Dear Pony Pals

Pam, Anna and Lulu invite CPP's members to join them online this Friday for April's virtual sleepover in Crandal's barn. It starts at the same time Live Moderated Chats usually do -- 6 pm Eastern Time, USA. The sleepover will run for four hours until 10 pm Eastern Time, USA.

There are two places to enter the sleepover: either our Forum's main page or from your personal page. Look for a green link that says "Live moderated chat going on now. Click here to join!"

Mrs. Crandal will offer virtual, text based, imaginary riding lessons in one room. Pam will host her famous "20 Questions" games in another room. Lulu and Anna will be there to live chat with members.

As always, no message can display without a live adult OK'ing it first. That's how our COPPA compliant site works.

During last month's sleepover we had members visit from Southeast Asia, New Zealand, Europe, USA, Canada, Mexico. Wherever in the world you are, ponies still like the same things: good care, fresh grazing, clean water, some other ponies and exciting adventures. 

Speaking of worldwide, starting this week, members anywhere will be able to get more Wiggins Bucks by buying the Ultimate Game Card in stores like Walmart,  7-eleven, CVS Pharmacy, Blockbuster, Best Buy, Game Stop and more.

And when a member clicks on "Buy Wiggins Bucks" there will be more choices than ever. Any currency worldwide will work.

For example, members will be able to choose a handy monthly subscription so that when a bought pony board bill is due every month, Wiggins Bucks will automatically be added to a subscribing member's account.

Finally, this Friday is another important date: our April Story Contest deadline. If someone is almost done with a story or poem, hurry up, finish it and send it in to

March Story and Poem Contest winners won 17,000 Wiggins bucks this week. Will you be next? See our contest chart online for awards, they are generous.

What's in your cabin? You can learn more about Olson's Horse Farm here.

Download an entry form for our current coloring contest.

With all the excitement and work of launching Olsons, our CPP horse and pony alphabet coloring book is still in production. There are a few letters missing. Can you draw a pony or horse that has a name beginning with X or U or one of the other missing letters?

Feeling lost? Here's a map of Wiggins.

Our virtual riding lessons are each Tuesday, from 6:30 to 7:30 Eastern Time. Lessons are held in the live moderated chat. It is a great way to work on mentally visualizing your riding -- and they are lots of fun.

Every day hundreds of new members sign up and ask for Pal requests. Take a moment and see who's just signed on recently with our Pals, Please Page Please help new members feel welcome - send a card to someone who is new!

Seeing something weird when you log on? Our game changes all the time, if you log in and weird things seem to happen, please clear your computer's cache.  See the instructions here to learn how.

Need Wiggins bucks? Anybody who wants more Wiggins bucks is missing out if they don't enter one of our contests! Details are below. We need funny cartoons, they should be in black and white. And if a member creates a Youtube video about our site, let us know! We will award a thousand Wiggins Bucks for a good video about us.


Jane Crandal

P.S. Check out this week's online edition to find a 100 Wiggins Buck reward 



Pony Pal Thoughts for the Day


The horse through all its trials has preserved the sweetness of paradise in its blood.
~ Johannes Jensen


Here's to you, Stocking and Star and Blaze.
You brought me all that the best could bring-
Health and mirth and the merriest days
In the open fields and the woodland ways-
And what can I do in return but sing
A song or two in your praise.
~ Will H. Ogilvie

Every journey has an end –
When at the worst affairs will mend –
Dark the dawn when day is nigh –
Hustle your horse and don't say die!
~ Gilbert & Sullivan, "If You Go In," Iolanthe

God forbid that I should go to any
Heaven in which there are no horses.
~ R. B. Cunningham-Graham





Send in your photos, stories and drawings for our contests. If you want to enter, send your entry to the or mail it to:

Club Pony Pals
16654 Soledad Canyon Road #382
Canyon Country, CA 91387