Horsy News, Views and Attitudes

Vol. 1 Number 3       --   August 4 - 12, 2007


Maine Pony Tale

    The newest addition to the Olson stable is Peaches, a little Shetland pony. Mr. Olsen shared a little about the small horse's history.


    "Peaches knows how to jump, is well-mannered and has taught many novice riders the basics of equitation. She's not young but is perfect for a beginner who's six or seven years old" Mr. Olsen explained. "I plan to offer her for sale or lease, hoping she'll give another rider the gift of being a great horse to learn on."


     "Her last rider was from Maine and leased her for a few years, but Peaches is so small that her rider can't weigh more than fifty pounds. So she came back when her owner got too big and is now looking for a new home."   


    Interested parties can call Mr. Olson at 555-1255 for more information.

Poultry Showmanship Seminar Planned

   Allison MacLeod, nationally recognized poultry expert and producer of DVD "The Beginner's Guide to Raising and Showing Chickens," will be holding a chicken husbandry seminar next Saturday at Baxter's Farm in Wiggins. 


     "Chickens are a great way to relax and I encourage every family to keep two or three in the back yard.  They eat bugs, they help dispose of kitchen waste and home grown eggs are delicious" MacLeod advised.  "Everyone should raise chickens, no matter where they live."


   Seminar participants will get focused instruction on raising, handling and showing poultry. Interested parties are encouraged to contact Brook Baxter about the seminar at 555-3257. 


Internet Riding Lessons

Signups Still Available

    Crandal's Stables owner Jane Crandal was pleased to tell publishers this week that another investor has shown interest in helping to finance the internet's first virtual riding academy.


     "Our technical team is coming together," Crandal said, "We planned to build the virtual world over the next year, but with the right crew it may take less time. Because this is a totally new experience, we want to make sure that the pictures and game controls work well."


   "This week we spoke with one game designer who does both the sort of computer programming work and the kinds of artwork it takes to create this type of game," Crandal continued. "And since we announced the signup list, every week the number of people registered through the Wiggins Weekly is growing by 25 percent."


    No completion date is set yet for the internet virtual riding lessons.

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Special Summer Fair Preview

Warm Days and Summer Sights

Record sunflowers grow to 15 feet

 Organic gardeners credit horse manure

 used as fertilizer

      Sisters Elizabeth and Robin Allison show off in their organic garden as they are in the final weeks of preparation for the "Best Garden Vegetables" competition at this year's Summer Fair.  


Wiggins Biggest Summer Event

Preparations Underway

Hereford heifers will compete in Livestock Judging Competition



These piglets are in training for their part of the

Greased Pig Race


Green Market Tack and Feed

sponsors the

 Hay Stacking Contest


     Preparations for the annual Wiggins Summer Fair are well underway. From August 24th through 26th, this year's event promises to offer visitors a lot of choices.

      Olson's Horse Farm will once again host the local exposition, also offering residents a chance to see the horses now available for purchase or lease when they attend the fair.

     Highlights of this year's fair include the Greased Pig Race, a Horse Show, Livestock Competitions and an Agility Trial for Dogs.

     For more information, call Olson's Farm at 555-1255, or look at next week's Wiggins Weekly to get entry forms for the events.




There's nothing like a nap with a friend on a summer afternoon



Thought of the day: Never swap horses crossing a stream.  American Proverb