
July Story Contest

CPP Story Club? Part?
By: Shiloh101
Age: 10

The first day of horse camp was Crazy.
AnnaBeth wakes up to a dog slobbering her face.
"Adison!!!!!Go away!!!" said AnnaBeth. AnnaBeth Gets out of Bed and gets dressed . then she walks down stairs to the Kichten only to find a note. She picks it up and Reads it.

Dear AnnaBeth,
We went to town so please feed the horses, be home soon.
    Mom & Dad

AnnaBeth puts the note down and looks at Lilac.
"No one even remembers my birthday." Said AnnaBeth

AnnaBeth walks to the barn to feed the horses and... SURPRISE!
All Her Friends are stading by Rose's Stall (Rose is a lesson horse) smiling. AnnaBeth looks at Rose and she has a big Bow tied loosely around her neck.
"She's your birthday gift."says her mom Betsy
"She also has a present for you! She's Having a foal!"
"Wow" said AnnaBeth
"Ok first we have the Showjumping lesson go tack up your horses. AnnaBeth your riding Dandy a horse thats for sale now." AnnaBeth go's to Dandy's Stall and Tacks Her up"

"Ok, the course does not have easy jumps so were going to have you go one by one. First you jump the line of 3 verticals on the inside. then you jump the two on the diagonal then do a lead change and canter up the outside wall Line of 3 jumps. then canter to the corner and stop Strait." Said Betsy
"AnnaBeth you go fist"
AnnaBeth Jumps the jumps with the last one left.
AnnaBeth Canters up to the last Jump and...
Dandy Rears and AnnaBeth Falls off. AnnaBeth gets up, dusts herself off and catches Dandy
"What was that?"
To Be continued

tell me where you want your character added in and i will and him or her in!