take shovels and carefully remove the quicksand away from Pongo's legs and hoofs. Then you take Pongo's halter and put it on him. Then you take Pongo's lead rope and clip it to Pongo's halter and tie some rope to the lead rope and you and the pony's pull until Pongo is free. Then you can walk back on the boards and walk home. Then you can wash and groom Pongo and feed and water him.

What happens next? Write in and tell us -- you can help write this new Club Pony Pals e-story!
Send your e-story idea to




Dear Pam,
Please tell your dad that I said Thank-You for the
information. Please respond PDQ the second after you get this E-Mail.
Sincerely, Cayce

Dear Cayce

My Dad says you're welcome.

Pony Pals,

Hey Pam,
I love the pony pals and I started reading the books when I was 7 and I now am 10 turning 11.
I can't wait till i find other books about the pony pals!!!
I am dying to meet you and if I can't can we be friends?
and could you ask Lulu and Anna if they want to be friends with me.
I have my own horse and his name is Bookie and he is a buckskin. He is 14.2 hands and is about 17 years old.
Could you send me a picture of the ponies with you? please
Samantha (pony pal lover)

Hi Pam,
it's Samantha,
And the events that I
competed in were at the athletics carnival :
long jump : Came 2nd and made it to zone
shot put : came 8th
100 metre sprint : came 4th
200 metre sprint : came 6th
I had a great time

Dear Summer

Mt. Morris is really pretty all the time. We see woodpeckers, chipmunks, squirrels, raccoons, foxes,and bunnies.

Lightning jumps really well. When my Mom bought her she thought I would compete with her in jumping. I like to jump but I don't like shows very much. I jump Lightning over walls and logs out on trail all the time.

I will pat Lightning, right on her upside down heart and tell her its from you.

Pony Pals,


Dear Pam,
g hug for me.

Dear Deanna

how this works out. Lightning will get an extra hug tonight from you.

Pony Pals,



Dear Delaney

w. Happy trails!

Pony Pals,



Hi Lulu,
its Samantha,
How is it to have a dad that
travels the world!
My Mum "Anne" is going
overseas in august and she is
going to England, las Vegas, Arizona,
and lots more countries and she will
be away for my birthday on the 6th
of september.
Sorry if there are some spelling
errors i am very bad when it comes
to spelling and maths.
Will you be my pony pal?
Pam, Anna and Lulu are the best!!!!
Hows Snow White? Can you Please
send Me a email with a picture of Snow white
can you send me a picture of you and
Snow white please?
I love the pony pals and hope one day i can
ride like they do!

Samantha (pony pal lover)

Dear en it's easier to heal a pony if it gets sick.

Your Pony Pal,

Lulu: er

Dear Summer,

asked if there were pictures from the show, too. Oops. No pictures. 8-(

Your Pony Pal,

Dear Lulu,
Hi! I wrote you and asked you about fear of riding and how someone got thrown off my pony.
I didn't really tell you clearly about the situation, so I'll tell the story, since you asked who it was and all...
Well I have never ridden my pony. Somebody did six months ago at the sale I got him at. Me and my mom had been working with him with the saddle, and my mom finally got up on the saddle. Samson wasn't happy about that, and when my mom sat in the saddle he took off at a gallop! He reared and bucked and my mom fell off. it happened so fast. We had to go to the hospital and my mom is still very sore. That was last week. I felt so guilty and I totally spaced out for the next few days. I guess since it was his first time with us riding him, he wasn't used to it. My mom still wants to work with him and in a way I do, and in a way I don't. I've got terror in me.
On this friday I am going to wildwood stables to ride a trail ride on huge horses. I've done it before and it's so fun, but I'm so nervous now. Than you for listening. -
Pony pal Sarah

Dear Sarah,

Your Pony Pal,

Dear Lulu,

Does your dad like to cook? If he does then if Anna's mom
needs help at the diner he could work for her.
Glad your dad's trying to find a place that's closer to you. Good luck with trying to talk him into moving in with you and your grandmother. I know that you're happy at your grandmother's house and in Wiggins and with Snow White. Plus I figured that if your dad moved in with you and your grandmother then he wouldn't have to worry about buying a house and make you move again. Remember when I told you, Pam, and Anna to make sure Dr. Crandal double checks everything. I wasn't trying to question Dr. Crandal. He's a good vet. My 7 year old cat Whiskers died unexpectedly ... and my 15 year old Chihuahua Lady died .... I was trying to save you, Pam, and Anna from having to go through the same thing that Mom and I went through with Lady and Whiskers. Before Whiskers died I asked God to give him a place in heaven with dad and before Lady died I asked God to give her a place in heaven with dad and Whiskers. Please answer my questions. Please respond PDQ the second after you get this E-Mail. Sincerely, Caycey

P.S. Did ya'll have a good 4th of July? We did. What did your dad
say about permanently settling down in Wiggins? Don't give up on asking your dad about permanently settling down in Wiggins and living with you and your grandmother

P.P.S.Dear Lulu, Thanks for giving Snow White another kiss for me. What happened to your dad's father? Sincerely, Caycey

Dear Cayce

he died before she was

Your Pony Pal,


Hey Anna! How are you and Acorn? Have you and the other pony pals gone on any recent adventures? I've been helping the little kids with the horses at Riverbend equestrian. It is so much fun! My favorite horse to ride is a 17 hand Trakehner, he's a chestnut gelding and may be big but would never hurt a fly! He's like a big lap puppy and is a sucker for a bright red apple!! I was wondering how many much you clean Acorn's pasture and how much feed Acorn (being a Shetland) eats a day. Thanks 4 everything!!

Hey Anna
I love your Art.
your the best artist.
would you like me to send you a drawing
of a pony!
I love the pony pals and always will.
I ride ponies in Australia,
but how did you learn to canter?
And am I the first one in Australia
that has sent you mail?

Love From samantha
from Australia!
P.S. Sorry i cant send it, it wont work,
but you can add any letters i have wrote:)
Samantha in Australia

Dear Anna, Here are some pictures of Annie. Isn't she cute?

Annie was bay as a baby and now she's Chestnut. Is it possible for a horse to change color as they get older? From the time they're a baby to the time they're an adult. These pictures where taken at my cousin's house way before we got Annie. The man standing next to Annie is my cousin's husband Lake. My cousin's name is Malynda. That's how she spells her name. They have a daughter named Alex. Annie has a blue halter now. Way before we got Annie Malynda was loading Annie into the trailer one day and Annie slipped, got spooked, and broke her old halter. Could you please E-Mail these pictures to Pam and Lulu? Annie's registered name is Otoey's P., but everyone calls her Annie. Please answer my questions. Please respond PDQ the second after you get this E-Mail.
Sincerely, Cayce
P.S. Hope the fire works didn't scare Lightning, Acorn, and Snow White. Please answer my question. Please respond PDQ the second after you get this E-Mail. Sincerely, Cayce

Dear Summer

M ike the wind. He can cross a brook without b still while I do it.

Pony Pals,

Pony Pal Photos


Here is a picture of my horse "Bookie"
And another Picture of me Riding him!!!
Samantha in Australia*


Pony Pals Thought for the Day

By Mary

It's raining outside.
But you still want to ride ....
So You can !!
Go to :
"where you
can always ride
even when it's raining"

