Horsy News,
Views and Attitudes Vol. 1 Number 15 October 28- November 4, 2007
Art Contest
Tied All Finalists to Get
"Lulu and Snow White"
"Snow White & Acorn" by Charity L.
by Katie S. Two entries received the same number of votes in
the Fall Fest Youth Art Contest! Artist Wilhelmina Wiggins said, "All
three of the finalists deserve prizes. I'm going to make sure they each get a
print for such great work." Final scores were "Lulu and Snow White" and
"Snow White & Acorn" with 55 votes each. "The Pony Pals" by Victoria
E. came in third with 52 votes. Each finalist will
receive a print of "Crandal's Barn," a watercolor by local artist
Wilhelmina Wiggins and a gift certificate for Kline's Hardware, Feed &
Tack in Wiggins. Some of the votes came
with notes attached. Jan S. wrote, "I vote for ÒLulu and Snow WhiteÓ
– I remember being herÉ" Sara B.
emailed, "All the pictures
were good, but I think Snow White and Acorn should win. May the best picture
win!" "I
vote for Snow White and Acorn, because Snow White and Acorn are best friends
and I like to see them together," noted another reader, Serena H. "Put my vote in for
Lulu and Snow White. Very colorful!!!" was another comment, this
one from Mark. L. The Fall Festival
thanks all of the young artists who entered drawings. |
Fall Festival Fun Turnout Exceeds Last Year
Rain was expected on Saturday, but this year's Wiggins event had sunny
weather. Thousands came to the event. Nelson's Farm even offered a huge
display of pumpkins to take home for Halloween.
Wiggins Volunteer Fire Department Chief Roger Edwards spoke happily about the event. "We raised enough to cover Department expenses for the next six months, with some left over as a cushion for the unexpected. A big thank you to everyone who came and helped!" 'Nelson's Pick a Pumpkin' pile
at the Fall Festival. Take a
look at some great photos on page 2, 3 and 4 of this special Fall Festival
issue of the Wiggins Weekly!
Thought for the day
- - Albert Einstein said
She who finds a
thought that enables her to obtain a slightly deeper glimpse into the eternal
secrets of nature has been given great grace.
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Horsy News,
Views and Attitudes
Vol. 1 Number 15 October 28- November 4, 2007
Fun Dog Show to benefit St. Francis Animal Shelter
at Wiggins Fall Festival
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Horsy News,
Views and Attitudes Vol. 1 Number 15 October 28- November 4, 2007
Face Painting and Pony Rides at Wiggins Fall
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Horsy News,
Views and Attitudes Vol. 1 Number 15 October 28- November 4, 2007
St. Francis Animal Shelter Pet Adoption Fair
Q. Most
ponies stick their heads out and whinny when I come in the barn. But my new
pony doesn't come over to her stall door when I walk up and say 'Hello' to
her. What does this mean? Ponies and horses are herd animals. Most
of them are very social. That means that they like to visit with you and with
other horses.
If your pony does not come right up to say 'Hi!' when you enter the
barn, there is something else going on.
First and most important, if your pony usually greets you and then
stops, it may be sick. Just like when you don't feel well and don't want to
play with other Pony Pals, your pony may not feel well and you should have a
veterinarian look at her. If your pony is not sick, then there
could be some other problem.
Sometimes ponies and horses are not treated well by their owners.
Whether they are ridden until they are too tired or if their rider hits them
for no reason, they think
that any person |
coming into the barn means that they will be hurt.
If your pony is not sick, then she is afraid. Make sure that you are kind to
your pony when you go in her stall. Speak softly to her and tell her how
happy you are that she is yours. Horses cannot understand our words but they
can feel your tone of voice and friendly petting. Start to care for your new pony
gently, grooming her every day with soft brushes and telling her how good she
is when she does what you want.
If she was hurt before, your pony will twitch or flinch when you touch
where she has been hit, even if she is gentle. Make sure and praise her whenever she whinnies
or whickers at you. Some owners
do not like their horses to make noise so she may have been punished when she
whinnied before. Remember that horses try their best for us;
they learn from how we touch them and care for them. If your pony is scared,
she may never totally forget how she was hurt before. You can help her to
trust you if you take your time.
Thought for the day
If you always do
right, you will please many people and make the rest wonder what you are up to.