to a New Friend

Caper and his new owner.
Photo courtesy of Pony Pal Nancy DeM.
Nancy wrote, "It was really too good to pass
up. Sweet little kid with both Mom and Grandma experienced horse people.
Pastures (once the sun burns them enough to be pony-safer), with 24/7
turnout with shelter.
His own elderly mare companion. Home for life."
New Pony Pals Game Coming Soon
This week there is good news about the Pony Pals
game. After initial research and development, Club Pony Pals is ready
to unveil a simple "click and play" first section of the
game. Club Pony Pals members will be able to visit this very first
part in the world of Wiggins to play any time they are at their computers.
There is no cost to play.
Crandal's Stables owner Jane Crandal is enthusiastic.
"For the first time, Pony Pals will be able to visit Wiggins
and go exploring. As time goes on, the game will get bigger and better,"
she said.
"We know that members of the Club have been
waiting for a long time," she continued. "I'm pleased to
announce this first step as a chance to take a peek at what we have
started to create."
In the next few weeks Club Pony Pals members will
have a chance to try the game and to tell developers what they think.
"It's important for us to hear from members.
Since Wiggins exists in the imaginations of anyone who has read the
Pony Pals books, we want to learn from many people how they think
Wiggins should look and what kinds of things they will want to do
when they are in online Wiggins" said Mrs. Crandal.
"Since it's going to be a world for families,
we are also very interested in hearing from parents and teachers what
kinds of features they want to see in online Wiggins" Jane Crandal
"As soon as the short section of virtual Wiggins
is ready for trial, look for a link from the Club Pony Pals website
to a special page" Ms. Crandal explained. "I hope we hear
from lots of people."
Stables Yard
From new Pony Pals game

This Week's Survey
When should a Pony Pals TV show be on?
Pony Pals
Letters & Drawings
My daughter loves pony pals and I wanted
to sign up for the news letter.
I would like to have the e-newspaper sent to me. How do you send in
drawings on Club Pony Pals?
You can Email your drawing to me at
To do that
Have a friend or teacher help you scan in
your drawing into a computer.
Attach it to an email.
Send it in!
Or you can fold up the paper, put it in an envelope with a stamp and
mail your drawing to
Club Pony Pals
16654 Soledad Canyon Rd. #382
Canyon Country, CA 91387
To: WebMaster
Re: Horses
please email back
Hi Mary
How are you today?
good how
are u and did u get my mail?
Dear Pony Pal Mary
I got your emails. If you sent a letter in regular mail it is not
here yet.
hi i enjoy
pony pals so much i'm trying to get them all
Dear Pony Pal Mary
Just got back in from riding my ponies, was so glad to see your email.
I really like the Pony Pals books, too. Which one is your favorite?
I don't
really know. Probably A Pony for Keeps because then you know
how much they help each other
That's the best part about being a Pony Pal! Where would
you ride if you had a pony?
Would ride
on trails or around the place i'm at.
Do you ever get to ride now?
yes i do
but only every other weekend at S. stables.
Is this the weekend you get to ride? I hope so. How about
summer, can you ride more often then?
It looks like the teacher at S gives lessons in jumping and dressage.
Do you take lessons? What are you working on now?
yes this
weekend i ride! and i think i can ride more in the summer .i take
lessons yes and the cool thing is is that my teacher has the same
name as me and i do not remember what we are working on.did u get
my mail?
If you sent a letter in regular
mail it has not come yet. We are in California, though the Pony Pals
books are set in Connecticut. So to get mail from you in Minnesota
to me in California takes a few days. I have to check the mailbox
this afternoon and will write you back if the letter is there. I can't
wait to see it...
my name is Riesa and I was wondering when your website and every thing
would be up?
P.S. I love your horse he is so cute.
Thanks so much for your letter. We are hard at work on
a prototype game, there is an article about it above and a part of
it should be up to try out in the next few weeks. Yes, Aslan is cute
and also is a handful. His mom was the just the same. I can’t
wait until he’s old enough to ride all the time!
send me the monthly newsletter.
Please publish my picture on the Ponypals web site.
Thank you.
by Charlotte T. in Australia,
who's about to turn 5
Dear Charlotte
What a great drawing.
Keep it up and send us more, its always great to hear from "down
About our e-newsletter, you're in luck, you get it once a week, not
once a month!
from Jeanne Betancourt
Seven young Pony Pals and a couple of moms are coming to my apartment
(also my office) for a visit.
One of the children
lives in my building became a Pony Pal by borrowing books from the
bookcase I keep outside my door with Pony Pal books.
should be a fun Pony Pal Party.
Dear Jeanne
What fun! We can't wait to see the pictures.

Drawn by Garland, age 9. |
Pen Pals -- Now Readers Can Write to Each Other!
Hi! Your pictures are funny. I am not making fun of you. I like how
you use your creative mind. Your twilight ponies are pretty awesome
because of the background being colored instead of plain white.
Mrs. S is having a barn party at Meredith's house.
The tickets are to read a Pony Pal book and take an RC quiz. If you
want to find out what a RC quiz is, write back please or look at issue
#43. My friend Sadie wrote about this to Anna.
Do you have any sisters or brothers? I have a sister named Summer...luckily.
She is 7. My other sisters are Daisy and Autumn. Daisy is 10 and Autumn
is a year old. Here is the order we go in: Daisy, Sunshine (me), Summer,
Where is your school, Summer?
I'm reading Pony Sitters now. I'm only on the first chapter. I've
read 6 Pony Pal books already. How many have you read?
Your friend,
Thank you! You like my drawings? I read all of my Pony Pals books.
I stay homeschooled. I'm doing paper school.
I have math and Lang arts. My mom will then print out sci and his
and geo. I hate history and geology. It is the hardest.
I have Petz horses 2 and i bought on ebay too soon!
I wasn't finished with school.
After computer school, then paper school, then I have to see my grading
Also my dad had to restart the computer. (I'll tell you why later
in this letter)
Thanks for writing, I don't really have any real friends, but I think
I have one. I only had a teenage sister. Her name is Erin. WOW! You
have a sister after me! Cool! I'm 10 and she is 7. 3 years from my
age! Cool!
For being an official friend of Summer, you will get E-mails from
me like every day. Plus Pony Pals puzzles and surveys. Best part we'll
be friends for life!
Now about the computer, It's mostly my fault. I downloaded a lota
games and left bits of the games when uninstalling. I'm thinking of
lots on names and colors for my horse. Please send me ideas for my
game horse before I start.
Summer age, 10

story so far....
Ponigirl writes:
In the picture
it looks like the horse is saying, "What's that? Is it edible?"
Pam Crandal writes:
Meredith tells
her horse, "You silly, I'm learning to drive…."
NB Elementary writes:
"You'll hurt
my feelings. Why are you riding that funny little machine instead
of me?" whinnies Squirrel.
Pam Crandal writes:
Meredith laughs.
Then she says, "You are too big for me, Squirrel. I want a
pony. Then I would ride with the Pony Pals, and...."
What happens next? Write in and tell us
-- you can help write this new Club Pony Pals e-story!
Send your e-story idea to
get a horse
By Robert Day
Prairie Writers Circle
''The schoolteacher who writes about us says he's going to get a horse
to ride to town," says Mencken.
"What for?" asks Ed Earl.
"Groceries. Brown's Hardware. Potted flowers like he puts out
in spring.”
"I mean why?"
"Save money on gas, I'd guess. Frugality in general."
I am the schoolteacher Mencken Cody and Ed Earl Williams are talking
about. I am not there. It is a meeting of the Committee to Save the
World, at the co-op in Bly, Kansas. It only takes two to have a meeting.
It is coming wheat harvest. Most of us don't have time right now to
save the world, so it won't be long before Mencken and Ed Earl pile
into their pickups.
Gas is crawling toward $4 a gallon. Diesel fuel is crawling uphill
as well. The high-dollar wheat these men hope to sell could take a
bad hit if you count the price of the fuel to bring it in.
But for the moment they are mediating over coffee about what they've
heard I'm going to do.
"For an idea it sounds a quart low," says Ed Earl.
"It's a quart you don't have to add to your crankcase,"
says Mencken. "Besides, it's turning the clock back to better
"Clocks run straight on," says Ed Earl. "That's why
you push up daises sooner or later."
"I had a horse as a boy," says Mencken. "Rode it to
school a couple of times for the pleasure of it. I had to leave early
and come home late. The world goes slower on a horse."
"Three to four miles an hour," says Ed Earl. "Slow
even for government work. Time's money."
"My dad used to say the outside of a horse is good for the inside
of the man. It jiggles your innards for exercise. Besides, what's
time to a horse?"
"Does he know about horses?" asks Ed Earl.
"I saw him riding the Holste horse the other day. He bounces
off the saddle at a trot, but he doesn't steer a horse by pulling
on one rein then the other like that woman from the East Coast did.
He's got a proper saddle. Not a cut down model. He can ride. Worked
cattle near Hays, I think."
They look into their coffee to study about me riding a horse to town
and what kind of talk that will start.
"If he'd get a horse that could pull a wagon," says Ed Earl,
"I'd ask him to pick up a few things and skip a trip to town.
He could carry his potted flowers easier as well."
"It costs me $3 here and back to drive my truck," says Mencken.
"A horse costs something," says Ed Earl.
"Figure the farrier bill and the vet like tires and oil,"
says Mencken. "Figure feed like gas, though a round bale would
feed a horse for a month. But let's say it's even. You save insurance."
"Only if you sell your truck," says Ed Earl. "Just
sitting your pickup costs money every month like you were using it.
A man would have to give up the use of his truck to come out ahead."
"A man loses the use of his pickup in this country and it's like...
"Don't say it out loud," says Ed Earl. "He'll put it
in what he writes and that will cause all kinds of trouble for us."
They are quiet for awhile. Others of the Committee to Save the World
would have been here by now if they were coming. The coffee pot is
foaming black goo at the bottom. There is sunshine in the work day
ahead of us.
I am heading to the Oliva farm to see if they need me to drive their
grain truck. As I go by the co-op I notice Ed Earl’s and Mencken's
pickups. But I have promises to keep.
"How's he going to write about what we said without him being
here?" asks Mencken.
"Somebody will let him know," says Ed Earl.
"I hope by the time he tells on us he's got his horse,"
says Mencken.
"With a wagon," says Ed Earl, standing up to drive to town.
Robert Day is an
adjunct professor at Washington College in Chestertown, Md., he
wrote this comment for the Land
Institute's Prairie Writers Circle, Salina, Kan.
I love how you said, you silly. I'm learning to drive. My teacher
Mrs. S and I, and Sadie, Nick, Garland, Sunshine, Brandy put together
(the next part of the story - previously sent to the WW).
So, please write back.
Your friend,
hi,my name is mary and i love the pony pals please write back
Dear Meredith,
Mrs. S, Sadie, Nick, Garland, Sunshine, Brandy and Mary,
How nice to get your letters!
Meredith, I wrote what
I would say to Lightning if she saw me in that kind of cart. Your
horse looks pretty curious and not too scared. Some ponies get frightened
of carts or motorcycles and you have to teach them to be calm around
It's great to have a new
Pony Pen Pal. What pony or horse do you ride in your lessons? I
ride Lightning, here's her face from the new game.
Pony Pals,

Letters About Pony Pals on TV
Last week's issue brought up the idea of a Pony Pals
series on television. Here's some of the responses
Dear Editor:
The Pony
Pals TV show time when on
Sundays: 10:00 PM
Mondays: 9:00 PM
Tuesdays: 11:00 AM
Wednesdays: 8:00 AM
Thursdays: 9:00 AM
Fridays: 11: 20 AM
Saturday: (full hour) 12:00 AM- 9:00 PM
(NOTE: That the Pony Pals TV show has 2 books per chapter and can
have little story twists)
Thanks for your ideas Summer. It was your suggestion
that started all of this. Other Club Pony Pals members had thoughts
about TV, too. NB Elementary's Mrs. S. writes:
I did a survey of one 3rd grade class...21 students present and all
indicated they'd watch Pony Pals on TV.
I asked each student for a day and time.
M-F 3; 3-9; 6:00; 7-9; 3:30
MWF 7-8
TH 6-7
F 6-8
Sat. 8:30, 9:30 AM, morning, 4:00, 6:30 PM
Brandy says she doesn't
get home from ball games until late so she would watch the show at
9:00 P.M. That started a pretty lively discussion about bedtimes.
Some are 8:30 or 9:00.
The teacher asked if it
would be on public TV.
Want to vote in a survey? Go to
and put in your vote!

Week's Survey Results
Which character do you want to be in the
new Club Pony Pals game?
343 --- Pam
383 --- Anna
380 --- Lulu
346 --- A Fourth Pony Pal
326 --- One of the Boys

Send in your drawings or letters to the
Wiggins Weekly & Club Pony Pals
16654 Soledad Canyon Rd. #382
Canyon Country, CA 91387
Pals Thought for the Day -- by Summer F.
not the size of the pony in the race
but the heart of the team that counts. |