Pony News, Views and Attitudes -- Vol. 1
Number 48 -- June 16-22, 2008
NB Pony Pals
Barn Party
Garland rides surrounded
by Nick, Brandy, Michael and Nick's mom at NB Elementary's Club Pony
Pals Barn Party. Read more about their party below in the year-end
from NB Elementary.
Club members who wrote in to the Webmaster
were able to try out the new online game based on the
Pony Pals books this week. Testing is still going on and
game developers want more people to sign up.
"Everyone who plays sends us in a
note telling us about what they like or don't like about
the game. We've gotten lots of letters and a bunch of
people joined the Club just so they can test our game,"
riding instructor Jane Crandal said.
"Right now this game is pretty simple.
The biggest question for testers is whether it matches
what they see in their head while they read the books
and whether it is fun to play. Mostly everybody who writes
back seems to like it," Crandal continued. "For
everyone who asked, yes it will be in 3D!"
played the game and really like it. but if i can make a suggestion
put a little bit more stuff . club pony pal steph
think the game was very cool. I like the fact that it kinda
teaches a little bit about horses, too. I can't wait to see
the final game! Sarah
is fun to play this! Robin
like the game, but i think it would be a lot cooler if it was
3D, other then that it was cool!!! pony pal charity
is it was just a test, the game was so cool. I can't wait to
play the real game! Summer
We just tried your game and we liked it very much! It was fun
to see the ponies and pick them! We liked to groom them, too!
Sophie age 7 and Isabelle age 5
This Week's Survey
What kind of Pony Pals items would
you most likely want to buy if they were available?
Last Week's Survey
Where would you rather watch a Pony Pals

Other places Club Pony Pals members
will watch the movie included:
on the on the computer, in the car on the road and anywhere.
Pony Pals
Letters & Drawings
Web Master!
Thank you for posting my last e-mail! I will take some pictures
of me and Kizzie! Kizzie is a bay pony of America [POA], even though
she isn't white she has the same attitude! I really love the Wiggins
weekly! Please let me be a game tester! I will call some friends
and tell to be game testers, I really want the game to work! Thanks
so much!
Kizzie sounds great, we look forward to seeing
pictures. Like everyone else who wrote, we
sent you the information about becoming a tester. There's a
lot going on with the game, some of it kind of "secret
business stuff " that grownups are working on. More about
all that soon soon, but the game is still looking for testers.
Thanks for the offer to invite your friends, we'll look for
their letters.
I'm Jeanne! Thanks a million for letting me test your game!
It's so awesome! But, I have 2 little questions.
#1. Do I get to meet the Pony Pals?
#2. I saw an add on the bulletin board. It said,"LOST PONY.
If found please call:561-......" If I were to find their
pony, how would I reach them? And will I be able to interact
with other players? Thank you for your time.
Pony Pal Jeanne
are such a great game player to notice those things! #1 Yes,
soon you will be able to pretend to be Pam, Anna or Lulu, or
to play as a fourth Pony Pal and ride out on trail with all
three Pony Pals at once. Testers are trying an early stage of
the game and all those parts are not built yet.
#2 Yes,
there is a pony that's run away and is living in the woods outside
Wiggins. That's another part of the game that will become clear
to players as the game grows outward.
for writing.

"Snow White"by
Chelsea, age 9
Ma'am, Hi I'm Cayce F. Could you please add Jeanne Betancourt's
address and her E-Mail address so fans can write to her?
I'd like to join Club Pony Pals and I'd like to sign up for the
Weekly please. Please answer my question. Please respond ... the
second after you get this E-Mail. Sincerely, Cayce
i love pony pals i wood love to be in the club.
sign me up to receive the free Wiggins Weekly E-Newspaper. Thanks!
Dear Pony
Pals Annalise, Brenda and Cayce (alphabetical order)
for your letters. Welcome to Club Pony Pals! You can write to Jeanne
Betancourt through the WebMaster
at Club Pony Pals. Let me know you would like your letter forwarded
and I will do it.
Write back
and tell us more about your adventures, with or without a pony.

story so far....
Ponigirl writes:
In the picture
it looks like the horse is saying, "What's that? Is it edible?"
Pam Crandal writes:
Meredith tells
her horse, "You silly, I'm learning to drive…."
NB Elementary writes:
"You'll hurt
my feelings. Why are you riding that funny little machine instead
of me?" whinnies Squirrel.
Pam Crandal writes:
Meredith laughs.
Then she says, "You are too big for me, Squirrel. I want a
pony. Then I would ride with the Pony Pals, and...."
Summer F. writes:
"I'm not
too big!" neighs Squirrel. "I'm just the right size!"
Lulu Sanders writes:
Meredith thought
Squirrel was funny. She looked very serious. Really she was trying
not to laugh. Then she said, "Some little ponies want to be
big horses. You're lucky to be so big. "
Summer F. writes:
"I am not
too big!" yelled Squirrel. "See, I can lay down and you
can just hop on!"
Anna Harley writes:
Squirrel sniffed
the ground with his nose. He pawed the dirt and bent his front legs.
Then he bent his back legs. Whump. He was on the ground. "Its
nice down here," Squirrel thought. "While I'm down here
I'll ...."
Isabelle M. writes:
"... just
eat some of this clover. Hey when are you getting on?????!"
Anna Harley writes:
Meredith looked at Squirrel decided maybe jumping on without
a saddle or bridle could mean problems.
Isabelle M. writes:
"Ok Squirrel
I will go home and see if I can find someone to ride you."
Anna Harley writes:
Meredith drove off to the barn. When she got there she
was really surprised because she found...
Summer F. writes:
...A girl sitting
in a stool. She had dark blonde hair, and was petting a dapple gray
pony with a black mane and tail. "Who are you?" Meredith
What happens next? Write in and tell us
-- you can help write this new Club Pony Pals e-story!
Send your e-story idea to WebMaster@clubponypals.com

want your drawings or letters! Send them in to the Wiggins Weekly.
Pam. How's Lightning. I can't believe when I said "one of the
pretty ponies," she would make herself dirty! Dose she like
getting groomed, or does she doesn't want to be a pretty pony? I
wonder why Woolie won't let the ducks nest. Luckily he isn't a hunting
dog like our family redbone coon hound, Sunny. One time, I found
a hawk eating a snake, but Sunny chased it away. My mom told me
that nobody could ever see a hawk eating in their own backyard!
The ... hawk may come back, after all, he knows we have yummy snakes
for him! ... So, how are the school ponies. Is Daisy still lazy?
Is Splash still on the dash? How is your brother and sister? How
is Fat Cat? How is Lightning? Tell your dad I said, Happy Fathers
Summer F.
Sometimes I think
that ponies are magically attracted to dirt. I'm lucky that Lightning
is a chestnut. White ponies like Snow White are the hardest to keep
clean. They are magically attracted to mud holes, mushy green stuff
and its really hard to get the dirt out of their coat. Dark ponies
like Acorn and Lightning are easier to keep clean because their
coats don't stain.
likes to bark at anything that moves. My Dad tells me that some
trainers use ducks to train sheepdogs to herd sheep! So when Woolie
barked at those ducks, he was trying to herd them. Ducks don't herd
well, though.
are so wonderful. We see them in the woods sometimes here, too.
Hawks eat snakes all the time, that is one of their foods along
with mice and smaller birds. You're lucky that the hawk eats snakes
instead of you finding them in your back yard!
and Splash are fine. Lately Daisy has been balking when students
take a lesson on her. My Mom had me ride her a couple of times when
she was giving group lessons and let her student ride Lightning.
Daisy is smart and when I ride her she behaves. Mom said she was
lucky I was here because can make her be good. Ponies are very tricky
and it can be hard to find good riders who are small enough to ride
a pony and can make them behave. Splash is really good, no problems
there. Fat Cat just chased a mouse down the hall, so she's doing
fine, too.
tell my Dad "Happy Father's Day" if you do the same.

Pals Puzzle of the Week
by Summer F.
you figure out the pony names?
Lulu. How is Snow White? What have you been doing today? I guess
you all went for a trail ride, then went to the Off-Main Diner
for some of those yummy brownies. It would be so cool if I had
a pony and lived will you, Anna, or Pam. Did Melissa visit you
again? Anyway, tell your dad I wish he have a Happy Fathers
Summer F.
Thanks for the note. We are getting ready for a show next weekend
and spent Saturday practicing!
Pam doesn't want to compete, but Snow White loves to jump but
I'm going to enter. Our trail ride was just back to the stone
walls by the Wiggins Estate to practice jumping, then back to
Crandals for more jumping! We haven't seen Melissa for a while.
I'll write her and see what she's doing. My Dad's coming to visit
this summer, I sent him an email saying "Happy Father's Day"
last week. Write back and let me know how you are.
Pony Pal
Family Likes Appaloosas

P.and her appaloosa

This horse's
name is Pongo
Anna. Is that trick you and Acorn been working on done? How is he?
What have you been doing today? How is Miss. Wiggins? Is Picasso
and Beauty okay? How is Beauty's foal? Can you tell me the name
of Beauty's foal? Thank you.
Summer F.
and I have learned a lot of tricks. Right now I am teaching him to
stretch out his front legs so I can get on bareback.

sometimes does this when he is stretching. If he will do it me when
I ask then I can get on without a saddle anytime I want to ride.
is fine at Ms. Wiggins Estate. Beauty's foal is named Miracle from
Mike Lacey's suggestion. He is fine, too.

NB Elementary End
of Year Pony Pals Barn Party!
To attend this party
every student had to read a Pony Pals book and pass their
RC Quiz about what they read. Many thanks to Mrs. S. and all the NB
Elementary students for reading and writing to Club Pony Pals this
past school year.

Alma's brother gets a
ride led by Michael.

Madison gives Hunter a

Ethan stands watch while
Mrs. S. greets the Pony Pals as Michael leads.
Garland, Madison and
Brandy make some new
four-footed friends.

Meredith is behind the
wheel again!

Mrs. S (a mom) and Michael
help Sadie have a good ride.

Mrs. C, parents and kids
watch the riders

Nick finds a creative
way to keep riding in the barn. |
Pony Pals Thoughts for the Day
didn't start riding until I was already 19, but because of my size,
I have always been "stuck" with the ponies and/or smaller
horses in any school string I have ridden. I have learned more from
those ponies than I ever would have on one of those big old schoolmasters
the tall people get to ride! At 5'2", I have a long history
with ponies, since I am often the only adult short enough to ride
I love the buggers, just because of the challenge they present.
But when a pony is going great, there is nothing better in this
world to ride! Inch for inch, they are some of the most athletic
By Sandy B.
The scruffy pony may be dirty outside, but in the heart, it is a clean
as the friendship of the Pony Pals, forever. By
Summer F.