
July Story Contest

At The Top Of The World
By: Abbie831
Age: 11

  It felt like I was at the top of the world, the wind blowing through my mane. It made me feel like the king of the world, like I was in the clouds. I was a young stallion, my father was the leader of the heard. My name was Cicarion and I was always looking for trouble, wandering off. Then I found this place at the top of the hill, the edge of the valley that my herd called their home. I would stand there for hours, sometimes sleep on top of the hill. It made me feel like I was close to my ancestors, the stars, the clouds.

Sometimes the an eagle would fly overhead and I would follow it, galloping through the valley and sometimes I felt like I could fly too.

Sometimes strange creatures with no hair that were a pink color and walked upright on two funnily sized feet would come and take members of my herd until one day, I tried to stop them. They had gotten my mother in ropes and were trying to take her away from me. I couldn’t bear to watch so I galloped down the hill at top speed, the wind whipping my mane around.

I reached the strange creatures, men, as the elders in my herd called them. I reared and a few of them let go of some of the ropes and my mother was able to yank the rest out of the other men’s hands. I neighed and urged my mother to run away. She galloped off and then I quickly went after her. The men were angry, I could tell, and got onto their own horses and ran at me. I turned and then ran straight for them, getting through a gap between the two horses. I ran and ran and ran, my legs moving as fast as they could carry me. I found the place I was looking for, a narrow crack in the side of a cliff. It went straight through. I put my head forward and charged toward it. The men ran straight into the face of the cliff. I trotted backwards and then once I was out of the crack I turned and ran for my life, for my freedom.

Right then it felt like I was really flying.
I made it to the hill and then stopped at the top and reared.

I am the King of the world, I am Cicarion.