Pony News, Views
and Attitudes Vol. 1 Number 40 April 21-27, 2008
New Pony Pal from Australia! Meet Aurora and Rocket on page 3 |
Sap to Syrup - Sugaring Season Winds
Around New England, for the past few weeks there has been a sweet smell
in the air. As the weather warms each spring, sap begins to flow up into the
area's sugar maple trees and the maple syrup season starts.
A yearÕs harvest of maple syrup is gathered during three weeks each
spring. As temperatures rise above freezing during the day but drop below
freezing at night, farmers
put taps into their trees to collect the tree sap, then boil it down to make
syrup. Maple Hill
Farm, owned by the Morse family, collects sap the old fashioned way, using
horses. They tap about 700 maple
trees to make 200 gallons of syrup each year. They also milk about 30 cows. "Our
small, diversified farm is far from famous. In the wintertime we cut logs and
firewood from our 350 acres," Terry Morse said. "Each summer we
bale about 8000 extra bales of hay to sell to local horse owners." Sugaring Season Winds Down continued on page 2 Percheron mares Gesse' and
Mandy, Elizabeth G. and her cousins Steve and Terry Morse of Maple Hill
Farm |
Weekly Survey What's your favorite
kind of adventure? á
Help other people á
Solve problems á
Help animals á
Ride pony to see
someone á
Ride pony to go
somewhere Vote at http://www.clubponypals.com
_________________________________________________________ LAST
WEEK'S SURVEY RESULTS What kind of pony
do you want? 398
Shetland 391
Welsh/Connemara 404 Quarter Pony http://www.aqpa.com/ 363
Pony of Americas 390
Don't care as long as I get a pony |
Page 2
Pony News, Views
and Attitudes Vol. Number 40 April 21-27, 2008
Sugaring Season Winds Down Continued
from page 1
Steve Morse and Samantha riding
a sugar maple sap tank from the woods to the sugar shack . Pulling are Gesse' and her
daughter Mandy "We also raise, train and sell
Morgan-Percheron crosses as saddle or carriage horses, " Terry
continued. "We use the horses to pull our sap collection tank."
"We make a new hole in the maple trees each year, in healthy
wood," Terry explained. "Each time you tap, it kills a small spot
in the tree, so you don't want to take too much from any one tree. We stopped
collecting sap on Wednesday." People can mail order maple syrup from the Morse family. (Parents, this is a real place). Their syrup is $40 a gallon, $23 a half gallon plus $10 in shipping. Send orders to: Terry Morse, Maple Hill Farm, 40 Maple Hill Lane, Whitingham, VT 05361. For more information call (802) 368-7763. |
Readers want to know: á
Where is
Wiggins located? Garland á
One more thing -
is Wiggins a real place? Where is it located? Meredith á
I was wondering where
Wiggins is? My uncle is in Seattle so we might be visiting him. Is Seattle
near Wiggins? If it is close to Seattle we would like to come and visit. pony
pal, Kayla from New Zealand Dear Garland, Meredith and Kayla, Seattle is on the West Coast
of America, across the Pacific Ocean from New Zealand. Wiggins is in New
England, which is about 3000 miles across the United States from Seattle.
Stories in this e-newsletter are based on Jeanne Betancourt's books, so É Jeanne Betancourt writes: As a kid I spent a
lot of time on my neighbor's farm. I loved the big animals and wished I could
ride the horses. ÉWhen my editor at
Scholastic asked me if I would like to write a series of six books about
girls and their ponies. I immediately said, "Yes!" Three
girls on three ponies, I thought, can have loads of adventures. I also liked
the idea of writing books about the same characters. I remember the day I made
up the main characters for the series. I was walking on a country road in New
England. First, I decided that the Pony Pals would be strong, smart,
independent, kind, and fun-loving. Then I gave them their names: Pam, Anna,
and Lulu. I wanted the first letters of their first names to spell PAL and
they do. I also
decided that the Pony Pals should live in a small town like the one I grew up
in. It would be a place that had a lot of good riding trails. Another idea I
had that day was that the girls should be able to ride to one another's
houses. When I came home from my walk I drew a map of Wiggins and decided where each girl and pony would live. |
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Pony News, Views
and Attitudes Vol. 1 Number 40 April 21-27, 2008
Hi. I am aurora and I
am eight and I ride a horse called Rocket. I love your good pony pals books.
My favourite person is Pam and my favourite horse is Acorn. From Aurora in
Australia _____________ One more question
-- Do I qualify as a Pony Pal?
Kayla _____________ Hi am 10 years old and in
fifth grade. I love the Pony Pals. I want to read the whole series. I feel
like when I am reading the book I am a pony pal. V _____________ Dear
pony pals Hi
my name is Mary and I'm 8 years old. I love horses and I take lessons on
horses and pony. I really do love them both. I enjoy your books there so cool
I love then and I have a lot. I've always wanted to meet the pony pals. I
hope someday I do. I want them to E-mail me back if they can. Maybe we can be
pen pals. p; p; so long. Mary |
Webmaster, NB
Elementary School Dear Pony Pals Kayla, Aurora, V, Mary, Mrs. S and the NB Elementary students --
Thanks so much for all your letters. Whenever the Pony Pals e-mailbox
has a letter from a reader in it, everyone smiles here at the
"Weekly" offices.
Everyone is welcome to join Club Pony Pals! Once you sign up for the newsletter you are in the Club,
where you get special benefits and can write directly to Pam, Anna and Lulu.
You can read their responses in this e-newsletter.
Other members of the club look forward to hearing more about your
adventures, both on and off a horse.
Write and tell us about anything you find interesting, or send in your
This is the place to share your love of the Pony Pals with other
friends who love ponies as much as you do here. Stay in touch.
We are glad to have you in the Club! |
Pony Pals Thought for
the Day - - by Mary Twelveponies
A pony doesn't
take advantage of your fear.
It takes advantage
of your indecision.
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Pony News, Views
and Attitudes Vol. 1 Number 40 April
21-27, 2008
Pony Pal
Letters to Anna Dear Anna, _________________ Dear
Pony Pal Meredith, Wow, you are sure lucky
to have two horses! Draw or take a picture of them and I will share it with
Club Pony Pals. |
Anna I wanted to tell you that when I see your drawing I say wow!! Oh and I just wanted
to ask if you could tell me how you take care of Acorn.
Thanks. Pony pal
Isabelle Dear
Pony Pal Isabelle Its
great you like my drawing. My tutor says I am really smart even though it is
hard for me to read and do math. She said my drawings are one way she knew
that. If you want to draw better you need to draw every day for practice. Taking
care of a pony is not too hard.
You do the same things every day. First
thing in the morning I go out and give Acorn and Snow White some hay and a
handful of oats. Each pony gets
their own feed in a pile. When
I get home from school I go out and give them an apple or carrot. I tie them
up and then I take a cart and pick up all their pony plops. That plop all
goes into a big plastic container we take over to Nelson's Farm for
composting. Every
day I clean their feet. Then if Lulu and I are going to ride we brush both
ponies until they are shiny and saddle them up. We brush them again after we
ride. About
dinner time we give Acorn and Snow White another feeding of hay and
oats. I like to check on them
just before I go to bed. Sometimes
I put on a coat and boots over my pj's if its cold. I take out another apple
or carrot and say good night to Acorn. That's
all there is to it. Pony
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Pony News, Views
and Attitudes Vol. 1 Number 40 April
21-27, 2008
Pony Pal Letters to Lulu Hi Lulu My name is Olivia and if
I had a favorite pet that I have already have it would be our Bokboks
(chickens). Return this e-mail
Sincerely, Olivia Dear Olivia
Your chickens sound fun! Where are you from or what kind of chickens
are they that you call them Bokboks? Can you send me a picture?
When I visited my Dad in Africa, there people had a kind of chicken
called a guinea hen. It is speckled and makes a kind of "ding-tock"
sound when it gets scared. Is that the kind of chicken you have? Let me know. Lulu Dear Lulu, Lulu,
Dear Garland and Kayla It's always great to
hear from new friends. I'm a little shy about being anybody's favorite
anything, though I'm glad to have another Pony Pal in our Club. Write back
about your adventures, Your Pony Pal, Lulu |
New This Week In The Pony Pal Art Gallery Black Beauty and Miracle by Allison,
age 8 |
Send in your drawings or letters to
the Wiggins Weekly 1665 Soledad Canyon Rd. #382 Canyon Country, CA 91387 email WebMaster@clubponypals.com |