Horsy News,
Views and Attitudes Vol. 1 Number 36 March 24-30, 2008
Ride in a late snow Photo courtesy of |
Votes are In: Members Want Their Own Pony Last week's survey
results don't surprise Jane Crandal.
The local horse trainer knows how having a pony makes a kid
happy. "The
best part about being a trainer is seeing the look on a rider's face when
they succeed in a lesson," Crandal said. "They gain
confidence when they learn to control their pony. Confidence is the basis for
making decisions in the rest of life." "Everyone
likes ponies," Crandal continued. "We plan to make sure that every
Club Pony Pals member gets the pony they've always wanted." Pam,
Anna and Lulu were surprised and pleased that members want to meet them.
"We really like that people want to meet us," Lulu Sanders
said. "It's great to have so many friends all over the world who want to
be Pony Pals!" Anna
Harley knows that learning about ponies can be fun. "Acorn has taught me so much about myself in learning
to care for him. Sometimes I think he's taught me more than I've taught
him!" Carly R. heads home after
running an errand for her Mom in Norco, California Photo Courtesy of Gina Verazzi, Los Angeles Times http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-outthere21mar21,0,4218503.story
Weekly Survey Which is your
favorite pony? á
Pam Crandal's Lightning á
Anna Harley's Acorn á
Lulu Sanders' Snow White Vote at http://www.clubponypals.com. _________________________________________________________ RESULTS FOR LAST WEEK'S SURVEY What do you think
is most important about the new Club Pony Pals game? 219
Having my own pony 216 Meeting Pam, Anna and Lulu 214 Learning about ponies 214 Taking virtual riding lessons 211
Puzzle games 210 Meeting other Pony Pals at the barn |
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Horsy News,
Views and Attitudes Vol. 1 Number 36 March 24-30, 2008
This week I got a new English saddle and breast
collar. I rode my pony twice and then I noticed a bare spot on my pony's
chest. What does this mean?
Should I not ride him any more? Is my saddle OK? A.
Whenever you ride a horse with new tack it is very important to check
that it fits well. The bare spot
you sent a picture of shows that your breast collar is wearing on that
spot. It may be too tight, too
small, or have a rough spot on that piece of the breast collar. Put the breast collar back on your
pony and look at what part of it is rubbing where the hair is gone. Then take
it off and look at that part on the breast collar.
If the collar was not too tight, then it
needs to be padded. You can take it to a saddle maker or shoe shop and have
them glue on a small piece of sheepskin or soft leather on the breast collar.
That will only fix if the breast collar where it is rough, not if it doesn't
fit! |
Pals Letters <'\__~ Please put my email on subscription
list. I love Pony Pals! Orla Dear New Pony Pals
Davina & Orla, Welcome
to Club Pony Pals! We look forward to hearing about your
Editor Dear
Wiggins Weekly Three young friends, the girls
who call themselves the 'Pony Pals,' asked I write you. My grandfather Simpson settled on
eastern Mt. Morris just before the first War, way back in 1904. He logged off
the hill, sold the lumber and built a home in Wiggins. While I was growing up
that hill was covered with small trees. Jeanne Betancourt wrote
about when I was young in a book called "Ponies from the
Past". Just like my young
friends, Abigail Wiggins and I rode ponies, too. Then I grew
up. I married Mr. Eastman. He loved to ski and so did our two girls. Our
family built and ran a small family ski resort. We even had a rental business
and restaurant. The big metal machines on Mt. Morris are the bases of our old
ski lifts. I had to close the resort when my husband died. It is so nice
having young friends. I like to get letters, you can write me in care of the
Wiggins Weekly. Sincerely, Lydia
Simpson Eastman Read a letter from Pam! Pony Pals Letters Continued on page 3 |
Pony Pals Poem for the
day - -
A loose pony is
always looking for new pastures.
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Horsy News, Views and Attitudes Vol. 1 Number 36 March 24-30, 2008
Pal Letters Continued from Page 2 Dear Pony Pals,
After Anna, Lulu and I visited Mrs. Eastman last week she seemed
happier. I think she is lonely and when the Pony Pals Club came to visit again,
it made her glad.
Saturday we all went for a ride. It looked like maybe it would snow in
the afternoon. But there was
some sun in the morning and we stopped in Mrs. Wiggins' field to practice
jumping. We all talked about how
we have to make a plan about the Mt. Morris marker. None of us had any ideas.
But then the survey came out on Sunday night! More people voted for
having a monument than not. Before school we all agreed to have a Pony Pals
meeting at lunch. When we sat down to
eat, Anna said she wanted to do a drawing of what the monument should look
like. We all liked that idea. Lulu said that she thought
we could hold a fundraiser for the monument, like a bake sale or a rummage
My idea was that we could go to talk to Mr. Shapiro the Town Clerk and
ask what he thought. Maybe he could tell us how the town of Wiggins might
help us find some money.
Anna and Lulu both said that Mr. Shapiro already told us there was no
money for a monument. I said
that he also said there might be money if people wanted it. The survey said that people want it.
I think Mr. Shapiro will know how we get the City to believe us. Anna and Lulu and I
all agreed that asking his advice is the first thing we have to do. I said I would ask my Mom if it was
okay to do it on Tuesday. Anna
said she had her tutor at four o'clock but if she went right after school it
could work. Lulu said she would
ask her Grandma. Everyone said yes, so on
Tuesday we all |
went to City Hall to see Mr. Shapiro. First, I reminded him about Mrs. Eastman, the old
Mt. Morris ski resort.
We told him about the new Wiggins Weekly survey and said that
showed lots of people want to see the monument built.
Anna said she was drawing a picture of what it would look like. Anna said her dad builds stuff, so
maybe he can help us figure out how much it would cost to make.
Mr. Shapiro said that the only way he could help us would be to put us
"on the agenda." The
way he said it sounded very serious.
We all looked at each
other. It seemed like this was a scary thing. None of us knew what he
meant. He started to get out
a sheet of paper and asked us all for our names. We told him and he wrote them down. Finally I had to ask. "What does it mean to be on the
agenda?" Mr. Shapiro laughed
and then got serious. He told us
that means we will have to talk to the Town Council and ask them. He said that to get
money, we have to get approval from the Wiggins Town Council. To do that we have to tell them what
we want. That means we have to stand up in a meeting and tell them about the
monument. Mr. Shapiro turned to
Anna and said that it was really important that her drawings be easy to
understand. Then he said that we
should know how much the monument will cost to make, so Mr. Shapiro can write
it on a page for the Town Council. Then Mr. Shapiro
looked at a calendar and said that the next Town Council meeting was Saturday
April 5th. We looked at each
other. Lulu nodded. Anna nodded. I said, "We'll be ready." So this week we were busy.
On top of schoolwork, we have to get ready for the Town Council meeting. -- Pony Pals, Pam |