My Pony, Pepper
By: Jonah12
Age: 12
It was raining outside, not just raining, pouring. I sat low in my chair. My name is Makayla. I live on a small farm in New York, My family owns cows, chickens, pigs, and we also had Pilgrim, a small welsh pony who passed away a year ago. My life wasn’t the same without him. Nothing seemed right. My parents have been looking for a new horse for me like crazy, but no one seemed perfect.
“Makayla, come and look at this horse.” My father said.
“Coming!” I yelled. I ran over to the computer expecting the horse to be a non-perfect but the horse I saw before my eyes was astonishing.
She was a welsh pony mare, quite short but was beautiful. She was jet black. Her name was I’m a Pepper….Pepper for short. She was perfect.
“Dad, I love her!” I yelled.
“Do you want to buy her?” my father asked.
“Let me read more about him….” I answered. I read that she was great with kids and would do anything to please her owner. She seemed perfect.
“YES!!!” I screamed. my dad called the sellers and we bought him.
“Well, its official, Pepper will be yours next week.” He said.
“What day???” I asked anxiously.
“Wednesday” he answered “So you better clean up the stall and get it ready”
“I’ll go now!”
I ran out the door. I was so excited, I’m a Pepper was mine! I had so much things to do. I ran to the barn and got a pitch fork and started spreading shavings on the stall floor. I put a lot so she would be extra comfy. Next I cleaned out the water bucket and scrubbed it till it shinned. Then I hung the shinny bucket on the stall wall. Next I cleaned out the feed bucket and hung it up next to the water bucket. I took out the broom and got rid of the cobwebs and spider webs. Now since the stall was nice, clean, and comfy for Pepper I went outside and cleaned the barn. It was only a one stall barn so it wasn’t a big deal. Then I hung up the Christmas lights around the barn and at the top of the stall since it was almost Christmas. Then everything was nice and clean. My mom came and told me to get in the car because we are going tack shopping, so I did. We drove to the tack shop and we talked about Pepper.
When we arrived I jumped out of the car and ran into the tack shop. 1 hour later I walked out with a new pink halter and lead, a pink blanket, a new western bridle, a new western saddle and a new pink western saddle pad and a bag of sweet feed and hay. We got into the car and drove home. When we got back I filled the feed storage bin and put away her new tack and hung up her halter and lead on the outside of her barn. Slowly the week went by and it was Tuesday night. I jumped into bed excited for the next day to arrive. I had dreams of Peppers arrival. “RING!!!!!!!!” I leaned over to turn off the alarm clock. I jumped out of bed and threw my clothes on. I ran down the stairs and out the door. I ran to the barn and into the stall. I filled the water bucket and put hay in the hay rack that was above feed bucket. Now since the stall was ready, I grabbed the halter and lead and stood in the doorway of the barn. I waited for a while then I saw a red truck come in the driveway with a horse trailer. I got my dad and ran out to the truck.
“Hi” I said excitedly.
“Hello” the lady answered “I’m Ellen, you must be Makayla?” she introduced herself.
“Yes, yes I am, this is my father, Bobby” I introduced my father to Ellen.
“Makayla, you may get Pepper out of the trailer.” she told me. I skipped to the trailer and opened the back which also made a ramp. I walked up the ramp, and there she was, she stood there looking at me with her big brown eyes. I slipped the halter on her face and clipped the lead rope on it. I kissed her nose and led her down the ramp. I walked her around the farm to show her around and led her into the stall and put on her new pink blanket on. Then I took off her halter kissed Pepper again shut the stall door and hung up the halter. I sat in the barn for a little bit I sang Christmas songs to her but her favorite was jingle bells.
“Makayla, time for lunch” my mom called. I said goodbye to Pepper and walked to the house and through the door. My mom gave me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I quickly ate it and walked outside to the barn. I put her halter on and clipped her to the cross tie in the stall. I got out the brushes and groomed her. Then I tacked her up and lead her out of the stall and outside I mounted Pepper. I walked her to the field and started trotting. She was so smooth. We trotted for a while then I tapped her to a canter and she cantered off leaving nothing but dust behind her. We stopped at the brook so she could get a drink and we walked back home enjoying nature.
When we arrived back a t the barn I dismounted her and led her into the stall where I then untacked her and groomed her. Then I let her cool off for a little while then when she wasn’t hot anymore put her blanket back on and led her out of her stall to the paddock. I opened the gate and took off her halter. I watched her explore her new home as I shut the gate. I sat on the fence and she galloped up to me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a carrot and fed it to her. Then it started getting dark so I kissed her goodnight and walked back into the house excited for the next day to come.