Horsy News,
Views and Attitudes Vol. 1 Number 28 January 28 - February 3. 2008
Lulu Sanders pulling a skier at
Saturday's Ski
Joring Event. Photos courtesy
of and (c) 2007 Steve
Realmuto@FreezeFramePix.com Love the Snow, Like to
Lope, Got a Pony, Skis and Rope, Yeah! Ski Joring! See Ski Joring article on page 3 |
Coyote Complication Animal Hit by Truck Wednesday morning a
young coyote was struck and killed by a truck on Crosshill Road. George Conway, local horse shoer, was
heading out to Olson's Horse Farm when the animal darted in front of his
truck. "I think
he was chasing a rabbit," Conway said. "It was snowing hard. I
wasn't going very fast but I saw something small cross the road and then I
thought I saw a dog. I skidded on the snowy road and couldn't stop."
"When I got out to look it turned out to be a coyote! It was
already dead, so I wrapped it up in a burlap bag and took it along with me to
Olson's," Conway continued. "We called Jack Stranton who's a Ranger
at the Park. He came over and picked it up."
Stranton measured the animal and said that the young coyote was about
40 pounds but probably not a year old.
"It was thin
but otherwise looked healthy," Stranton said. "And the animal's pelt was in good shape, so we are
getting it stuffed to put on exhibit here at the Ranger Station."
Wildlife expert Tom Sanders had an opinion. His studies have lead him
to understand what wild animals face. "That
skinny pup was trying to make it through his first winter," Sanders
said. "But when I talk with people who have seen our coyotes, it's
amazing how many people tell me they feed them. They say, 'I love seeing the
coyotes. I put food in my backyard.' I tell them that feeding coyotes lessens
their natural fear of people. That fear is what protects them."
Stranton and Sanders both are members of the Town Council's Coyote
Committee. That group will report its findings next week in a public hearing. |
Page 2
Horsy News,
Views and Attitudes
Vol. 1 Number 28 January 28 - February
3. 2008
I put my pony in his stall after we ride, he goes to the bathroom right in
front of his feeder! Yuk! How do
I get him to stop! What is he telling me?
A. First, he's not telling you
anything. He's telling every other horse there, "I may have been
gone for a little while but don't you forget it -- this is where I eat!"
The best thing to
do, if you can, is wait until he goes before you put him away. That won't
stop him from doing it, though. Q.
There are two ponies in the pasture. When I go in to visit them, they start
to bite each other. What is wrong with them? How do I get them to stop fighting? A. Weird as it may sound, those ponies
are fighting over you because they like you. Just like two boys who are friends might punch each other
in the arm if a pretty girl came into the room, your two ponies are biting at
each other because they don't want to share you. We have a saying --
they're "Jealous as a horse." |
Pony Pals Letters Dear Wiggins Weekly Readers, Pam,
Anna and I had a Pony Pal problem this week. We are not getting any letters
from other Pony Pals who read this e-newsletter. So we decided to send you
all another letter. Pam wrote last week and I'm writing to tell you what
we've been doing.
On Monday it was a school holiday and we all went for a ride in the
woods along Pony Pal trail. My
Dad told me there was a surprise for us on the Wiggins Estate. So after we
met at the three birches we rode over towards Ms. Wiggins house. Halfway there we stopped because we
saw a big metal box that looked like an upside-down shopping cart in the
Someone had put little pieces of meat into and around it and our
ponies didn't like that smell at all! Acorn was the most brave though and
when Anna rode past the box on him, Pam went right behind her on Lightning
and then I followed on Snow White. When
we got to Ms Wiggins house she invited us in. We put our ponies in her barn and then we had hot cocoa
and talked about the wire box we saw.
Ms. Wiggins said that box is called a "live trap." My dad
asked her if it was OK to put four of them out on her property to try and
catch the coyotes without hurting them.
Coyotes are so smart; at first when they see the trap they won't go in
it to eat the meat. It takes time to get them to think it is safe.
Once coyotes will eat the meat, finally my Dad will "set"
the trap so when they go inside it snaps shut like a cage around them without
hurting them. Ms. Wiggins said she was glad to help because it doesn't hurt
the coyotes. We rode home and our horses
were better going by the trap. It snowed a lot later in the week and we
didn't get to ride again until Saturday when we all went to the Ski Joring
Clinic. It was really fun! Write back and tell us about
your week! Pony Pals, Lulu |
NEW! Start Drawing! It's the Leap
Year Art Contest! Send in your
drawing called "SNOW
PONIES" to the
via e-mail or
USPS. Deadline February
29th Entries will be
published in the e-newspaper and on ClubPonyPals.com! |
Pony Pals Power thought
for the day - -
When you tell a
pony about your troubles, that tail ends there.
Page 3
Horsy News,
Views and Attitudes
Vol. 1 Number 28 January
28 - February 3. 2008
Olson's Farm Ski Joring Clinic All photos courtesy of and (c) 2007Steve Realmuto@FreezeFramePix.com |
Below, a close up
showing the ski joring rope harness attached to a saddle. Ski Joring Event Over fifty people came to
Olsons Farm on Saturday for a ski joring clinic. The instructor was Geoff Smith, President of the
NESJA. The clinic had two parts. First,
twenty skiers found out about safely ski joring behind a pony. At the same
time, ponies and riders learned how to pull skiers and snowboarders. Skiers and ponies then moved
along a course of jumps, rings and obstacles to practice. By the clinic's end everyone had gone
through the course a few times and the ponies were having a good time pulling
skiers. "Snow White really liked
it," laughed Lulu Sanders, "The hard part was to keep her from
going too fast!" Skiers in three age divisions got prizes from Folgers Feed. The winners were: Pee Wee Division -- Jill Crandal, runner-up Mimi Kline; Junior division -- Tommy Rand, runner-up Eve Greeley; Open Division -- Roger Edwards, runner-up Victoria Winters. |
Image by: Bryan Harry – NPS COYOTE
Keep garbage and
compost piles securely covered á
Secure your trash,
take out garbage cans in the morning when pick-up is scheduled, not the
previous night á
Feed pets indoors, keep
pet food and water inside and keep pets indoors or confined in a kennel or
covered exercise yard á
Do not feed wildlife
on the ground, keep wild bird seed in elevated feeders designed for birds and
clean up spilled seed from the ground á
Do not feed wild
cats; coyotes prey on those cats and feed on cat food left out for them á
Minimize ground
plants near children's play areas, to avoid attracting rodents and small
mammals that in turn attract coyotes á
Use noise-making
devices when coyotes are seen á
Be assertive toward
coyotes that do not show fear of humans á
Don't feed any
coyotes, that feeding can lead to bold behavior á
Protect your pets --
coyotes view pets as potential food and larger dogs as competition |