
September Story Contest

Remembering Twilight
By: Ellie Renneberg2
Age: 10

This is dedicated to Misspippy, RustyGirl, Nat2 and Chelsea2

We remember everything about Twilight. The smell of her mane, her good morning whinny, her muzzle nuzzling me for polo mints........
She was a dream pony; the best ever. I could never bye another horse or pony after her death. It is just down right rude to replace a horse.

1 year before

I cantered down the path, heels down head up. I was so lucky to have Twilight. She is a pure white Connemara pony, responsive to my commands, everything. " Good girl, Twilight" I whisper into her ear, rubbing her neck.  She flicked her ears back and fourth, listening. Eventually I pull into my best friend Carly's yard.

She smiled over her pony’s saddle. His name was Pumper Nickel, and he was a Chestnut welsh pony. " Hey Rachel, hey Twilight!"
Twilight nickered in response. I twirled Twilight's mane into a quick plait.
"Hey Carly, Nickel. I was thinking a trail ride up to the beach, then a 300-meter gallop along it. How about that today?
She thought for a slit second or two. " Sure. Sounds great" She put her foot in the stirrup and pulled herself on to Pumper Nickels back.
I yelled, " lets go!"

After a fun day of galloping on the beach, swimming, and falling of a dozen times each, I rode Twilight home. I un-tacked her, fed her a cup of oats, and rugged her. I put her in her stable.

The next morning, she was sick. I found out that it was grass sickness when I fed her the first course meal. Chaff.  The chaff came out of her nose. She looked at me sadly.  I tried again. The same thing happened, and I went into panic. I grabbed my mobile out of my jacket pocket and called the vet. I cried as I told him her symptoms. Finally, he ran into the yard, where parents, my Twilight, and me were waiting. " I don't know what to do,” I wailed.
"Calm down, Rachel, I will do my best" he assured me. He gave me some medicine to give to her on the following morning. I took it and put it in the first aid kit.

The next morning, I gave her the medicine. She swallowed it. I smiled. Suddenly, Dread filled me. It was coming out her nose!

" Please, please hurry" I cried over the phone. The vet was coming quickly. I stumbled into her stable, and rubbed her neck. Suddenly, she put her muzzle to my cheek and kissed me. My eyes filled with tears, and I threw my arms around her.

" Rachel, to tell you the truth” the vet said, standing from my pony, collapsed in a heap on her bedding. I looked up sadly, Twilights head in my lap. " She is very sick, and the best thing for her, is to put her out of her misery."
I burst into tears. I knew it was best for her. I went on the vet’s side, and nodded.  Twilight sighed. I kissed her muzzle.
Before he inserted the needle, I put my mouth to her ear, and said, " I love you, and will never. Ever forget you. I love you too much for you to go through this pain. I kissed her cheek one more time, at the vet inserted the needle. She took one more, shaky breath, and she went limp.
"NNNNOOOOO!!!!!" I howled into the sky.

I year past, and I visit her grave everyday by foot. I have pictures of her everywhere. I haven't rode a horse since, but, she is still in my heart, and she always will be.

I only held her reins for a while, but her heart I will hold forever.