Horsy News,
Views and Attitudes Vol. 1 Number Number 31 February 18-24, 2008
Snow Ponies! Sleigh ride in the snow ---
Photo courtesy of http://cavaliersdelafrontiere.com |
Trainer Attends Stanford
University -- Without Leaving
Wiggins For two days Jane Crandal sat at her computer
instead of helping ponies and riders. She went to school at "Metaverse
U." But she never left Wiggins! "I could see and hear classes at
Stanford University. Some of the world's most famous experts on virtual
worlds were there in California," said Crandal. " In the audience
you can even see me as I listened."
"As my online self, I talked
with them as well. I did all
this without leaving my home in Wiggins," laughed the local horse
trainer. " But my neck is sore from sitting and looking for so
long!" For example, Crandal heard Beth
Coleman, who teaches media studies.
She works at MIT in Boston. Ms. Coleman said, "People want more
ways to connect with their friends by computer."
See Virtual Conference on page 2 |
Drawing! It's the Leap
Year Art Contest! Send in your
drawing to the
Deadline February
29th |
Page 2
Horsy News,
Views and Attitudes Vol. 1 Number 31 February 18-24, 2008
Virtual Conference Continued
from page1 Looking at the stage during
Metaverse U Crandal met many
others who were with her in virtual form. Those people were at their
computers in Europe, Asia, Canada, Britain and all parts of America. Dr. Robert Crandal,
a local veterinarian, ran Crandal Stables while Jane watched her computer.
"Pam helped me with Jack, Jill and Wooly while we fed and cleaned
for the ponies and horses," Dr. Crandal noted. "I am so glad
Jane could take part in this meeting. She's going to use what she has learned." Pam Crandal told her parents that Stanford
University has a barn full of horses for students. The man who started the
college over a hundred years ago valued horses very highly. His name was
Leland Stanford. Pam knows about this university because she hopes to get a
riding scholarship at a college. |
Pony Pals Letters Hi Lulu We had a pony pal adventure
today. We were babysitting a lost dog. My mom was trying to find its
owner. Then we found them! As we drove I sang Jingle Bells. He loved
it just like Snow White! His real name was Brownie. His owner was nice -- not
like Rema. Please pass this on. Your pony pal, Isabelle Dear Pony Pal Isabelle
What a great story! Just like Pam wrote last week, it just takes
thinking about adventures to have one! I'm so glad you found Brownie's
owners. He's a cute dog!
Singing to animals almost always works to calm them down. Jingle Bells is good for winter. In
summertime I sometimes sing "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" because it
makes me laugh. ;-) To continue last
weekend's Pony Pal adventure, we all went for a ride on the east side of Mt.
Morris last Saturday. There we
saw some old machines that were all rusted. The were East of the Ranger
Station at the very top of Mt. Morris. Pam, Anna and I all got off our ponies
to investigate.
Anna thought there might be an abandoned mine. I remembered falling in
a snowy hole once when Snow White ran away, so I was afraid there might be a
hidden hole from a mineshaft there. I didn't want to fall in again.
We all looked everywhere but we didn't see any holes. It just looked
like someone built this big metal wheel on the mountain and then left it
there. That night when we got back
we had a sleepover at Crandal's. We needed to have a Pony Pal meeting to
decide what to do. Pony Pals Letters continued on page 3 |
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Horsy News,
Views and Attitudes Vol. 1 Number 31 February 18-24, 2008
Pals Letters Continued from Page 2
By Sunday we each had an idea. We had our Pony Pal meeting over
Pam thought we might go by the Historical Society and talk to Ms.
I thought we should go talk to Mr. Shapiro the Town Clerk to find out
what the Wiggins Planning Department records say. My Dad did that once to
look for permits for my Grandmother's house. I thought that they would have
permits for the old buildings on Mt. Morris. Then
Anna showed us her drawing of the machine. Anna said that since the
Ranger station and the abandoned big wheel are close together, we should go
talk to the Ranger and ask him what it was. That was the best idea, so we agreed to do that next
Then it was time for Anna and I to ride back home. We took a short ride down Pony Pal
trail and turned off at the three birches to check the coyote traps on the
Wiggins Estate. There was an
unhappy coyote in the third trap we checked! It had tried to bite its way out
of the trap and it got really scared when we rode close to it. We turned around and hurried home. At Anna's house we put the
ponies in the corral and ran in to call Dr. Crandal about the coyote. He
promised to go take care of it when he stopped for lunch. |
So that was last Sunday. On
Monday all the coyotes were put into a truck and driven up to the nature
preserve by Ranger Stranton.
Everyone in Wiggins was really glad, especially my Grandma! Acorn and
Snow White's cat finally went back out in the barn with our ponies and
started chasing mice again.
By Tuesday it was really snowing and we didn't go out riding much for
the rest of the week. Anna and I took care of Acorn and Snow White every day
but it was too snowy and icy to ride.
Saturday was warmer, though and we all packed a lunch to ride off and
talk to Ranger Stranton. Pam met
us at Badd Brook and we rode along our secret trail to Mt. Morris.
When we got there Ranger Stranton came out and talked to us. We asked
him about the big rusty wheel. He told us that it was over 60 years old! It
was there when he first started working at the park a long time ago. The Ranger said he thought
wheel might be part of an old factory. He said he didn't know but there was
another one at the bottom of Mt. Morris on the same side. Then he told us
that the Simpson family gave land to the park almost sixty years ago. After we talked with Ranger
Stranton, we ate a snack then rode back home while we though about how we
might be able to find out more. Then Pam had a brainstorm.
She said we know a Simpson! We visited her before, she's a very old history
teacher named Lydia Simpson Eastman who lives at the Grand View Nursing
home. We want to visit her this
week after school to find out more about the big steel wheels. How fun! Another adventure! More next
weekÉ. Pony Pals,
Lulu |
Pony Pals Power thought
for the day - -
A good pony is
never a bad color.