By: famouse
Age: 11
One early morning i went down starirs and got ready to go to my lesson. I walked over to Crandal's barn and saw the Pony Pals riding out on a trail. Anna called,"Juliet,we saw a cute pony for sall are your parents gonna bye you a pony soon?" I shrugged "hope so!" I said.
After my lesson I hung out with the pony pals and we played Add like Madd. When I was about to go home, a trailer pulled up and my mom stepped out. I walked over to her.
"Juliet, I have a suprise for you!"
I went to the back of the trailer and saw the most adorble pony! He was all black and I thought, Stormy Sky, and I knew my had got him just for me.
So after I got him out, I brushed him and put him a stall at the Crandal's. I got him a tub of hay with two carrots and a bucket of water. I went home and curled up with my dog Mist, who was black German Sheperd and was still pretty small. I got her food and water and thought, what a great day this was!

note: There will be more stories soon! in the next story Mist and Skyler go missing! What will Juliet do? Will she find her beloved pals?